
Being Alone

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

After last night's partying at the resort, everyone packed their luggage and headed home. Kimberly took the opportunity to get into the car with James.

"Why did your car suddenly appear here?" Kimberly felt more relaxed sitting in a familiar environment and asked curiously, "I thought we took the bus here together."

"I got someone to drive here a few days ago." James turned on the navigation and asked casually, "Do you want to go around the neighborhood?"

Kimberly thought the idea was great and quickly asked, "Where to? I remember the seafood is very famous around here."

"Then let's go to the island to eat seafood? Z Island just happened to lift its fishing ban recently." James changed the direction and drove to the left onto the highway.

"Z Island? No problem. I remember my family bought a small villa over there as a vacation home. I'll call a housekeeper to go clean it up." Kimberly turned on wechat and found a familiar housekeeping company to place an order. After transferring the money, the text message that popped up showing the deductible amount was also familiar.

[Mobile phone bank: The transaction amount is 500 dollars. The remaining balance is 399,509.8 dollars.]

Although his salary and deposit was only a pitiful 400,000 dollars, it was a good start for her career. After all, the scumbag Keith should have received the punishment he deserved.

"By the way, how much is your salary?" Kimberly asked with an itch in her heart, "Can you tell me?"

"Hmm...With the compensation, it seems to be close to a million dollars...it should be around that amount, I didn't pay much attention."

Kimberly murmured, "It's more than twice as much as mine. It's so profitable..."

James glanced at the girl who was muttering to herself. He thought for a long time before he managed to comfort her. " Andrew's is close to five million, but his betting losses are at least several times more than mine."

"I'm not comforted at all." Kimberly sneered. "Are you trying to show me that you're the final winner? You have to treat me to the seafood later."

"Okay. If you want, I can take you on a cruise. There's a cruise ship that will be stopping at the port on Island Z for supplies."

Kimberly questioned whether the cruise ship he was talking about was the same as the one she was thinking about. Ever since she found out that his friend, Andrew, had an extraordinary background, he had become a lot more mysterious too.

"Is it the same as the one I'm thinking about?"

"If you're thinking about gambling or something like that."

"I'm thinking about fishing and taking pictures," Kimberly couldn't help but complain. "You're not paying attention when you're acting as an ordinary artiste. There are so many loopholes."

"I'm indeed an ordinary artiste." James sighed, not knowing how to explain himself to her. "At least for now, I definitely am. At most, Andrew has raised my status a little."

Kimberly rolled her eyes at him. She didn't say whether she believed him or not, but let him experience it for himself.

When they arrived, it was already close to dusk. The harbor under the twilight was crowded with fishing boats that were taking a break. The white sails of the boats swayed in the sea breeze, the reflection on the dark surface of the sea could no longer be seen clearly.

Unlike the cold and gloomy sea surface, on the other side of the coastline, neon lights were flashing brilliantly. The sizzling sound of hot oil and the noise of the crowd mixed together to form the most lively symphony in the city. The moment they got off the car, Kimberly could smell the unique aroma of food in the air.

"Which restaurant is better? Have you been here before?" Kimberly excitedly pulled James toward the restaurant. The wide array of seafood had already dazzled her eyes.

The warmth of his skin against hers made him dazed. For the first time, he regretted wearing a long-sleeved shirt. Perhaps he should have changed into a short-sleeved T-shirt at this moment. He paused for a moment before continuing, "Over there, the one on the left. Let's go."

"Are you familiar with this place?" Kimberly saw that he was familiar with the place and walked into a small courtyard. It did not seem like it was open to the public, so she was puzzled. "Is there anyone here?"

James knocked on the door, and after a while, the door opened from the inside. An elderly man looked at them slowly and said in a voice that was filled with vicissitudes of life, "It's James. Come in, we caught a big wild yellow croaker today."

Kimberly followed them into the room and realized that there was a different world inside. The small bridge and flowing water in southern California were displayed vividly here, and it was probably very expensive to build. She knew it was because of James that she was able to eat in such a private restaurant.