
My Identity is Getting More and More Preverted

"Incredible Mr. Chen Yu, you were elected as the leader of the human race last night. Is there anything you would like to say to the world?" Chen Yu, bewildered, woke up and realized he wasn't even dressed yet. He replied, "I have no idea. I just woke up..."

EvilisMyNature · Urban
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29 Chs

===Chapter 20: Sweet Love is Like Plum Sauce===

After Chen Yu's "inspiration," it was evident that the chubby neighbor became abnormal.

He lay under the equipment, crazily doing bench presses.

One repetition.

Ten repetitions.

Thirty repetitions...

Chen Yu was both frightened and terrified, hesitating whether to stop him or not.

If the other person really managed to become strong and came back to beat him up, it would be like beating up a child.

He still remembered the "passive skill" on the other person's body: [(F+ level) Outstanding Muscle Cells], possessing stronger red muscle cell contraction ability than ordinary people...


Seeing the chubby neighbor completing another 30 repetitions in the blink of an eye, Chen Yu's eyelids twitched, and he couldn't help but intervene. "Alright, take a break for now. Your muscles might melt."

"I'm fine." The chubby neighbor was drenched in sweat, his gaze determined. He kept repeating the motion of bench presses, pull-downs, bench presses, and pull-downs. "I think I have some talent in this aspect."

"So, you can jerk off really fast." Chen Yu nodded.

"Ha!" The neighbor burst into laughter, nearly dropping the barbell on his head.

Chen Yu looked worried. "Be careful."

If he accidentally killed him, his "perfect" test subject would be gone...

"Look at that fatty, so disgusting." At this moment, in the spinning bike area not far from the weightlifting area, a curly-haired woman pointed and made disgusted gestures towards the chubby neighbor. "Sweating like oil. Ugh."

"Who's not, that 'Waste Otaku' should just stay at home." Her companion rolled her eyes. "What's the point of pretending to be a fitness enthusiast?"

As the saying goes, the early bird catches the worm.

They had come to the gym early in the morning, hoping to catch a glimpse of handsome guys. Instead, all they saw were two "Waste Otaku," which made them feel nauseated.

The chubby neighbor was taken aback, his hands freezing in the middle of a bench press.

Meanwhile, Chen Yu rubbed his face and suddenly stood up, walking towards the spinning bikes. "Do you two have festering sores in your mouths? Every time you open your mouths, feces and pus come out?"

"Are you insulting me?" The curly-haired woman didn't immediately react, pointing at her own nose. "Are you insulting me?"

    "I'm not just insulting you." Chen Yu pointed directly at the woman next to her. "Is this auntie your mother? I'll insult her too."

"Who the hell are you calling an auntie!" The companion of the curly-haired woman exploded. "Are you looking to die, you damn idiot? Do you know who I am?"

"Are you a Pekingese or a Bulldog? Do I have to know your breed?" Chen Yu stepped closer to the two women, rolled up his sleeves, and said, "Do you believe I can beat you into a Shar-Pei?"

"We were talking about that 'Waste Otaku'." The curly-haired woman pointed towards the chubby neighbor. "Why did you come up here to be insulted?"

"What's wrong with being a 'Waste Otaku'?" Chen Yu shifted his focus. "Even when you die, don't you stay well in your coffin? Why do you keep coming out?"

"You!" The curly-haired woman's chest heaved in anger, and she stuttered, "Are you even a man? Bullying two girls like us."

"I insulted you. Does it matter whether you're male or female?" Chen Yu took a step forward. "If you don't spew feces first, can you attract dung beetles?"

"Hey, buddy, you're being too offensive. You're even insulting yourself."

In the distance, a male personal trainer who was adjusting gym equipment observed for a while and seemed to confirm that Chen Yu, this "Waste Otaku," posed no threat. He immediately walked over, straightened his strong body, and looked down at Chen Yu. "Apologize to the two ladies quickly."

"Oh ho." Chen Yu was surprised as he looked the man up and down. "A Filly Brownie has arrived."

The male personal trainer's face changed. "F*cking bullsh*t! You looking for a fight, huh?"

With those words, Chen Yu immediately launched an attack! He swept the man down with a sweeping leg and followed up with two punches, "clang clang."


The male personal trainer immediately covered his face, blood spraying as he curled up.

"Brother." Chen Yu patted the dust off his hands, his killing intent apparent. "Your leg skills aren't up to par."

"Hey, hey, hey! What are you doing? You can't fight here!" The manager, who rushed over upon hearing the commotion, hurriedly intervened. "Why... Why are you hitting someone?"

"I'm hitting Filly Brownie." Chen Yu explained.

"Big brother, please... Please stop." The chubby neighbor, panting heavily, ran over and cautiously glanced at the curly-haired woman. Then he pulled on Chen Yu's clothes. "I'm fine. I didn't hear anything just now."

"Well, I heard it, and it's not acceptable." Chen Yu slapped away the neighbor. "You stay over there."

"Oh." The chubby neighbor swallowed a mouthful of saliva and obediently stood behind Chen Yu.

"Now, apologize to my brother." Chen Yu said to the two women.

    "Apologize to you two 'Waste Otakus'? Are you worthy?" 

"Fine. Then I'll beat both of you together." Chen Yu rolled up his other sleeve and prepared to charge with his fists.

"Hey! Hey hey hey! No fighting!" The manager was scared and quickly hugged Chen Yu. "Fighting is not allowed here! You can't fight!"

Chen Yu tried a few times but found that the manager was quite strong, so he gave up and beckoned to the two women with his finger. "Come on, let's go downstairs for a one-on-one."

"One-on-one, my ass! You idiotic otaku." The companion of the curly-haired woman was furious and took out her phone. "I'll call someone right now."

Seeing this, Chen Yu quickly made a decision and pulled the neighbor next to him, ready to escape. However, the manager who was being dragged held on tightly.


Chen Yu chuckled, then swung his hand and pulled out a bone-chopping knife from his waist, holding it against the manager's neck. "You're quite bold, my friend."

The manager was shocked and quickly let go and stepped back.

"I won't come to this damn gym anymore. Screw this, give me a refund."

"We... we can't give a refund here..."

Chen Yu aimed the blade of the knife at the manager's forehead. "Have you heard of a technique called 'Descending Blade from the Heavens'?"

The manager: "..."

After a moment of silence, the manager felt that the man in front of him was increasingly mentally unstable. Rationally, he took out two small stacks of cash from his pocket and threw them to Chen Yu.

Catching the money, Chen Yu put the bone-chopping knife back in his waist without even looking back. Holding the chubby neighbor's hand, he walked downstairs.

Pushing open the door of the gym, he kept walking faster and faster, gradually breaking into a jog... and soon he ran out of sight, five blocks away.

"Alright, it's safe here." Taking a big breath, Chen Yu sat down on a staircase. "Let's not go to that gym anymore."

"Big brother, you're too impulsive." The chubby neighbor wiped the sweat off his face. "It doesn't matter if they insult me a little."

"Can it really not matter?" Chen Yu looked the neighbor up and down. "This is called being bullied. Are you a masochist?"

"It's okay to be bullied."

"Bullsh*t. If anyone bullies you, it should only be me!" Chen Yu sneered. "They're nothing."

With those words, the chubby neighbor was struck as if by lightning, looking at Chen Yu in disbelief, stunned and deeply shocked.

For a moment, his heart raced like a frightened deer.

His cheeks gradually turned red...

Chen Yu: "..."


Chen Yu swung the knife and threw it. "You're getting red for what, the f*ck!"


It was evident.

An early morning jog and over an hour of exercise were far from enough to change the neighbor's title of "Waste Otaku."

So, after "escaping" from the gym, Chen Yu brought him to the largest swimming pool in Qingcheng City, ready to start a new activity.

He wasn't in a hurry anyway.

His own title of "Waste Otaku" had just changed, and it would last for nearly a month.

In a month's time, the neighbor's "title" could change several times.

Moreover, Chen Yu currently had no intention of replicating the neighbor's abilities.

Because he simply didn't find them impressive.

Even though the skills of [(F+ level) Excellent Muscle Cells], [(F- level) Unique Memory], and even [(E- level) Swift Wrist] were decent, they couldn't be considered "superpowers."

They couldn't stir Chen Yu's nerves.


He still had very limited knowledge of his own "cheat ability" and wasn't sure if the replication was a one-time thing or if he could replicate multiple times.

If it was the former, it meant that once he replicated the neighbor's "skills," that person would be of no use to him anymore.

In that case, the remaining twenty-plus days for his "title" to update would be wasted.

So, it was better to take advantage of the current convenient conditions and continue experimenting on the neighbor. This way, he could better understand how to use his "cheat ability."

"What are we doing here?"

Entering the magnificent swimming pool, the chubby neighbor felt a bit awkward and stood behind Chen Yu, asking in a low voice.

Chen Yu took out his phone directly, scanned the payment code at the front desk, and held up two fingers. "We're getting membership cards, two of them. For one month."

"Alright, sir. Please wait a moment." The receptionist glanced at the "Waste Otaku" title on Chen Yu's head, didn't say much, and emotionlessly processed the cards, handing them over. "Please keep them."

"I... I don't know how to swim!" The chubby neighbor anxiously tugged at Chen Yu's clothes.

"Don't worry, you can learn." Chen Yu took the membership cards and walked straight ahead.

Actually, he didn't know how to swim either...

"Sir, the women's changing area is over there." The receptionist maintained her emotionless expression. "You should go to the right."

    "Oh, thank you," Chen Yu changed direction as advised.

Upon reaching the changing room, they took off their clothes and bought two sets of new swimming trunks. Chen Yu wore one and tossed the other to the neighbor.

When he turned around, he noticed that the neighbor was extremely fat. The swimming trunks seemed to "squeeze" him into two sections...

"...Maybe you shouldn't wear it," Chen Yu suggested after a brief silence. "Your belly is big enough to cover it."

The chubby neighbor: "..."

Ten minutes later, they found a staff member and went out to buy a larger pair of swimming trunks. Only then did Chen Yu successfully bring the neighbor into the pool.

When they reached the deep-water area, Chen Yu pointed to the water surface and said to the neighbor, "Go down and swim."

The chubby neighbor replied, "I already said I don't know how to swim."

Chen Yu suggested, "Babies are born with the ability to swim. You can try recalling the swimming techniques from your infancy."

The chubby neighbor said, "...I really can't remember."

"Such a hassle," Chen Yu frowned, looked around the pool, and spotted a lifeguard next to the deep-water area. "Do you see that lifeguard? Dive in front of him. When you're drowning, he will rescue you. Drown a few times, and you'll learn without any consequences, like grinding a dungeon."

The chubby neighbor: "..."

"Ah, what a useless person you are." Seeing the lack of response, Chen Yu waved irritably and walked to a corner of the pool. He grabbed a deflated or maybe not deflated swimming ring and threw it to the neighbor. "Put it on and go down."

"I'm not going." The chubby neighbor took half a step back. "Why don't we try a different exercise?"

"...," Chen Yu touched his bare waist, realizing he hadn't brought his knife. He fell silent for a moment, then suddenly burst into song. "I've decided to intervene in your life~ as your fashion consultant~ as your fashion consultant~ don't say you can't, oh, oh!"

This sudden outburst instantly attracted the attention of dozens of people in the swimming pool.

They looked at Chen Yu and his companion with suspicion.

The socially anxious chubby neighbor's face turned green in an instant.

"Let's ride in the sunshine~ and surf on the sea~ attracting her gaze~ don't be afraid..."

"Stop singing, I'm getting in the water! I'm getting in!" The chubby neighbor's face turned mournful as he jumped into the pool, holding the swimming ring.

With a "splash" and water splashing all around, Chen Yu closed his mouth, wiped off the water from his face, and found a satisfactory spot to sit down.

He watched the neighbor splashing in the water while observing the changes in his "title."

Being a "Waste Otaku," as long as he persisted in exercising for a few days, there was no reason for the title not to change.

However, as he continued watching, Chen Yu's gaze shifted elsewhere.

    The focus shifted to a long-haired girl by the shallow water area.

The girl, possibly due to her sexy swimsuit, had a remarkably high level of attractiveness and was particularly eye-catching. Chen Yu couldn't help but approach her.

"Hello, beautiful," Chen Yu initiated the conversation.

The girl with the swimsuit had the title of "Female College Student" above her head. She turned her head, glanced at Chen Yu, and after pausing for half a second on Chen Yu's "Waste Otaku" title, she turned back and said coldly, "Sorry, I already have a boyfriend."

Chen Yu: "...Even if you have a sugar daddy, what does it have to do with me?"

The swimsuit beauty frowned and looked back at Chen Yu. "What do you want?"

"I want your help."

"I'm busy."

"I'll give you a 10,000 yuan deposit, and it'll be 30,000 yuan if you succeed."

"What kind of help?" The swimsuit beauty quickly changed her response.

"Have you seen that chubby guy?" Chen Yu pointed to the neighbor in the deep-water area. "He's my buddy and has never had a girlfriend before. If you can get him to be interested in you without any intimate contact, just enough to establish a romantic relationship, I'll give you a reward of 30,000 yuan."

"How long does the relationship need to last?" The swimsuit girl asked straightforwardly.

"Not more than a week. You can break up whenever you want."

"So, you want to play a prank on your friend? Deal," the swimsuit girl's mouth curled up, and she took out her phone. "Transfer the money. I can handle a nerd like him in a day."

"OK," Chen Yu didn't waste any words and transferred 10,000 yuan to the swimsuit girl.


As the cash arrived, the swimsuit girl smiled. Then, with full confidence, she walked towards the chubby neighbor. "You rich kids are really interesting."

"I'm a rich first-generation," Chen Yu corrected.

The swimsuit girl turned back, "That's even more interesting."

Sitting in the swimsuit girl's original spot, Chen Yu felt the warmth beneath his buttocks while observing the "battlefield."

He saw the swimsuit girl walk over and, bending over to reveal half of her cleavage, said to the neighbor, "Hello, handsome. Are you alone?"

The chubby neighbor's face turned red with panic, and he struggled before sinking into the water.

"Gurgle, gurgle," bubbles emerged.

The swimsuit girl was stunned for a moment, turned to look at Chen Yu with surprise.

After a moment of realization, Chen Yu suddenly slapped his thigh and exclaimed, "Lifeguard! Someone is drowning!"