
My Identity is Getting More and More Preverted

"Incredible Mr. Chen Yu, you were elected as the leader of the human race last night. Is there anything you would like to say to the world?" Chen Yu, bewildered, woke up and realized he wasn't even dressed yet. He replied, "I have no idea. I just woke up..."

EvilisMyNature · Urban
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29 Chs

===Chapter 17: Jumping Around Repeatedly (Part 2)===

Feeling the icy coldness from the tip of the bone-chopping knife, the chubby neighbor stood there dumbfounded, his face turning from red to green and then to white.

"Big... big... big brother... you... you... why do you keep changing your mind..."

"Who changed?"

Chen Yu closed the door with an icy expression, brandishing the knife to force the neighbor to step back: "Do you really think I would let you off? Be honest, or beware that I'll stab your brain."

Saying that, Chen Yu picked up the hemp rope from the ground and re-tied the neighbor securely.

"State your position." He sat down on the sofa, crossed his legs, and used the bone-chopping knife to scrape his chin. "How do you want to die?"

"Big brother, are you... are you still going to kill me?" The chubby neighbor burst into tears out of fear.

"How audacious of you." Chen Yu licked his lips. "I won't waste my time playing games with you, so let's get to the point. Your ex-girlfriend downstairs, I've already dealt with her."

Upon hearing this, the neighbor's face instantly turned from white back to green, trembling so much that his lips quivered.

"You still dare to demand my money? You really have no self-awareness." Chen Yu took the neighbor's phone and opened the transfer page. "What's the payment password?"

Neighbor: "I... it..."

"Then I'll start by cutting off one of your fingers, to give you a taste." Chen Yu raised the bone-chopping knife.

"888888... 886543!" The chubby neighbor immediately shouted in fear, "It's 886543!"


(Alipay received a transfer of 30,000 yuan.)

"Hmm." Chen Yu nodded in satisfaction after completing the transfer. Then he casually threw the phone away, grabbed the bone-chopping knife, and walked behind the neighbor, aiming the knife at his back, neck, and other areas, gesturing up and down. "Tell me... which part should I chop first? Oh, right, do you prefer stabbing or slashing?"

"Don't... don't do it, big brother! I was wrong, big brother! Please don't kill me!" The chubby neighbor fell to the ground, crying and wailing in fear.

With a crooked head, Chen Yu showed off his knife skills, increasing the intensity. "Since you enjoy reporting so much, your tongue seems quite redundant. Let's start by cutting off your tongue."

"No! Ah! Waaah!" The neighbor quickly shut his mouth.

"Open your mouth." Chen Yu's tone turned cold. "Otherwise, I'll stab your balls with the bone-chopping knife."

As he spoke, he straddled the neighbor's body, holding the knife with both hands, and gestured towards the neighbor's buttocks. "Counting down from three, three, two... one!"

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Big brother, I was wrong! I'll open my mouth! I'll open it!" The chubby neighbor, trembling with fear and tears streaming down his face, extended his tongue.

At that moment, the "title" above his head started rapidly fading in color.

"Good! Stick it out further, I'm going to start cutting." Suppressing his excitement, Chen Yu swung the bone-chopping knife, continuing to intimidate him.

After ten seconds, the title above the chubby neighbor's head changed back from "Useless Otaku" to "Extremely Terrified Useless Otaku."

Simultaneously, several text bars suddenly appeared on his body.

    [Grade F] Myopic and astigmatic left eye: Night vision, dynamic visual ability, and static world perception are 18% lower than the average human race.

[Grade F] Inferior Achilles tendon: Obviously unable to jump very high.

[Grade F] Healthy heart: Heart index of 3.23L/(2), excellent heart rate, and no signs of any coronary artery blockage.

[Grade F+] Extraordinary strange endurance: It is said that he can forgive even his girlfriend's infidelity and seems to enjoy it.

[Grade F+] Exceptional muscle cells: Red muscle cells with superior contraction ability compared to an average person.


Chen Yu was ecstatic!

The abilities that emerged from the neighbor this time were completely different from the previous ones.

It proved his speculation.

As long as he kept "changing" the titles of the targets, he could infinitely "refresh" more abilities.

He no longer had to worry about not being able to "brush" superpowers when dealing with certain superhumans in the future...


Throwing away the bone-chopping knife, Chen Yu immediately gave the neighbor a bear hug, holding him tightly. "I fucking love you!"

The terrified neighbor stood there dumbfounded. "Big... big brother..."

"Brother, look at how scared you got." Chen Yu smiled and kindly untied the neighbor. "I couldn't resist teasing you. Yes, it was just a joke."

"..." The chubby neighbor's mind was in chaos, temporarily losing the ability to speak.

"Don't be afraid, be good." Chen Yu patted the neighbor's head, picked up the bone-chopping knife, and enthusiastically placed it in his hand. "I was just joking again. How could I kill you? It's illegal!"

Chubby neighbor: "..."

Taking a step back, hands on hips, Chen Yu looked at the title above the neighbor's head, "Extremely Terrified Useless Otaku," preparing for the third round of experimentation.

In strict terms, the previous changes in the "title" were not substantial.

Whether it was "Extremely Terrified," "Extremely Joyful," or "Something Something," they were still descriptions within the overarching "Useless Otaku" title.

They couldn't be considered as "major changes."

So what if the "title" was completely transformed?

    If someone who is considered a "waste otaku" transforms into a "researcher" or "scientist," will it instantly unlock more abilities or perhaps better abilities?

With these thoughts in mind, Chen Yu, driven by his enthusiasm for research, couldn't wait any longer. He hugged his stiff neighbor and picked up his phone to transfer 50,000 yuan.


(Alipay payment received, 50,000 yuan.)

"Brother, this is my sincerity!" Chen Yu patted his chest and said with a serious expression, "Actually, I've always wanted to be friends with you, like brothers."

Chubby neighbor: "..."

Chen Yu continued, "But you should understand. Because of your report, I spent so long in prison. So I've become less adept at expressing friendliness."

Chubby neighbor: "..."

"I promise!" Chen Yu raised his hand and swore, "I will treat you well from now on. As long as you don't betray me, I will be loyal to you!"

Upon hearing the keyword "loyal," the chubby neighbor's frozen thoughts gradually awakened. He lowered his head, glanced at the bone-chopping knife stuffed in his hand by Chen Yu, then turned his gaze to the "hideous-looking" Chen Yu. Fiery anger erupted from his lungs, spreading throughout his body...

"Oh no!"

Sensing the neighbor's hatred and murderous intent in his eyes, Chen Yu quickly disarmed him with an empty-handed maneuver, snatching the bone-chopping knife away and holding it against the neighbor's neck.

The neighbor's anger instantly dissipated, and a pleasing smile reappeared on his chubby face.

"Brother, calm down," Chen Yu said, returning the bone-chopping knife to the neighbor's hand. "Let's not resort to violence."

Gripping the knife handle tightly, the neighbor's smile quickly vanished, and anger resurfaced.

Chen Yu hurriedly snatched the knife again.

The neighbor quickly put on a smile.

Chen Yu handed back the knife.

Anger flared up once more.

Knife snatched.

Smile returned.

Knife offered.


Knife snatched.


Knife offered.


Knife snatched.


Knife offered.


"Hey, I've discovered a perpetual motion machine!" Chen Yu exclaimed in surprise.
