
My Hybrid King

KayLeeRosee_Gaming · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Pilot Part 1

It was such a satisfying sight to see. Right in front of my eyes is the palace that I have fought to have for over a decade. I looked around taking another step on the blood drenched floor. Kneeling next to the now former Alpha King . As he was getting ready to take his final breath I smirked in his face. It was so satisfying to see the man who had so much bark but no bite. Instead he tried to grab his family and run with his tail in between his legs. Pathetic if you ask me. I continued my walk throughout the palace when the most addicting scent caught my nose like it was sweet and innocent but I also smelled fear. The scent led me to a closed door. Opening it my eyes landed upon a young she wolf. There weren't supposed to be any survivors so I was going to kill her right then and there I raised my hand as my claws extended. She looked me dead in the eyes forcing me to stop in my tracks.

"I'm not ready to die. Please-" She cried and looked down at the floor feeling completely defeated.

"I'm not going to kill you." I kneeled down in front of her so I could look in her eyes one more time. I held my hand out to her and she hesitantly took it.

I led her outside of the room and she was fine until we walked into the grandhall where she laid her eyes on the former Alpha and his Luna dead bodies which made her drop to the ground. "Mommy no!" She screamed and I could hear her heart breaking. "I'm sorry daddy I didn't run. I'm sorry" Her voice cracked

I rolled my eyes at the situation in front of me. Must be the reason I didn't find they're supposed sons when I was ripping everyone to shreds.I grabbed her by her shoulders to pick her up but snatched herself from me.

"Don't touch me! I won't leave them. As they're Only remaining Child and Daughter I'm the Alpha now."

I laughed at her bravery. "You must not know who I am but before I tell you I want to set one fact straight. I'M ALPHA. I killed everyone here in order to take over and I'm not going to let it go cause you claim your birthright."

Tears dropped from her eyes as she looked at me. "You're a monster!I will never submit to you as my Alpha and king as long as I fucking breathe "

I grabbed her neck causing her to gasp. Her eyes widened when she felt the spark flow through her."I wasn't aware that your father had a female child. You should have been at the coming of age ceremony to find your mate a few months back. Why didn't you show?"

"He said he knew who my mate was and was against it. Saying my mate would bring destruction to this pack."

I smirked "Well I can tell you one thing he was definitely right about me bringing destruction." I laughed sadistically "I mean look what I've done with the place."

Her wide eyes glistened with unfallen tears "Your my mate?"

"Damn right I am baby girl." She looked as if realization finally dawned on her. She started fighting against my hand that was still wrapped around her neck and tried to make a run for it.

Snatching her back, my grip tightened . "You're not going anywhere. Now that I've finally found you."

"No, You can't be my mate! I, Brianna Jordan Reject you as my mate and King!" She screamed

The anger that ran through me in that moment I couldn't let it take over not while dealing with my mate. "I'm gonna act like you didn't say that and take you back to my village while they clean this up. I Alpha King Khalil Reed will not accept your rejection and If I ever hear those words come from your mouth again you will be severely punished do you hear me." His tone is icy cold along with his glare.

Fear settled into her being as she finally stopped fighting and gave a small whimper in defeat. I smirked victoriously before letting her go and turning around getting ready to leave "No wait! Please at least give them a proper burial. I won't be at ease with them like this." She begged me tears falling down tremendously

"Baby girl, in order for me to do that I need to have remorse. I have no remorse for your father. He needed to die for various reasons I won't even disclose. Now I don't have any more time for your pity party so let's go." She didn't respond so I got louder for her. "I said, We're leaving. " Now!" She tried to fight me off but I just threw her over my shoulders and walked out of the palace.

"Put me the fuck down you asswhole!" She yelled so I tossed her on the ground making her yelp in pain as she looked at me in disbelief

"I'm going to shift. I have to get back to my pack. Don't try to run, just get on my back and this will be easy."

"But I-I already told you I don't want to go and that I reject you. Please just let me go!"

My temper flared as I tried to keep my wolf under control. If I scared her anymore she would definitely run for it."Your rejection doesn't mean shit to me. I only get one mate so you're not going anywhere whether you like it or not. If you run there will be consequences, keep that in mind."

I shifted into my wolf form and waited for her to get on my back. I could tell she wanted to run again but after I shook my head at her she thought against it and got on without a second thought. "Hold on tight." I told her through the mind link. I went full speed running through the woods. It only took me a half hour to get to our destination but it felt like forever. We camped not too far from the pack so it was never a problem.

"You're back earlier, sooner than expected the mission was a success, yes? One of my best friends went by james.

I shifted back into my human form as he handed me a pair of jeans. "A huge one actually. You're looking at the Alpha King now, brotha." We laughed together before he turned his attention to the girl.

"Who's this?"

"That my friend is an answer I'll give you after we get cleaned up and on our way to our new home." I told him. I looked towards my mate, grabbing her arm and taking her to my room.

"You can wash up there." I told her pointing at a prepped tub of water.

"I had my pack members get it ready when we were close enough. Figured you would wanna wash all the blood off." I looked at her and she instantly grew nervous under my gaze.

"I-I don't h-have a change of clothes."

I went inside my dresser and pulled out one of my t-shirts and a pair of my boxers and handed it to her. " wear this for now. Hurry up, we have a lot to talk about."

She nodded and walked into the bathroom shutting the door behind her. While she cleaned herself up I went to James place and cleaned up there.

Brianna Pov

I cleaned up quickly, rinsing myself of all the blood. I instantly thought back to my parents' dead bodies and wanted to scream. "Why me?" Is all I could think. I finished getting dressed and walked back into the bedroom. "This man is my mate and I can't wrap my mind around it. The moon goddess couldn't find anyone better?" I thought to myself sitting down on the bed.

When he came back into the room I flinched in fear. This man alone just decimated a whole palace of Royal Gaurds along with the Alpha King. I have a right to be scared right now. I looked at him as he sat down on the bed next to me.

"I'm not going to hurt you." He said calmly as if trying to comfort me

I rolled my eyes at the ironic line "How do I know that?"

"Because you would have been dead already considering you're the former Alpha's Daughter. You should be grateful you're my mate. It saved your life."

"You think it saved me? I-"

"I let you live. No matter what you think. My mate or not I still could have killed you without a second thought. I am your mate and I am your King and you will respect me as such starting now." His voice was cold and told me he was serious.

Figuring it was best not to fight him on it I backed down I nodded with my head down. I looked back at him as he spoke again.

"How old are you?" He asked me

I stayed quiet putting my head down. I didn't want to speak to him anymore.

He sighed. "I asked you a question Brianna. Don't make me ask again."

"18" I grumbled

He gave a small smirk "I'm Khalil and I'm 26. Nobody but me my beta and Gamma will know your true identity as the former alphas daughter. Got that?"

"Why do I have to hide who I really am? The people of the Royal Lunar Dark Moon pack would love to know that I am alive; it would give them hope."

"Hope for what? Nothing and nobody can stop me Brianna. Not to mention you don't even exist I was under the impression the king had two sons."

"I did have older brothers. You killed them when the raid started I felt their connnection to us snap the whole pack did."

"hmm they where weak. They died so fast I wonder how they thought they can take over this pack after your father."

"Can you stop. They're already dead so please."

"Yea sure."

"I really hope the entire pack rebels against you." tears forming in my eyes

"If they rebel against me it will definitely be hell for them. What I said is final. Your Identity will be kept secret."

I nodded and looked away from him. I couldn't look him in the eye. I felt the bed dip and him forcing me down on my back. I look up to see his lust filled eyes.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to taste you before bed." His hand glided to my lower regions and I tried to stop him by clamping my legs shut.

He simply just chuckled at my actions making my heart jump. His fingers found my clit and rubbed in circles until I started to squirm.

"Please s s-stop" I moaned out he only smirked at me and removed the boxers from me and lowered his head in between my legs to lap up my juices causing me to moan alot louder then before.

"That's it baby let it out." his mouth vibrated against me and I could only do as he said. I started to enjoy the pleasure and pushed my self against his lips eagerly it wasn't long before my climax took over me completely.

"I knew you would taste good." he kissed my now delicate area causing my body to shiver. I can't believe I let him do that to me.

I didn't bother to say a word which I'm sure he appreciated. "Get some rest. You're gonna need it." he told me as he got comfortable on the bed and closed his eyes. He was a very confident and Dominant male. He knew I couldn't hurt him. I looked at him closely before laying down beside him, closing my eyes hesitantly before falling to sleep.

Khalil Pov

I woke up at dawn to make sure all my pack members were ready to go. It's been a pretty hectic morning to say the least.

"Where's the she wolf from yesterday? James asked as he walked up to me

"She's asleep. I'll wake her when it's time to leave." I said dismissively

"You gonna tell me who this chick is or was she just some victory one night stand?

I looked at him. "You're in no place to question me Gamma. I told you that there will be a briefing when we get to the pack."

"Right, Iapologize my King I was out of line." he bowed

"That sounds better." I smirked before walking away "Oh and see to it the car is brought directly to me I don't want anyone to lay eyes on her just yet. She's not in appropriate attire."

"Understood my King."

Walking back into my bedroom. I looked at Briana who was stunningly beautiful sleeping peacefully. I could tell she was going to be a pain in the ass for sure though. "Everyone is ready to go Alpha and the car is waiting for you." Will informed me through mindlink.

"I'm on my way out right now." I replied. I picked Brianna up in a bridal style and carried her to the car. I Couldn't bring myself to wake her. She looks beautiful sleeping but she's also less rebellious so waking her might have caused a delay. After getting in the car I placed her sleeping form in my lap and gave the driver ok to go.

15 minutes laters she started to wake up and tried to move causing me to tighten my grip on her waist. "Good Morning baby."

She yawned looking at me skeptically . "Why am I in your lap? Where are we going?"

"We're going back to the Lunar DarkMoon pack. I need to make sure my pack adjusts well. Make sure housing is available to my people."

"What about the current residents?" She asked looking up at me

"I'm not really concerned about them at the moment My people have been homeless for years they come first to me right now."

"But taking over means they are your people now. They had nothing to do with what my father was doing behind the scenes." I growled and she whimpered her hands covering her ears. "I'm sorry." She quietly mumbled

"I told you your identity stays hidden and I meant that." I told her before turning my attention to the driver. "You won't mumble a thing you hear in this car you got that?"

"Yes My King." The driver nodded

"If I need to I'll make more housing available, but I would rather have my followers comfortable so as I was saying. If they need to be evicted they will be."

She sighed and just sunk into my chest which put a small smirk on my face. She seems to be finally coming to terms with her situation. Hopefully she can get comfortable. I don't want to have to introduce her to my aggressive side.