
My Husband Son of God.

" Who are you !? " I heard a weak voice. I stood frozen and just stared back at him. He had piercing eyes full of distrust and hostility. " Who are you !? And where am I !?" - he turned his head looking for something familiar. " W-what is this place !? " " Try and..r-r-relax please ! " - I put my hands up and indicated no hostility. " Y-you shouldn't move just yet.. Granny!!" --- Don't judge..every love story needs a start. This was mine.

NLorane · Fantasy
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202 Chs

112. You, and no Other. *

After the initial shock and the Boolt family embracing their..new daughter the other sixteen girls the first time ever by the way, all found partner of their own.

Considering how usually about 50% of them refused since they didn't find the suitors acceptable it was a resounding success.

We surrounded Miri and waited for her response once the crowd thinned a little.

There wasn't any response..

" So, umm.. how are you? " - she was probed by granny.

She woke up and smiled with a mature air around her.

" It's..a shock. But her..desperation was a stench I'll be glad to be rid off..at least know we now why dear Stuart refused my advances. "

""" Mnnn.."""

She was clearly wasn't done but..who cared?

It was our time.

" It's time...!! ZEPHYR..let's go. " - Alexander voice scared us all as Zephyr was taken away by the man abruptly, now rejoined by Carlos and the creep wanderer.

I saw him one last time with a bright smile before they disappeared through the door.

I was spun around and almost toppled as Demelza and Liz started our final preparations.

The only ones left are those who will walk behind me. Demelza, Liz my sister and mother. Every one else left for the tavern where now mostly all should've arrived by now.

" What your going to say...!? " - Eli asked a little panicked.

I was caught off guard but, quickly solved it.

" I..will repeat what he says..if it's good. If not..I'll make up something, hopefully his will be good enough. "

I let them push me around and felt my heart jumping out of my chest.

Mother brought one of the expensive whisky Carlos got drunk on when we met him.

It was much better that the normal barrelled stuff we been drinking.

" Let us toast .." - she gave each of a cup and filled them to the brim." ..to my daughter. Sweetheart you were ..sad..as long as I can remember. It used to break my heart heart,how you might have carry that sadness forever. "

Her teary eyes were mirrored by everyone.

" Look at you now..everything came together just as I always dreamed. To you sweetheart the soon to be Lylly Wold Astoria.. CHEERS!! "

We all emptied that cup with little difficulty.

For once it wasn't our first time and for second it was very smooth and didn't burn that bad.

I had to go and take a seat. It was a lot. The situation, the drink, the memories of this place.

I watched the room where we spent some important moments..

Looking at the place his body was placed after Emet died.

That's where we sat during the meeting with the Emils asking for his help.

It was here where we celebrated our engagement and over there.. where he asked for my hand.

It was and incredibly important place.

" You ready Sisi? " - Eli knelt in front of me her eyes shinning with tears.

One breath, two..

I stood up and took her hand.

" Don't let me fall.."

" Right back at you.. "


The tavern were left to others to finish but, I had nothing to worry about.

The music was light and happy fitted perfectly just as sampled a few days ago. Those boys joined by Miri who looked a lot better entertained the crowd until my arrival.

The long hall, the fireplace running in the middle,

more than a hundred inside the rest near the building. Identical chairs filled with beautiful dressed people all eyes on me..my eyes?

There he was!!.. waiting with granny at the end of the tavern under a beautiful carved wooden altar surrounded by the same flowers like the rest of the walls.

He smiled and I was glad for the whisky..my hands were sweaty holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

I was hugged by those three closest to me.

Before, I made my walk they took seats and the one walking down the aisle was my daughter.

With each step, I felt wobbly and delirious.

All these people and I barely noticed anyone.

Even granny face was blurry.

We arrived I leaned down and Anna tiptoed, gave me a big kiss.

" Good luck..don't wobble.. "

" Thank you, princess.. "

She sat between her grandmother and big grandmother.

I stood in front of the man who never looked more relaxed or sure of himself.

His confidence gave my legs back and settled my mind.

Granny waited until the people settled and the music died down.

" Ehlite bless those..all those who stand in front of him with pure and open hearts. Today we witness..two hearts joined as one. "

She teared up doing the best she can.

" Have you prepared anything, Zephyr Astoria? "

He smiled confidently. " Yes. "

" I will love you my whole life..you, and no other."

Hmm..I almost ruined it with my tears.

" And, I you..you, and no other..forever. "

Less than twenty words..each perfection.

Alexander stepped over and handed us our wedding bands.

We placed it on each other fingers mine joined the engagement ring harmonizing beautifully.

Granny wrapped a black and blue cloth around our joined hands.

" You may kiss your wife.."

And he did...it was sweeter and gentler than ever before, I felt his tears mix with mine..

" Forever..

" Forever..

The crowd almost ruptured our ears.


..and with that..our life as husband and wife finally beginning.