
My Husband Psychopath

Hulya Anggara is a independent girl and she dislikes to be pampered by her family. Many people do not notice that she is from a rich family because of her simplicity. In life, Hulya has miserable life by marrying arrogant husband with possessiveness. Hulya's husband treats her bad in their daily life. Since she married to her husband, she becomes a person that is not what she really is, she becomes a toxic person. Devano Deandra is a cruel, arrogant and possessive man. He could murder anyone that breaks his plans and he does not like his girlfriend to be touched by someone except his family. If there anyone harms his girlfriend, he would give them revenge right away. It is Devano Deandra.

Eka63_63 · Teen
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6 Chs

who is the ruthless mafia ?

" Why are you daydreaming", Devano asked hulya while holding her chin to get her attention, but Hulya brushed off quickly

"You're so rude", said Devano to Hulya

"How dare you to touch me, you'll have your hands cut", Said Hulya intimidating

"Are you dare to do so?" Asked Devano annoyed and he was in formal language

"Absolutel. You touched me without permission and you're no one for me. Keep your hand away of me unless we're already halal". Hulya responded also in formal language

"Halal? So, you accepted our matchmaking?, Devano asked tempting

"Maybe yes or not, let faith decides", Responded Hulya

"Ahhh never mind. Let's get to restaurant, I'm hungry. Shall we?", Asked Devano to Hulya

"No, I want be home", Said Hulya

"Ohh come on, just for some minutes. I'm starving", Said Devano

"You go, but I'm going home alone", Hulya replied

" Ohhh no, alright, we're going home", Devano responded resigned

How could Devano comply someone's desire? Devano drive car fast, he didn't want her better half anger.

In short time, Devano and Hulya reached Anggara's mansion. And Hulya's mother was curious why her daughter and Devano hanging out in a bit short.

"You're both already home, you guy's said wanting to go for a walk", Hulya's father asked them

" Yeahh, Hulya want to get back home Mr. Anggara", Devano replied

"Really? It would happen when she is with me", Asked Anita softly

"Yeahh if it with you mom, not with him. Beside I feel uncomfortable hanging out with him only", Explained Hulya to her mother

"I'm sorry about that Mr. Devano, that is what she is. She is not used to be with a man that she just knew. She always keeps distance from men. If you want to ask her to go out, ask your friends too or Hulya's friends", Anggara explained to Devano

"That's right Mr. Devano, when she was young she always keeps distance from men and since she was studying in Bangka Belitung, she became more close person", Said Anita

" It's fine Mr. Anggara and Mrs. Anita", Replied Devano

"Mom, Dad, can I get to my room, I want to take a rest", Asked Hulya to her parents

"Alright, go ahead. Get some rest, we'll see Deandra's family again tomorrow", Anggara replied

" What for", Hulya asked again

"We'll set your wedding date and also look for your wedding place", Anggara replied

" Daddy, I didn't give decision yet", Hulya responded

"My dear, you remember what we talked in your room, don't you?", Asked Anita whisperedwhispered

" Well alright, it's up to you mom, dad", Said Hulya

"Really my dear?", Asked Anggara

" Hemmm", Replied Hulya

"Thank you so much my dear, I love you much", Said Anggara while hugging his daughter, Hulya

"Okayyy, I'm leaving to my room", Asked Hulya for leave

" Go ahead ", Anggara replied

"I'm leaving as well Mr and Mrs. Anggara", Asked Devano

" Why are you in hurry?", Asked Anita back

"I got something to do Mrs. Anita", Devano replied

"Okayy, stay safe!", Said Anggara

" I'm leaving, assalamu'alaikum", Said Devano goodbye

"Waalaikumsalam", Replied Anggara and Anita


Devano was in office and he was falling in love because Hulya accepted the matchmaking. And what made he happier was that Hulya never had in relationship. And suddenly, a woman entered his office without knocking door.

" Heyy my darling ", Said the woman

" Hemmm, knock the door before entering ", Replied Devano cynicly

" I'm sorry, I forgot ", The woman responded

The woman sitting on Devano's lap without permission

" Ralinnn, what are you doing? Get down", Said Devano annoyed

The woman was Ralin Adi Jaya, a daughter of Mr. Adi Jaya. She was Devano's girlfriend.

"Why my darling? It was fine I sitting on your lap", Asked Ralin

" Get down now, or you'll regret ", Replied Devano

" Alright alright ", Ralin responded

" Let's take a walk honey", Asked Ralin

" It's enough, don't be like this Ralin. Don't be slut", Said Devano

"Whattt? You called me slut, how come honey? Whyyy?", Ralin asked surprised

"I want to break up with you", Said Devano

" Break up? Aren't you afraid I tell your parents that you're a mafia ", Said Ralin threatened

"Don't try to threat me because I don't like it or you want to lose your voice", Devano replied with anger and gripping the face of Ralin

" Ouchhh, it hurts Dev. Take your hands off ", Said Ralin in tears

"I'll let you go if you don't do something stupid, if you do, I can't guarantee about your life", Devano responded in anger

"Okayyy, I promise", Ralin replied

" Now, get out of my office", Said Devano

"How about our relationship?, Ralin asked Devano

"I told you we're broke up and get out of my room, please", Devano replied


" Get out now!", Said Devano heated

Ralin got out of Devano's office and couldn't hold their relationship

"Ohhh slut, I won't let you to live free", Said Devano with evil smile

Devano called Max and his men

"Hello Max, make Ralin cannot talk and walk. But, never let anyone knows", Said Devano to Max

" Alright Mr. Devano ", Replied Max, the call disconnected


There was a woman praying to God, Hulya Anggara. Hulya was praying Tahajud and praying for best way for her over her life.

" Ohh God, if Devano is the man you sent for me, give heart to accept this matchmaking. If he's not, give my father heart to accept my decisions. You know all the best for your creation ", Hulya was praying to Allah. After that, Hulya read alquran before dawn.

Anggara's family was having breakfast and this morning was the day to set wedding date for the Wedding of Hulya and Devano

" Hulya, this morning we'll meet Deandra's family at 8pm. After having your breakfast, get prepared ", Said Anggara

" Dad, can I go to Bangka Belitung to fix some problems there. Because after getting married, I don't know I'll be allowed to go there or not", Hulya asked

"It's fine Hulya, but your Mom must go with you, I don't want you to get away", Said Anggara

"Really? I'm more happier if Mom also go with me to Bangka, I'll take her to some destinations there", Replied Hulya happily

" Okayy, but, don't take your mom to place with a lot of handsome guy hehe", Said Anggara

"Are you afraid mom turning away of you dad? ", Said Hulya kidding

"Of course, you know that many women cheat on their husband with handsome men", Replied Anggara

" No honey, it won't happen. I won't turn away of you or cheat on you", Replied Anita annoyed because accused by her husband

" No mom, I just.... ", Said Anggara but interrupted by Hulya

" Daddy just kidding mom, don't worry. Take it easy dad, I'll take mom to beautiful places in Bangka", Said Hulya calming her parents

"When will you go there?", Anggara asked

" Tomorrow dad", Replied Hulya

"Are you kidding? You know we'll look for your wedding place, you'll get tired honey", Said Anita

" Mom, I don't have time. We'll be busy preparing the wedding later. Beside that, I'm not able to go there when close to due time", Replied Hulya

"That's right mom, Hulya will not have enough time when everything all set. And then she must be with Devano to get to know each other", Said Anggara

"Should it be that way?", Hulya asked

" Of course ", Replied Anggara

" It's enough, finish your meal. And get prepared meeting Deandra's family ", said Anita

They were finishing their breakfast and after that, they got prepared and go.


Anggara's and Deandra's family were in conversation about their child wedding. They talked many things, building, invitation card, dresses, decorations and more. Hulya and Devano didn't take apart in conversation, they just flew to the water

" Hulya, Devano, what color do you prefer for you wedding dress?" Ayana asked Hulya and Devano

"Whatever", replied Devano

" Whatever ", said Hulya

" Don't be like that, you both must choose one of the color ", Ayana responded

"How if the white one", Hulya responded

" No, I disagree ", Replied Devano

" So, what color do you prefer Dev?", Asked Ayana

"I prefer black color because it's more elegant and classy", Replied Devano

"Ohhh you dummy, this is not a party to be looked elegant and classy. This is your for your wedding", Said Ayana furious

" Mom, you asked me to choose the color and I'm into the black one", Replied Devano

"This is wedding party not cemetery ceremony. This is happy moment not sad or death instead", Said Ayana furious

" We should be looked different mom, in black appearance in wedding moment", replied Devano chill

"Ohh you dummy, I don't want to argue with you. I prefer the white one for the wedding", Said Ayana

"Mommy, I said whatever you said I must choose. And now you disagree about my option", Devano responded in a bit annoyed because her mother chose the color that Hulya said

"Not as you said Dev, I just disagreed about your option. How come you both use black dress in wedding section. It's weird Devano", Said Ayana to Devano

" Alright mom, it's up to you", Replied Devano

"Hulya, what kind of dress do you like for your wedding dress?, Ayana asked Hulya

" Don't be too fancy Mrs. Ayana, just the simple ones", Replied Hulya

"Alright then, Hulya don't call me Mrs. Ayana, but, call me mom just like Devano does", Said Ayana

" Okayy Mrs. Ayana, sorry, I mean mommy", Hulya responded

"Mommy, can I get out for a while, someone is calling me", Devano asked his mother Ayana

" From who?", Ayana asked back

" From my office mom", Devano replied

"Go ahead Dev", said His mother

Devano went out of the restaurant wanting to pick up the phone, he said. but for some reason Hulya wanted to follow Devano out, she felt there was something strange and she had negative thought about him.

"Mom, I want to go to toilet", Hulya asked her mom to get permission

Anggara and Deandra had gone for long time ago because they had meeting. Anggara and Deandra had same meeting because they worked together.

Hulya saw Devano talking to a beautiful woman, but, the beauty of the woman was nothing because her beauty was shown for public consumption

The woman was in navy dress and her dress was strict so that everyone could see her body through her dress. And the worst was her boobs were shown clearly. Hulya disliked the woman. While the man was being watched seemed to be talking about serious things and what was surprised Hulya was the woman clinging to Devano's arms and then she touched Devano's chest.

" Is she Devano's girlfriend ", Said Hulya to herself

" What are you doing here", Said Devano to the woman

"I want to talk about Ralin, I'm sure that you did it what happened to Ralin", Said Resa who was Ralin's sister to Devano

" If it's yes, so why?", Devano replied

"Ouh you are. What has she done to you Devano?", Resa asked Devano

"She threatened me, you know me, right?", Devano responded

" Alright never mind, let's have some fun Dev", Said Resa clinching on table

"I don't want it, if you want some money, I'll give it but leave immediately", Replied Devano

"Come on Dev, let's have some fun just for a while", Said Resa while touching Devano's chest

"You're slut, I don't want to be with you this time. So you'd better go home and go with other men", Responded Devano in anger

Resa was the woman Devano was used to played with. Devano was boyfriend of Ralin and also boyfriend of Resa, Ralin's sister.

" Come on Dev, just for a second ", Said Resa kept asking Devano to have fun

"Resa, I dislike to be forced and you knew it. Or do you want to be treated just like your sister", Said Devano threatened

"Well alright, alright Mr. Devano Alexa a cruel mafia", Resa replied

"Mafia? Who's a cruel mafia?", Said a woman from behind surprising Devano and Resa

To be continued.....