
My Husband Is Actually A Billionaire CEO

“Honey, look! The man on TV is as handsome as you!” Luo Youyou shouted in surprise as she held a bowl of fried noodles. After all, the chance of seeing a man as handsome as one’s own husband was extremely rare, right? Li Guihan held his forehead and shrugged. He used a tissue to wipe his wife’s face and asked, “Are you sure he looks like me?” “No way! He even has the same name as you!” Luo Youyou exclaimed, her mouth in an ‘o’ shape. Luo Youyou’s father never loved her since she was young. She was a pitiful child who was always picked on by the other children. When she grew up, her best friend betrayed her, depriving her of her fiance. Shortly after her mother died, her father used her money and married another wife. What shocked Luo Youyou the most was that the woman was her best friend’s mother! Her best friend was also her half-sister! As Luo Youyou felt her world collapsing, it was Li Guihan who gave her a home. She was satisfied with her life. She thought she worked hard to support their household, and felt very accomplished. She was the main breadwinner in their house! She had someone who actually needed her! But now, her husband whom she thought relied on her for a living had suddenly changed…Luo Youyou looked at her husband in disbelief. “How much money do you actually have?” Li Guihan cleared his throat, his eyes filled with doting love. “Not much, but more than enough for you to travel all over the world!” Luo Youyou: “!”

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40 Chs

Spoiling the Plan

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"When I was in trouble, you and your mother moved into the Luo family home. When I was being rescued, you and your mother were preparing to attend this banquet. Now that I've dragged my body here, I find that you and your mother are already standing here. Are you trying to say that all of this has nothing to do with you?"

When Luo Youyou's words fell, everyone was in an uproar.

What Luo Yutao had said earlier seemed to have justified the situation when they had only heard it from his point of view. However, now that there was more involved, something was obviously not right.

"This is too vicious! How could they be so despicable and have such complete disregard for human lives? They should call the police! Use the law to deal with them! Are they blind to the law? Do they even have any respect for humanity or the law?"

"That's right, this mistress and her daughter are truly despicable!"

The discussions around them became increasingly louder. Luo Yutao was also shocked. He did not believe that Shen Jinhan and her daughter could do such a thing. He thought that Luo Youyou was the one who was trying to frame them.

"Youyou, don't talk nonsense. This is not a joke."

"I'm talking nonsense? Father, look at my hands and legs! I was kidnapped a few days ago. This is the evidence." Luo Youyou lifted the hem of her dress to show her hands and legs that were covered with scratch marks.

"Who did that?" Luo Yutao had genuinely not expected to see this and was stunned.

"The two kidnappers said that a middle-aged woman had given them money and asked them to rape and then kill me. They were also instructed to bury me deep in the wilderness to prevent any future trouble. I have never offended anyone before. Why was I forced to endure this torture?" Although this was not strictly what Shen Jinhan had ordered, this was what she had experienced that night so this was also the truth. Then, Luo Youyou pointed at Shen Jinhan and Shen Wenqi. "You stole my fiancé and my dad. You also stole my home and tried to have me killed. You are so vicious!"

Luo Youyou's questioning made Luo Yutao's face turn serious. Shen Jinhan's heart was raised. She had never expected Luo Youyou to not have died and she had not thought that Luo Youyou would dare to make an appearance. She also had not thought that the video of Shen Wenqi having an affair with Lu Yiran would become public knowledge. However, she had also never thought that Luo Youyou would ever dare to do this. She was betting on herself just to make them all uneasy!

Shen Jinhan knew very well that she had to make things right. If Luo Yutao ever doubted her motives and ended up hating her, her dream of being part of a wealthy family would be completely shattered. Thinking of this, Shen Jinhan immediately defended herself, "You can't look at us as weak women and slander us like this! We have no connections, no background, and no money. How could we possibly know these kidnappers?"

"Is an unmarried woman who gave birth to an illegitimate child before marriage called a weak woman? Is a person with an illegitimate child who has been hiding quietly for more than twenty years, taken over other people's property and even entered the family through dishonest means, called a weak woman? A person like you who doesn't know shame should not discredit the name of a weak woman," Luo Youyou mocked.

"Youyou," Luo Yutao stopped her. He just denied his concern for Shen Jinhan, but now that Luo Youyou brought up this matter again, wasn't that just a slap in his face? Feeling uncomfortable, he frowned. "Ms. Shen is my classmate, and she is also your elder. You can't talk about her like that."

Seeing that Luo Yutao had turned a blind eye to her injuries but was still speaking up for Shen Jinhan and her daughter, Luo Youyou's heart turned cold. What was she to her father?

When she saw Luo Yutao help her, Shen Jinhan knew that Luo Yutao still felt guilty over her, so she immediately found an opportunity to retaliate, "Youyou, I really have no romantic relationship with your father. You can't just make assumptions about us just because of a misunderstanding."

"That's right, Luo Youyou. You can't slander us like this just because I'm with Yiran," Shen Wenqi quickly interjected. She had not expected the usually simple-minded Luo Youyou would scheme against her like this. Now, she reacted by immediately retorting, "And you said that you were kidnapped? You made it sound so scary. If so, then why are you still standing here? It can't be that the kidnappers were kind enough to let you go, right?"

"That's right, Youyou. Since they wanted your life, why would they have released you so easily?" Luo Yutao also had a look of doubt on his face.

"Huh," Luo Youyou sneered as she looked at Luo Yutao, "Dad, so what you mean is that I shouldn't have come back alive and I should have already died!"

"Youyou, how can you think like that? I'm worried about you," said Luo Yutao in a panic from being stared down by Luo Youyou.

"It's because I stabbed one of the kidnappers in the eye. Then, I rolled down the hill and was saved by someone." Luo Youyou did not want to listen to Luo Yutao anymore. Her heart had gone cold.

"Who saved you?" Shen Jinhan immediately asked. According to her plan, Luo Youyou's death was definite. Who was the one who had ruined her plan?