
Chapter 68

Virgo Dianne Rign’s Point of View

I don’t know how much time has passed – has it been a week? A month? I have no idea.

I’ve stayed at the hospital waiting for Lux to wake up – Jaughnn comes here every day. Nothing can comfort me other than the hope and possibility of Lux waking up again.

To feel his warm embrace against me – I wanted to see him smiling again. Somehow, Jaughnn being there by my side would calm me down. Lux’s uncanny resemblance to Jaughnn might be the reason for that.

Every day I spectate outside of the ICU – Jaughnn had a special ICU built for Lux. I knew many people needed it as well and it wouldn’t be fair to hog it all for ourselves.

I was forced to request for it – they managed to do it in a very short amount of time.

I was impressed by it – they also built up across the VVIP room where Lux would reside when he finally opens his eyes.