
Hiring a Maid


One thing I hated to have in my life was a maid. That hatred worsened when I caught one in my matrimonial bed doing the nasty with my husband. That situation resulted in all servants being fired. However, the circumstances forced me to hire one.

Henry and I were blessed with two beautiful children Henry Junior and Hannah. My family had lost a bet on naming the kids to Henry's family however my family got to give them their second names. We decided to give my mom the honor because she has always wanted to name my kids since I was an only child.

Work and my kids were on war which determines who gets my attention more. Of course my children got most of the attention.

We had a long debate with my husband on hiring a maid issue. I still dreaded the idea. Unfortunately, he won bringing facts like and I quote: "Babe, you cannot serve two masters at the same time let alone four."

"Four?" I raised a brow confused. What did he mean by four masters.

"Yes, four. Work, housework and kids." He replied.

"You only mentioned three. Who is the fourth one?" I glared at him as if trying to read his mind.

A mischievous grin played on his lips as he stood up and pulled into his embrace. "Me."

He was right, I had too much to handle and I couldn't handle it all by myself so I decided to bring home my worst enemy.

Her name was Anya Reynolds who I rescued from being fired and homeless. Her boss was my friend who owned a housekeeping company which provided maids to the rich. And I didn't even care to ask her what made my friend send this innocent girl away. She had nowhere and no one else for crying out loud. Little did I know that she will become my worst nightmare. Obviously, I was too oblivious blinded by my kind heart.

A knock on my door grabbed my attention and I marched towards the door. Anya was standing there wearing a black and white professional attire with a blazer.

"Welcome to my house, Anya. Please do come in." I motioned her to come in while I was trying to help out with her luggage but she refused my help. Once we were seated across each other. "Can I get you something?"

"No, I'm okay." She paused and glanced around the house, "I must say you have a beautiful house Mrs McCowell."

"Thank you Anya. And please call Natasha." I smiled. Deadly mistake. With maids you have to establish your territory so that she knows who the boss is but I gave her the pass card into my territory.

"Okay." She smiled back.

"Okay. Now let me take you to your room to get you settled in." I stood up and she mimicked my action. "Are you sure you don't want help with that?" I asked pointing at her luggage.

"Yes. Don't worry."

I just nodded and started to lead her to the spare room. I opened the door and motioned her to get in.

"Get settled in. You will start tomorrow after your orientation. Breakfast will be at 7 sharp." I told her and left the room.

I headed back to my room so that I get a shower before going to prepare for the day.

"Cuddle Time?!" Henry chirped once I opened the door.

"No, last time we did that we were late for work and kids were late for school." I told him heading to my closet to pick my toiletries.

When I came back, I faced my pouting husband and laughed at the cite. "So cute." I cooed touching his cheeks he hated that.

"So how's the new maid?" He asked.

"I can't judge that yet." I replied. "I'm going to take a shower."

"Can I join you?" He asked with a sad voice. Oh God, he's going to be the death of me.

"No." I replied as I entered the bathroom. I started to shower and something grabbed my waist making gasp. "You scared me." I said between breaths and regaining my heartbeat.

"Sorry, but I can't take no for an answer." Henry whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine.

"You want to make us late again?" I asked as if I wasn't enjoying the moment.

"I know you want this." He asked turning me around to face him.

Well, we ended up having a quickie in the shower.

As usual we were running late but it was better than yesterday. I raced downstairs and began to prepare breakfast and lunch boxes for the kids. I was used to rushing.

As for me, i decided to work at home so that I get to orient that housemaid. Henry was going to drop the kids at school.

He came downstairs wearing a teal shirt, black pants and a tie. His long sleeves were rolled up showing his flexing muscles. He was holding his suit jacket and shoes on his right hand and a briefcase on the other.

I gave him a stinky eye, "This is all your fault." I blamed him.

"Oh come on." He smirked putting what he was holding down and came over to me. He pulled me into his embrace and gave me a long kiss.

"Morning mom and dad. Please practice some pg here." My nine year old son, Henry interrupted our make out session. My six year old daughter was covering her eyes. They were both dressed ready for school.

"Young man, if I remember correctly this is how your existence started." Henry said while he took a sit besides our children ready for breakfast.

I gave him a shove on the side making him grin mischievously. If I didn't stop him he would have explained everything bluntly to the poor kids.

Anya decided to join us.

"Morning, Anya. Did you have a good rest?" I asked motioning her to join us on the table.

"Morning, Natasha. Yes, thank you." Anya replied taking a sit next to Hannah.

"Okay." I smiled and began to introduce her to my family.

"Its nice to meet you all." Anya said.

"You too Anya." Hannah and Henry said in unison.
