
My Husband's Stone Cold Heart

Clark hated Gehona since they were children because of a tragic accident. But Gehona was raised and loved by his father. She lived as a foster daughter in their family home until his father died. When he thought he could finally get rid of her, the last will of his father forced him to marry her and live in the same house with her for two years to fully receive his inheritance.

Klara_Bell · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 4

Gehona stared back at the mirror. Her face is red as the tomatoes as she recalls the earlier event.

What on earth just happened to us? Did I just allow him to kiss me? Is he really that sick that he's delirious? I think I should avoid him whenever he has a fever.

Later in the night, Gehona saw Clark at the dinner table.

"Gee, sit down now," Yaya Betty uttered as she saw her walking into the dining room.

Clark raised his head and their eyes met. But he abruptly avoided her gaze.

"How are you feeling now?" Gehona asked.

Clark did not look at her. He seems busy with his phone as Yaya Betty serves the meals on the table.

"Good." He answered shortly.

She helps Yaya Betty to place the utensils. Then they all sat and started eating. Yaya keeps talking while the two of them focus on their food.

"Both of you eat slowly. Are you in a race of who is first to finish their food?" Yaya Betty scolded them.

"I'm just really hungry Yaya." She answered.

"The food tastes so good I can't help it," Clark answered with a smile to the old lady.

"Okay, your just teasing me. Just eat slowly, you might choke." Yaya Betty uttered and laugh at the compliment.

When they finished their meal. They all clean the table.

"Yaya, I'll wash the dishes." Gehona offered.

"Go now and rest. I'll do it." Yaya Betty said as she pushed her back out from the sink.

"Okay, then Yaya. Thank you for the meal."

She walked out of the dining room and was about to head upstairs when she saw Clark standing at the bottom of the staircase.

He gazed at her when he noticed her coming close.

"Gehona, can I have a minute with you?" Clark asked.


What could be it this time?

"Follow me." He said as he led the way to the garden.

He stopped in front of the fountain and look back at her.

"What is it?" She asked.

"I would like to apologize for what happened earlier. I wasn't myself when I did that. It won't happen again. And I thought you were someone else." He said.

Gehona is stunned upon hearing this. She did not expect that Clark would apologize to her.

Someone else... Could it be he thought I was his ex?

"It's okay-"

"But I hope you won't enter my room again. Even if you are my wife, we are just married in the paper. I want you to respect my privacy. And please don't cross the boundary I set for us in the house. That is to not bother me. I hope this makes things clear." He said in a serious tone of voice.

Gehona felt disappointed. For a second, she thought he changed and that their relationship would be better. Clearly, he still does not see her as family. Not his foster sister, not a friend, and not a wife.

"I understand. If there is nothing else, I would like to leave now." She uttered.

"That's all. You may leave." He answered.

Gehona walked back to the house. She felt uncomfortable in her heart. But she knows she doesn't have any right to feel hurt or mad. After all, she's the reason Clark lost his mother. It's unforgivable. He might not forgive her in this lifetime.

It's been a long time since that tragic incident happened. When she lost a foster mother, she lost her foster brother too. Clark hated her to his core. His young self did hold back to express his anger. Even just seeing her will make his blood boil. It only stopped when he moved out during his college days. He would visit his father but will avoid her like the plague and ignore her like she did not exist.

She watched him grow and mature into a smart, competent, and attractive man. Many women admire him. Some girls would even befriend her during high school and college when they found out she is his foster sister.

Melania is his ex-girlfriend who flew abroad to pursue her dream of becoming a fashion artist. They broke up last year. She saw how Clark heart's broke into pieces when she left. But it seems that he still remembers her. He must be thinking of her when he kissed her that time.