
My Husband's Stone Cold Heart

Clark hated Gehona since they were children because of a tragic accident. But Gehona was raised and loved by his father. She lived as a foster daughter in their family home until his father died. When he thought he could finally get rid of her, the last will of his father forced him to marry her and live in the same house with her for two years to fully receive his inheritance.

Klara_Bell · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

Gehona arrived at the family home. It's a two-story home with a beautiful garden and a swimming pool in the backyard.

"Gee!" Yaya Betty called her name as soon as she set foot in the house.

Yaya Betty the nanny of Clark and her since they were young. She's a 40-year-old woman. She's like a mother figure to them.

"Is it true that you got married today? I thought it was supposed to be on the weekend." Yaya Betty asked.

"I also thought the same. But he called me early this morning while I was at work and told me that his assistant was able to fix the schedule. Besides, he has a meeting overseas this weekend."

Yaya Betty looks saddened.

"You seem to come from a meeting, not a wedding."


She turned around and saw Elliot coming from the gate in a haste. Elliot is her guy best friend who is secretly gay. She's the only one who knows.

"Elliot, what are you doing here?"

"I came from the restaurant, is it true that you got married today?" He asked.

"Yes, I just came from the courthouse."

"What? That's absurd! And you're wearing that thing?" Elliot said in disgust.

"I can't help it."

"That guy is despicable! He should at least let you prepare! We work hard to find you that beautiful white dress."

"Eliot, eat your lunch with us." Yaya interrupted during his rant.

"Sure Yaya. Thank you."

She went to her room with Eliot.

"Aren't you mad?" Eliot asked while she was changing in the bathroom.

"No. That marriage is only on paper. No need to do extra. We will separate once he receives his inheritance." She answered.

"You're a Saint! How could you agree to marry him and be treated this way? This will be your first marriage. This will be forever on your record. You can't even date for two years."

"It's fine. I'll also receive an inheritance after two years. I'll use that to have my dream bakery." She said with optimism.

Gehona is a pastry chef in Elliot's restaurant. They were best friends since college. She even acted as his cover girlfriend to hide his secret from his parents.

"At least you will get something from this ridiculous setup."

Gehona receive a letter from her godfather Arnulfo after he died. It's a heartfelt letter from a father who loves his son very much. He wished for her to stay in Clark's life and support him as his wife. He's worried about him when he's gone. He was pleading not to leave his son alone. It's a hard request knowing how Clark hated her but she can't ignore the pleading of the man who raised her like a real daughter.

She and Elliot went to the dining table and eat lunch. The meal is so delicious that he even forgot that he's upset about the whole sudden wedding and he is even not invited to witness his best friend's first wedding.

Gehona continued her usual routine the next day. She goes to work before Clark could wake up. She can't even see his face because they have separate rooms. Once she's home, Clark is still at work. They don't have time to talk or at least eat a meal together. For almost a month she didn't see him until he got sick from overwork.

One weekend morning, she saw him at the dining table eating breakfast. Gehona was surprised but glad to finally see his husband's face.

"Good morning." She greeted him with a smile.

He just nodded. He only glanced at her for a second. She sat down on the seat opposite him.

She heard him coughing.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yes." He answered shortly and continued eating breakfast.

"You don't have work today?" She asked while preparing my sandwich.

"No." He answered.

Gehona smiled. It's her day off. She can spend time with him.

"What are you doing today? It's also my rest day." She asked. Maybe they can have tea together or watch a movie.

"I'm not feeling well. I'll sleep." He answered.

Gehona bends to reach him and touches his forehead with her palm.

"It's hot. You have a fever." She said with concern.

"Stop it." He said in irritation.

She immediately went back to her seat.

"I told you before to never touch me." His voice is hoarse but he's clearly pissed.

"I'm sorry Clark. But have you taken flu medicine yet?" She asks again ignoring his irritation.

"Yes. So please leave me alone to eat in peace."

"Okay, but if you need anything you can call me or Yaya Betty."

"Fine!" He answered.

After breakfast, he went back to his room and did not come out for hours. So she look for Yaya Betty to check on him but she went to the market for groceries. Clark did not inform her that he is sick.

Gehona decided to enter his room to check on him. Once she opened the door, she saw him laying in bed in his pajamas. The windows are closed and the light is off. She approached him and saw him sleeping uncomfortably. She put her palm on his forehead. She was stunned when she felt his high fever.

"Clark?" She called him.

He started to moan with a pained expression.

His hands grab her suddenly. She falls on his chest as his arms wrap around her waist.

His hazy eyes opened and gazed at her face. He suddenly kissed her on the lips!