
Chapter 56

"What's your plan to kick Mellisa out?" Shina's voice boomed through the room. Tina's attention was drawn to the stairs where Shina was descending. She had just come to checked if Mellisa and Maxwell had gone to bed. That's when she overheard Tina's plan to evict Mellisa.

Tina chuckled sarcastically as Shina approached her, "What if I told you, what will I do huh?"

Shina shot Tina a cold glare, "There are a lot of things I can do to you, Tina." Shina said. "If Mellisa gets hurt because of you, mark my words, you'll regret the day you were born. You may be crazy, but I'm crazier than you. You don't know what I'm capable of. If you have the guts, try me and you'll find out."

Shina left the room, leaving Tina astonished. But she was not going to go back on her plan because of Shina.


"Melissa, let's get to know each other," Maxwell said softly, rubbing Melissa's hair as her head rested on his chest.