
Chapter 40 Girls out

Maxwell watched Mellisa's back as she ascended the stairs. He had always known that deep within her was a devil, but she had always been too scared to let it out. Now, however, her fear was beginning to dissipate and her true self was emerging. Maxwell was glad to see her standing up for herself against people like Tina. He only wished that one day she would find the courage to confront Zick and put him in his place, just as she had done with Tina.

Maxwell smiled as he rose from his chair. "Michelle, please take ten cars with the guards with you. I'm going to go and get ready for work. Please take care of Melissa, I know that some people must be thinking about how to punish her for the good deed she had done," he said with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

"OK dad, don't worry I will talk to Ronen," Shina replied.