
Chapter 14 Regret is the end

." Zick!!!! " Mike yelled his name." How dare you chase her out of the house, where will she go?" Mike slammed the table angrily. " You are the biggest fool in this world I ever knew, how can you let go of such a gem of a person???"

" Dad, please I don't want you to lecture me about this matter, you want me to marry a poor girl just like you did, like seriously aren't you being ridiculous right now?? " Mike asked his tone full of light sarcasm, annoyance could not be mistaken on his face." If you love that old hag go and look for her and make her your wife because she is not my type and she will never be one. "

" Zick!!!!! How could you say this to me? " Mike shook his head slowly in disbelief. " It's okay my son, we don't know what we have in life until we lose it, you know the meaning of my words one day but it will be too late. " Mike said, he rose off the table and left the house.