
MY HUBBY PARK : Park Jimin

y/n and jimin a married couple..there wedding will long last or not?

jesmin_ · Teen
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7 Chs

1.we're funny tho

Jimin: hey! Hey y/n

you was lost in your thoughts

Y/n: huh!.. Yeah jimin what you were saying?

Jimin: you look so tired what happened

Y/n : jimin-ahhh (she cutely said) I'm exhausted bcz of the prepations of wedding..

Jimin:oh ho i told you no need to work to much..

Author-you might be thinking that that's

y/n's and jimin's wedd- no that's y/n's cousin's weed

Y/n : And I didn't even went to shopp idk wht I'm gonna wear huh I'm too confused..

Jimin: You look beautiful even not wearing anything (he laughs)

Y/n : gives him death glares

Jimin:Aigoo sry I'm just kidding see I'm just a lil kid (showing his face.. He pouted)


Then they burst into laugh

Jimin:so wht about if we go to shopp something for you my baby girl

Y/n : yeah!! But don't call me babygirl huh!

Jimin:really,now I'll definitely huhaa he laughed again, so now can we go princess

Y/n:yes prince jimin we can

They went to they're car then .. Y/n was about to open the driver side door when jimin said

Jimin:I'll drive ...

Y/n : you know how to drive

Jimin: yeah of course

When he opened the door he realized

That's the driver seat is at right side

Jimin:oops my, there lovely y/n my beautiful cute fiance

Y/n : looked at him and burst into laugh

And said now what huh? Wht happened


Jimin-see in my eyes I'm just a lil kido you know so just drive for me miss park

Y/n :why not and she again laughed

Jimin:that's not that much funny

Then he also laughed a lil cause he wasn't able to control his laugh anymore. Then y/n drive and they went to shopping..

do you liked the story guy's? .. thankyou all readers..

jesmin_creators' thoughts