
Chapter 326 Conditions for Going Home (3)

As she thought of the past, Lu Weixi's expression grew a tad distant. Yet now, when facing Bai Changyou again, and seeing the hopeful expression on his face, her suspicions confirmed - it was not for family ties he was here, but for manipulation.

Slowly her face hardened, and she painted a small smile: "I have never denied our blood ties. You raised me, and provided for my education. You did not wrong me."

Bai Changyou's face lit up with surprise. He wouldn't have thought reminiscing about the past could soften his daughter's firm resolve.

Lu Weixi was his daughter, and had been raised with utmost care and affection. Had it not been for the divorce, when Lu's mother had made such a fuss - breaking things in the house, threatening to take half his assets, even attempting to get it on the news for all to know, he would've had an easier time preserving his dignity.