
My Household is Full of Assassin Maids

Art Cover by: https://twitter.com/asagi_0398 "Where did my happy normal life go? When my family suddenly hired a group of maids, it seemed like a welcome change, but appearances can be deceiving. Little did I know that these maids were not ordinary household servants. Unbeknownst to the world, my family carries a dark legacy as skilled assassins, and these maids are no exception. Trained in lethal arts, they wield their tea trays and meal trays with deadly precision, eliminating those who become targets. "Welcome back, Young master~" The maids greet me with seemingly gentle smiles, but behind their eyes lies a world of secrets and danger. Ahhh... I wish these maids were just normal.

Yamiru · Realistic
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

The Heart of the Dragon's Wrath

A few minutes later, I began to regain consciousness, my surroundings slowly coming into focus. I found myself in a dimly lit room, sitting on a wooden chair with my hands tied behind my back.

My head was throbbing from the effects of the tranquilizer, but I forced myself to stay alert.

As my vision cleared, I noticed Aya-Senpai sitting across from me, also bound to a chair. She looked at me with a mixture of relief and concern. "Ryo-kun, you're awake..."

"Senpai... Where are we?"

"We're in one of their hideouts, Ryo-kun." Her voice was tinged with regret.

"The Dragon's Wrath hideout..."

"The Yakuzas huh...." I clenched my fists, anger welling up within me. "We can't let them get away with this. We have to find a way out."

"Ryo-kun, it's not that simple. They're dangerous, and they're well-connected. If we make any wrong moves, they could hurt my siblings."

I took a deep breath, trying to think clearly despite the situation. "We can't just sit here, Senpai. There has to be a way out of this!?"

Just then, the door to the room creaked open, and one of the members of Dragon's Wrath entered. He sneered at us, his gaze shifting between me and Aya. "Well, well, it seems like our guests are awake."

I stared back at him,

"I won't let you get away with this."

He laughed mockingly. "You're quite brave, I'll give you that. But you're in no position to challenge us.

He laughed mockingly. "You're quite brave, I'll give you that. But you're in no position to challenge us."

He then looked at Senpai and tossed a key to her.

Aya clutched the key in her hand, uncertainty and confusion in her eyes.

The man then motioned to his two burly escorts. "Escort her."

"Yes, Boss."

"Yes, Boss."

The two bodyguards, dressed in ominous black suits, grabbed Aya's arms and began to pull her away from me.

"Hey! Let me go! I can walk on my own!"

Aya's voice echoed down the corridor as they left, leaving me alone with the man in the dimly lit room. The atmosphere was tense, and I knew I had to be cautious.

"So you're Ryo Sorata."

he sneered, circling around me like a predator. "Quite a reputation you've built, even if you're just a high school student."

I met his gaze with a defiant look, ignoring the unease creeping up my spine. "What do you want from me? Why bring me here?"

He chuckled darkly, his voice dripping with disdain. "Curious, are you? Well, let's say you're going to become the bait for your father."

My father? What did he mean by that?

"What do you want from him?"

The man's laughter grew, a bitter sound that echoed in the room.

"What do I want from him? Are you seriously asking that? Your father, Ryo Sorata, almost brought our organization to its knees. He took lives, destroyed everything my brother had built, wiped out men who were like family to us..."

His words hit me like a punch to the gut. My father had been involved in this world, a world of shadows and violence.

I already know that... But that doesn't mean my father would just assassinate an entire organization without the government's orders... or his feelings.

"Are you gonna say that I'm just gonna let it slide? HUH!?" His voice rose, anger seething beneath the surface.

I met his gaze with a mixture of defiance and understanding. "I'm not here to make excuses for my father's actions. But I'm not him, and my father will not come here to save me.."

He laughed again, a bitter sound that carried a hint of madness. "How naive. You think your father will not save you?"

"Hmm? I see... So my father did a lot of shit to your organization." I couldn't help but let out a dry chuckle, even in the midst of this dire situation. "How interesting."

His face twisted in anger, and before I could react, his fist connected with my stomach.


the force of the blow knocking the air out of my lungs. Before I could recover, another blow landed on my face, causing spots of light to dance in my vision.

The pain was sharp and disorienting, but I forced myself to stay conscious, my fingers curling into fists.

I glared at him again.

"You're... not going to break me," I managed to spit out between gritted teeth.

He leaned in close, his eyes gleaming with a cruel intensity. "Oh, I'm well aware of that. Breaking you isn't my goal, Ryo Sorata. Breaking your spirit is."

He then retrieved his phone from his pocket and shoved it in my face, revealing a real-time footage of Aya-senpai and her siblings with guns pointed at their heads.

My eyes widened in shock and horror. "Hey... What the fuck."

"Kekeke... There we go... You're showing emotion despite being in a family of assassins, eh?"

Aya-senpai... and her siblings were crying, terror in their eyes as they faced the barrels of guns.

What kind of sick game is this...

"This isn't the deal! You made a deal about her letting go of her siblings!!" I shouted, my anger boiling over.

"Yeah~ I did... But I didn't say I'm not letting her go... It's a waste to have a cute girl like her as my... toy. Kekeke."


I strained against the restraints, my heart pounding with a mix of desperation and rage. "Let them go, you fucking psycho!"

"Don't struggle, Ryo Sorata... After all, you're about to witness something even more fantastic~"

Just then, a man emerged from the room where Aya-senpai was held, shirtless and smirking. My heart sank as I realized what was about to happen. I needed to get out, to do something, but the ropes binding me to the chair held me captive.

FUCK! This is beyond fucked up! I can't let this happen!

Just then, in the real-time footage, two maids stormed into the room, guns blazing. The scene turned chaotic as shots rang out, and the men who had been menacing Aya-senpai and her siblings were swiftly taken down.

A sense of relief washed over me as I recognized Nana and Yukiko-san. They had come to the rescue. Nana's eyes caught the CCTV camera, and she wasted no time. A gunshot cracked through the air, and the camera shattered into pieces.

"Huh? The signal is gone?" The man frowned as he tapped on his phone. "The other cameras are all out as well, huh..."

He was oblivious to the fact that the camera had been deliberately taken out.

Suddenly, his radio crackled with static.

"Boss! We're being atta- Urgk!" The voice on the other end cut off abruptly, replaced by the faint sound of a silenced gunshot.

He grabbed the radio from his waist and shouted.

"Kill them!"

His gaze locked onto me, and realization seemed to dawn on him.

"I see... No wonder you suddenly calmed down... The cameras are not really out of signal but they were destroyed!!"

A mix of panic and rage flashed across his face as he comprehended the extent of the threat that was closing in on him.

"Looks like they came huh..."

"Huh? Who came!? Is it your father!? Don't mock me... There are 1,000 of us in this base... There's more of us... Do you think you can stop us!?"

Just then, the door to my room suddenly swung open. Momo and Shizuka entered with smiles on their faces.

"Ohh?~ So there's 1,000 of you here~," Momo said, her smile unwavering as she pointed her gun at him. "Did you hear that? Cipher (Kasumi)?" She communicated through the earpiece.

"I heard it loud and clear, Mirage (Momo)," Kasumi responded.

"Y-You... Who are you all!?"

"Who we are doesn't matter... After all..." Shizuka's shot rang out, and the man fell to the ground, lifeless.

"After all, you're dead the moment you laid your hands on Ryo-sama." Shizuka's voice was steady and cold.