
My Household is Full of Assassin Maids

Art Cover by: https://twitter.com/asagi_0398 "Where did my happy normal life go? When my family suddenly hired a group of maids, it seemed like a welcome change, but appearances can be deceiving. Little did I know that these maids were not ordinary household servants. Unbeknownst to the world, my family carries a dark legacy as skilled assassins, and these maids are no exception. Trained in lethal arts, they wield their tea trays and meal trays with deadly precision, eliminating those who become targets. "Welcome back, Young master~" The maids greet me with seemingly gentle smiles, but behind their eyes lies a world of secrets and danger. Ahhh... I wish these maids were just normal.

Yamiru · Realistic
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33 Chs

Four Seasons

Walking into the principal's office, I was greeted by an unusual sight: four solemn-looking female students seated before me.

"Didn't your mother teach you how to knock?" The words were as sharp as her glare, making her annoyance evident.

Eh? What's this strange feeling stirring within me... This situation is a bit... off.

"Hey, shouldn't you introduce yourself?" Another girl, her long black hair contrasting her glare, shot her words like arrows.

I quickly complied, bowing slightly. "Ah, I'm Ryo Sorata, a second-year student."

"Oh? So you're the one who got caught by the police officer? What was it for?" The girl with long white hair wore a sly smirk.

I remained silent, my gaze downcast.

"Hmmm~" She nodded, her smirk deepening.

The old principal cleared his throat, his gaze steady. "Enough of that. Ryo Sorata, take a seat."

As I settled into a chair, the principal's gaze fixed on me. "Now, would you care to explain why you were apprehended by the officer?"

I hesitated for a moment, then decided to come clean. "I was... actually jumping around on the roofs."

The four female students exchanged surprised glances, clearly taken aback.

"Hmph, as if we're supposed to believe that," the girl with the short black hair retorted, a smirk playing on her lips.

"Yeah, sounds quite unbelievable."

I sighed inwardly. "I know it does, but that's the truth."

"Oh? Would you care to explain why you were jumping around on the rooftops?" the principal probed further.

I shifted uneasily, feeling the intensity of the situation weighing down on me. With my gaze fixed on the floor, a barrage of questions filled my mind.

First, why were four female students present in the principal's office? And second, was this really the sole reason for summoning me here?

The principal's voice snapped me back to reality. "Ladies, introduce yourselves."

"Kohaku Suko," the girl with the long black hair stated a hint of annoyance in her tone.

"Toma Ryoko~," chimed the one with white, flowing hair.

"Yamaguchi Yuko," the girl with short black hair introduced herself.

"Okino Toshiko," declared the girl with a serious demeanor and brown hair. "Just so you know, we're all your Senpai. Do you understand, Kouhai-san?"

"Erm, actually... My name is Ryo Sorata."

"Do. You. Understand?" Okino reiterated her tone stern.

"Y-Yes... I understand."

Honestly, sheesh, could she calm down a bit? It's just introductions.

"Now then, there is a reason why we called you here... and that is to..." The principal cleared his throat, his gaze steady. "Have you join us."

Join? Join what exactly? The Student Council?

"Huh?! Are you alright, Sir?!" Okino shot up from her seat, her eyes fixed on the principal. "You want to involve an innocent student in our affairs?"

"Yes, Okino-kun, I am quite serious. Please, sit back down."

"But... why would we bring an outsider into this?!"

"I said sit down," the principal's tone grew stern, his gaze unwavering.

Her protest died down, and she slowly sank back onto the couch, though her discontent was still palpable.

This is all so sudden... but what do they mean by "join"? What's going on?

"You must be quite bewildered, Ryo-kun, and I understand that. Allow me to explain briefly." The principal stood up, his expression serious as he locked eyes with me. "We are known as 'Four Seasons,' an organization unique to this school."

Hold on... Could it be that these four girls are a part of this organization? I glanced at each of them, my curiosity piqued.

"Ryo-kun, please understand that this is not a mere request." The principal's gaze bore into me with unwavering intensity. "Have you heard of a Yakuza group by the name of 'Dragon's Wrath'?"

I shook my head, a sense of unfamiliarity lingering.

"Very well. In our city, incidents involving missing students and families, homicides, drug trafficking, and other criminal activities have been on the rise... and those Yakuza are behind it all."

"Hold on a second, why me? I don't want any part of this! I can't afford to get involved in something dangerous!"

Just then, Ryoko smoothly withdrew a handgun with a silencer attached to the barrel. My eyes widened as my gaze locked on the weapon.

"I told you, Ryo-kun... this is not an invitation." The principal's voice held a resigned tone. "I understand your concerns, but all we ask of you is to become a part of us informally."

"What if I refuse, even outside of this room?"

"You're well aware of the consequences that would follow."

I clicked my tongue, shifting my gaze downwards. Ryoko discreetly stowed the gun away somewhere within her school uniform.

"Allow me to continue. As I mentioned earlier, the 'Dragon's Wrath' are at the center of this, but I suspect there's more at play. We have reason to believe there's a student within these walls acting as a mole. And you, Ryo-kun, with your acrobatic parkour skills, are uniquely suited to help us track them down."

"So that's your true aim in wanting me to join."

The principal's lips curved into a small smile. "I take it your decision is to join us, then?"

"You already know my answer."

"Understood. You may leave now."

With a slow nod, I rose from my seat, my footsteps leading me to the exit. Yet, just as I was about to step out, the principal's voice called me back.


I turned to face him. "What?"

"Remember, this is not a matter to discuss with the outside world."

My eyes narrowed a silent agreement passing between us before I pivoted and left his office.

As I walked away, the principal's words echoed in my mind.

"Can we trust him, Sir?" Yuko's voice broke the silence.

"I can't say for certain at this point," the principal responded. "But just to be safe, keep a close watch on him. "

The four female students nodded in unison.

"Very well, everyone. You're dismissed."