

Editor: Millman97

"You might have a point." Liu Gang also picked up himself up from the ground. His body was shaking. Everything around him was too intense for his senses. This was a blood red world; every surface was painted with blood, the walls were climbing with blood vessels, and thick bloody liquid was flowing on the ceiling above them.

"This is madness, pure madness." Liu Gang stuttered when he spoke. He had thought that there was hope behind the door, but when he saw that the scene before him had nothing to do with hope, the disappointment was enough to break him. The three visitors were busy consoling themselves, but the excuses that they could come up with sounded so weak when compared to the bloody reality that they had been thrown into.

"We…" Before Liu Gang finished, footsteps came from the corridor. The sound was crisp, like stilettos on tiles.

"It's not easy to move around with heels. Could it be the worker coming to direct us to the exit?"