
My Hottie Daddy

The wedding invitation of her ex-boyfriend instantly makes Nayra's life seem to collapse. Nayra's parents were sad to see their son's plight so they decided to match Nayra up with the son of his business partner named Devan. Devan's status as a widower who has one child makes Nayra think hard about the request of her parents. But Nayra was forced to accept the match with a heavy heart. Will Nayra accept marriage to Devan when Devan's only daughter manages to win Nayra's heart? Will Nayra love Devan when she finds out how Devan is? What will Nayra and Devan's household be like if a third person interferes with their lives?

DaoistWGLtYa · Urban
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4 Chs


Without realizing it, one month of Devan and Nayra's wedding. Their relationship began to feel closer from the beginning of marriage. Devan begins to open his heart to Nayra after asking his ex-wife's permission by visiting his beloved ex-wife's meal.

Nayra has to be patient with the problems that plague her school. The complex slander aimed at Nayra with accusations of corruption and being uncle's mistress spreads widely at school. Vile slander hurled by fellow teachers cornered Nayra. Alma who saw this felt pity.

Especially seeing Nayra's attitude, who from the past only accepted every accusation against her without replying to those who made the accusations.

Nayra is still patient with the behavior of Alena and Reni who continue to spread slander at school.

"You saw Nayra getting into the luxury car that picked her up earlier. Nayra must be baby sugar om om. Embarrassing. This tarnishes the good name of the school. That's the case with the corruption in social assistance funds again." Alena incited the teachers who were in the school parking lot when they came home from school

"Yes, Alena. I saw Nayra getting into that luxury car. I'm sure Nayra wants to go on a date." Reni added to the heat of the afternoon

Alma visits Devan's house at night to meet Nayra.

"Assalamu'alaikum" Alma knocked on the door while saying hello

"Wa'alaikumsalam" Devan opened the door

" Alma.. Come in. Nayra is still accompanying Nara to sleep. I'll call you in a moment." Devan invited Alma to sit down and then headed to Nara's room to call Nayra

Alma sat on the sofa in Devan's living room waiting for Nayra. Some time Nayra met Alma in the living room bringing 2 glasses of their favorite guava juice.

" Tumben .. Night comes Al "

"Are you okay Nay? "

"Why Al? You see, I'm fine, right?"

" Ah.. You really are. Always hide problems and act fine"

"Then what should I do Al? Cry? "

"You fight lha Nay. The more you stay, the more they will jump Nay"

"Just let it be Al. It's useless for them to fight "

"Nay.. You are accused of corruption and being baby sugar uncle uncle. Even though it was your husband Al who picked you up." Alma became emotional seeing Nayra's calm demeanor and raised her voice an octave without Alma noticing.

Devan, who was sitting on the living room sofa with his focus on his Macbook, checking his email, was surprised to hear Alma's words. Devan met them in the living room.

"Who is the corruption and baby sugar uncle uncle? ' asked Devan

They were surprised to hear Devan's baritone voice in the living room.

"Who corrupted the fan of baby sugar, om uncle Alma? "

Nayra shook her head signaling Alma not to tell Devan what was going on, but Alma ignored Nayra's signal this time.

"Nayra was accused of corruption in social assistance funds and baby sugar, uncle, because the teacher was jealous of Nayra, seeing that Nayra was picked up by a luxury car every time she came home from school. Even though it was Van who picked you up? "

Devan gritted his teeth and clenched his palms hearing Alma's words.

"Al" Nayra said emphasizing the words

"Sorry Nay. I can't stay silent anymore. I'm annoyed with you who are too relaxed. I know that slander is not true"

"Who is the teacher who slandered my wife Al? "

"Alena and Reni Van"

Devan left them after getting the name of the teacher who had slandered Nayra then took his cell phone in his shorts pocket to call someone. Nayra and Alma looked at Devan who had passed from the living room to the backyard.

"Sean.. You find out the high school teacher where Nayra teaches named Alena and Reni. Tomorrow morning at 9 I will wait for the data at my desk." Devan hung up the phone without waiting for Sean's answer

"Ish.. It's your bad habit to turn off your phone on your forehead. It's a good thing that my best friend, if I wasn't already gibeng" Sean grumbled at Devan's attitude

"Why don't you tell me about this problem Nay? '' Dean said when they were in the room about to sleep

"I don't want to bother you"

"Then what do you think I am when the wife has a big problem like this but doesn't know at all? What have you done for this problem Nay? "

" Yes man. Excuse me. I am wrong "

"Next time, don't be like this Nay. I don't want anyone to hurt you Nay"

" Yes man. I'll sleep first, sir."

"Yes Nay"

Nayra closed her eyes to the world of dreams while Devan still sat leaning against the head of the bed watching Nayra who looked beautiful without make up. Hallo.. Where have Devan just realized his wife is naturally beautiful after 1 month of marriage.

"This is the data you asked for Van" Sean put a folder containing Alena and Reni's data that slandered Nayra

Devan opened the folder and read it carefully.

"Adnan Putra... Rich, familiar, Alena Sean's husband's name"

"Yes Van. Adnan your employee. Head of analysis division

" Okay. I'm asking you to investigate the problem that's happening to Nayra at school. I will wait for the report tomorrow

"Yes Van. But if I may ask what problem is befalling your wife Van? "

"Nayra was accused of corruption in social assistance funds and baby sugar, uncle, because I picked Nayra up in a luxury car and a friend of her teacher saw her"

Sean laughed at Devan's story when Nayra was considered a sugar baby om om.

"Basic friends have no morals. Why are you laughing "

"You really fit to be Uncle Van. Besides, you have a beautiful wife and it's good to hide it"

"It's noisy. Will you be able to bring proof that Nayra is not wrong tomorrow? "

"Yes Van. I'm going to look for proof. Calm down, Van."

Sean walked out of Dean's room. Devan continued to check the files on the desk.

Nayra headed to the principal's office after Alma told Nayra that she was ordered to meet the principal.

"Assalamu'alaikum" Nayra greeted before entering the principal's room

"Come in Miss Nayra"

"Yes sir" Nayra stepped into the principal's room

"Sit mom"

Nayra sat on a chair in front of the principal's desk.

"What about the news I've heard over the past few weeks ma'am? "Principal to the point what will be conveyed to Nayra

"If I say it's all untrue, will you believe it? "

"What about this evidence ma'am? "The principal threw photo evidence in front of Nayra

Nayra gasped when she saw a photo of Nayra getting into Devan's car when Devan opened the car door for Nayra

"It's not what you think"

"Can you prove it ma'am? "

" I will prove it "

" Okay ma'am. I was waiting for evidence from Mrs. Nay and while waiting for evidence from Mrs. Nay, I thought my mother would first turn off teaching until the evidence was there and valid. Including evidence of mother's corruption"


It was like being struck by lightning during this hot day to hear the words of the principal, who should have been wise in making decisions, but it seemed as if the principal was defending Alena and Reni more. Nayra tilted her head to hold back the tears that were about to fall.

"Then please come home. This rule comes into effect today and the mother's position as deputy public relations representative will be filled by Ms. Reni."

"Okay sir" Nayra bowed before leaving the principal's office

Nayra took a bag on the teacher's room desk then left the school with sharp looks from fellow teachers who saw Nayra leave. Sean's men who were carrying out their duties immediately called Sean to tell Nayra to leave school after being deactivated by the school principal.

Hearing reports from his men about Nayra, Sean then entered Devan's room.

" Vans. bad"

"Why Sean? "

"Your wife is being treated unfairly by the principal. Nayra is deactivated until there is valid proof. Nayra just left school said my men Van "

Without replying to Sean's words, Devan took his cell phone and car keys on his desk and left the company looking for Nayra. Devan called Nayra right on the third ring. Nayra picked up Devan's phone.

" Assalamualaikum "


"What's wrong, sir? "

"Where are you Nay? "

"I picked up Nara from school. Why bro? "

"You wait for me there. Don't go home before I arrive"

" Yes man "

Devan stepped on the gas and drove the car at high speed. Nayra wiped away the tears that were still dripping down her face. Nayra tried to act calm as if nothing happened to her today. Nayra is a tough girl and is able to hide all the sadness she has experienced since she was little.

Nayra always makes other people happy and doesn't want to bother other people. A sweet smile was etched on Nayra's face when she saw Nara running towards her. Nayra stretched out her arms to welcome Nara's warm embrace. This did not escape Devan's gaze, who had just arrived in front of the Nara school.

'You are a great woman Nay' said Devan who was still in the car

Devan got out of the car and approached Nayra and Nara.

"Dear papa, let's go home" Devan stood beside Nayra and it surprised them.

"Why did Papa pick up Nara? Does daddy not work? "

"Is daddy not allowed to pick up Nara? "

" Can dad. That's fine. Nara is happy that papa and mama can pick up Nara together"

"Let's go home" Devan took Nayra's hand and carried Nara on the left

Devan Nayra and Nara got into the car and headed for the house. Nayra refuses when Devan invites her out for lunch. Nayra chose to have lunch at home. Devan follows Nayra's wish, which is in an erratic state in his heart.

"Rara played with Auntie first. Papa wants to talk to Mom. Is it okay Rara dear? Devan tried to persuade Nara to allow Devan to talk to Nayra

"Yes daddy. No it's okay. C'mon, let's play in the backyard." Nara took Aunt's hand and took her to the back garden

"Are you ok Nay? ' asked Devan when he was in the room

"I'm fine mas" Nara put Devan's bag to the usual place

"You're not hiding anything from me Nay? "

"Mas how come it's noon already home? What about the office?" Nayra tried to divert the conversation

"I'm worried about my wife" Devan hugged Nayra from behind and made Nayra gasp with Devan's treatment

"The office is fine, isn't there Sean?" Devan teased Nayra by blowing a breath into Nayra's ear which made Nayra blush

"Mas.. Let it go. What if Nara comes in? "

"Take it easy Nay. Nara is playing with the aunt behind. I already locked the door. Safe. You really don't want to talk to me, Nay? "

"What's the story, sir? I have nothing to tell you"

"You're good at hiding problems from Mr. Why are you home at this time? Aren't your hours full today Nay? You should be home at half past four right Nay?" Devan takes Nayra in his lap

"Um... I had a meeting earlier, mas." Nayra lied

"What is the name of your principal, Nay? "

"Why sir? "

"I want to know Nay"

"If you already know, what do you do? "

"It's okay Nay"

Devan's cell phone ringing relieved Nayra who was confused about what to answer Devan's question. Devan got up from sitting and gently lifted Nayra from his lap to move temporarily. Devan picked up the phone from Sean.

" How? "

"I have all the evidence

Nayra was the victim of their slander and the school principal turned out to have an affair with Reni "

" Good. Tomorrow we will dismantle their rot"

" Done. how's your wife? "

"Nair is good. Nayra is a tough and strong woman"

"You are lucky to have Nayra's wife. Don't leave and hurt Nayra"

" Just calm down. Lol don't worry"

"It turns out that the school where Nayra teaches is the school that you contributed the most funds there"

"Seriously.. Harapan Bangsa High School bro"

"Yes Van. I called the leadership of the foundation so that tomorrow's meeting would be held? "

" Great idea. I'm waiting for further news bro

" Okay. Lo console your wife. I want a meeting to replace the boss who is starting to screw up "

"Damn it"

Sean hung up the phone one-sidedly like what Devan always did all this time. Devan approached Nayra who was daydreaming on the sofa in the room.

"Why are you daydreaming Nay? "

"Eh.. It's okay, sir. Have you phoned yet? "

"Already Nay. Let's sleep "

"Nah, how are you? "

"It's okay Nay. Nara is the same as aunt "

"But…" Nayra didn't continue her words because Devan had covered Nayra's lips with his

Devan crushed Nayr's lips gently. Nayra followed Devan's movements because this was the first time for Nayra.

"Can I have my rights today Nay? "

Nayra nodded her head in response to Devan's words. After 1 month of their marriage today, Devan has just asked for rights to Nayra.

"Papa mama what are you doing in the room this afternoon? "Nara protested because this afternoon his mother and father ignored him, who was making love

Nayra bit her lower lip and looked at Devan so that Devan would answer Nara's words.

"Papa mama was sleeping Ra. Achieved. Didn't Nara take a nap? "

"Nara bobo with aunt. Bad papa mama Nara not invited to sleep together "

" Honey .. Don't be angry okay. Tonight the three of us sleep. OK"

"Really mom? "

" Yes dear. Eat it first. Here mama feeds Nara "

"Yeah" Nara shouted happy to hear Nayra's words

Devan glanced at Nayra's answer. The three of them sleeping means that tonight Devan can't monopolize Nayra like this afternoon for up to four rounds. Ah. Devan regrets why he is only now asking for rights to Nayra who is still a virgin all over her body. Nayra smiled sweetly at Devan's glance which made Devan confused himself with Nayra's smile.

Finally tonight Devan Nayra and Nara slept in the three of them in Devan and Nayra's room with Nara in the middle of them. Devan took a deep breath tonight and had to hold back his desire while Nayra stroked Devan's arm which was above Nara's stomach while saying patiently, mas.

In the morning, after taking Nara to school, Devan took Nayra to the school where Nayra teaches.

" Mas .. Why are we going to school? "

"Why Nay? Don't you have hours today Nay? "

" but "

"Calm down Nay. Mas already know all your problems. Today all your problems will be solved. Trust me sir"

"Are you not angry with Nay?"

"I'm not angry with you Nay. But next time, promise to tell me if there's a problem."

" Yes man. I'm sorry Nay"

" Come on "

Devan took Nayra's hand into the school. Sean had arrived earlier at school. All eyes looked cynically at Nayra when they saw Nayra being held by Devan. Neighbors whispered, but were ignored by them. Alma smiled when she saw them coming to school.

They enter the meeting room. The principal was surprised to see Nayra sitting between Devan and Sean.

"What are you doing here, Nay? Didn't I disable you already? "

"You better sit with Pak Priyo's palm. We'll see who will be inactive." Devan replied to the cold and flat head of the school

Nayra lowered her head as all the teacher's gazes turned to Nayra.

"Don't look down Nay. Keep your head up." Dean said firmly

Nayra followed Devan's words. The meeting was started and opened by the chairman of the foundation. Greetings after greetings were made. Sean stood towards the laptop which was connected to the projector to plug in the USB. The video of the crime of Alena Reni and the school principal is clearly displayed in front of it. The three people were very shocked to see the video of their crime.

The same thing was done by the ranks of teachers who were affected by the three of them. Devan headed to the podium to explain everything.

" Assalamu'alaikum.. I feel very disappointed here with the behavior of the three people at this school. I don't want to talk much here. I am sorry that I donated funds to a foundation that cannot choose principals and teachers with good morals. Here I want to say that Nayra, the person you slandered as baby sugar om om, is my legal wife. Nayra is my legal wife and not baby sugar as they accuse"

Everyone was stunned to hear Devan's words including Nayra. The hall was buzzing for a moment before Devan continued.

"Starting today I am resigning from being the biggest donor of funds in this school" Devan walked towards the chair

Everyone was again stunned to hear Devan's words, including the chairman of the foundation.

" Mas .. You're kidding right? "

"I don't like to joke, honey. Anyone who has hurt the people I love will get the consequences right now"

"But sir"

"Calm down Nay"

"Yes mas .. Thank you mas "

"You're welcome dear" Devan kissed Nayra's forehead in front of many people who made them jealous

Sean advanced to the podium after obtaining permission from Devan.

"For Alena, please open your cell phone. As a result of your behavior, your husband lost his job, which he has been working on for a long time. It is certain that your Reni cannot work anywhere, including for Priyo. All your assets have been confiscated. Thank You "

After the meeting, Devan Nayra and Sean left the meeting room. Nayra submitted a letter of resignation to the chairman of the foundation. After thinking carefully last night, Nayra finally decided to stop working and become a housewife for Devan and Nayra and their children later.