
Chapter 306


  At this point, Farrina's tears fell down her cheeks, and she choked with sobs, unable to continue.

  Ye Fan took out a piece of paper towel and handed it over. He sighed, "Elephant Nose didn't blame you at all. He knows that he chose an extremely dangerous path. Your opposition to him is correct."

  "I should have accompanied him, at least he wouldn't be so lonely in the end. He wouldn't have taken things too hard..." Sara wiped her tears and said with a forced smile, "Thank you, Nana... Oh no... Ye Fan, I got it. I'll cheer up."

  "How long do you plan to stay here?" Ye Fan asked.

  Sarna thought for a bit, and then said, "I don't know either, but I believe that even you like to live here. This country definitely has its own unique charm. I want to live here for a few months, or perhaps a year should be quite a good choice.