
My Holmes System

It's been 50 years since the death of the Legendary Detective, Sherlock Holmes. The Holmes family and the Watson family have come to a decision to unlock the house 221B Baker Street. Sherlock has made a test, and only the first two participants who pass will be allowed to stay in it. Jack Brown, an ordinary detective who is fascinated by Sherlock's methods of investigations, decides to take the test and succeeds in getting into the house. That night, something bizarre happens to him, and from that moment, everything changes. [Congratulations! You have been chosen to be the Holder of Holmes System] [You have met up with Sherlock Holmes and received his blessing. Scanning host to see compatibility] [Scan Complete. Host is 100% compatible] [Beginning to integrate into host's body] [Integrating… Integration done]

Tales_Within_Me · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Sarah Robinson

The moment Jack laid his eyes on her, he was mesmerised. She was a beautiful woman, as she had the body to make a man drool over her. But the reason he was mesmerised was the diguise she wore at the competition.

"You're the old man that bumped into me, yes?", he asked with excitement which was evident in his voice. Her eyes widened as she was sure she wore the perfect disguise. and yet it was seen through. She was about to voice her concerns, when Jack closed her mouth and hid into the shadows.

Three sets of footsteps were heard, and the both of them were waiting for their chance to strike. Sarah made hand signs, indicating that she would take on two of them, while Jack must take on one. He nodded his head, and let go of her.

With their breaths drawn in, the both of them began to walk in opposite directions. One of them began to talk, and Jack raised his hand as a signal to stop the attack that she was about to do.

"Man, I was expecting them to be here. But who thought the woman would be that tough to handle? She was beautiful too", said one of the thugs as he licked his lips, imagining something lewd in his mind.

The other thug hit him in the back of the head as he knew what he was thinking about. Being a man, he couldn't resist the urge of obscene thoughts, but he knew that orders were orders. He began to give a stern warning to the man that was talking.

"Remember what the boss said? We have to capture them alive or dead. There is a lot riding on their heads, and don't forget the background of the woman. She is the most dangerous of the two", he said as a reminder to the both of them.

Jack was shocked right after hearing that statement. His police instincts kicked in, and the fury of a fugitive running lose began to bother him. He knew that he had to apprehend them without killing them.

He saw a 'go' from Sarah, and he jumped out of the shadows to deal with the thug that had obscene thoughts. A quick jab to the frontal bone and a swing to his temporal, and the thug felt his world spinning around.

He was on the ground, and Jack turned around to see Sarah finish the two of them, and they were dead. Her fingernails had blood on them, and that was when he noticed that they were long and sharp.

"You really had to kill them?", he asked. She shrugged her shoulders for an answer, and the both of them left the alleyway.

"You need to learn how to fight. Your moves are too open, and you leave a lot of openings", she said with a smile. He didn't deny that fact, as today he knew what kind of a fighter he was, and how much improvement he needed. They exited the alleyway, and Sarah picked another car that was parked and allowed Jack to drive.

"All yours", she said with a smile as she jumped into the passenger seat. The car in question was a taxi, and Jack quickly pulled out a hat that covered his face, and began to cruise slowly just like a taxi driver would.

There was just an hour left before the deadline, and the both of them had parked the taxi in a nearby alleyway. The road in front of them was blocked, and the rooftops were filled with snipers that would spot them from afar. Jack had no idea what to do at this point, as the Holmes were determined to stop him from getting the house.

But Jack always loved a challenge, except this time the challenge was too much for him. Everyone was vying out for his life!

Sarah, on the other hand was ready and prepared for such a situation. She ran into an abandoned building, and pulled out a sniper which she had set up. Lying down on the ground and readying herself, she gestured Jack to come next to her.

"I want you to run straight, and whoever you come across, you shoot. I will watch your back. The rules state that one of us has to be there within the said time, and I shall provide you cover until then. The heat will fall down right after this whole event is over", she explained to him.

He didn't want to kill anyone on the grounds of no crime, but as they were gunning for his life, he had no choice. "This is all for protecting myself", he muttered as he received the guns from her. A smile was all she gave as a response, and he took to the streets.

He was near the place that had a crowd next to him. They had cigarettes in their mouths, and the smell od tobacco wafted into his nose. Jack held back, as he knew that he ad to do anything to the end of the road.

"I won that place fair and square. I wonder why they are hell bent on my head. I just hoped for some peace, and now I can't find some time to relax. just what have I gotten myself into?", he thought as he looked back at Sarah,

A split second later, he saw blood splatter right next to his feet. He saw a body with a hole in his head. Another sound was heard, "SNIPER!", and he guessed it was his queue to enter the frame.

He checked both of his Glocks which he had in his hands, and steeled his nerves. He rolled out of the place and shot the nearest man's knee, blowing his kneecaps. He quickly used his instinct and turned right. A small knife was headed to his throat as he stepped back immediately.

He pulled the trigger and blew a hole into his toe, making him fall over temporarily. "Guess this is going to be a long day". he thought as he looked at the number in front of him.