
My holidays in another world

like everyone I have a boring life in the world of the living . after my unexpected death I got a chance to reincarnation in a fantasy world. with too strong powers but. I just wanted to rest and enjoy my holidays .

Vishnu_vm · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Tow beautiful angel

Where am I ?

" It's feels like some kind of fantasy webnovel"

Did I expecting to see an angel with white larg wings or something he doubting himself! 

Don't think like that fool there is no godess or demon king it's all just a fiction nothing more.

"Then where am I "

For sure I sleeping on my bed then suddenly a pain started in my chest.... Then I wake up in this place. 

" Did I really die? "

Mmmm. It's ok living in a boring life is better than not live the life... Right? 

" But I don't want to die either".... 

My name is kuku

Just 20 years old. I am not an orphan but circumstances forced me to live a lonly life

I love my parents but not too much.

Some times I wonder did my parents remember they have a kid ?

It's because my lack of colour? 

Or my abilitys..?

I don't wanna be called smart or handsome 

But I always wand to know the reason behind my parents avoiding... 

" My mom and dad are both beautiful and smart . For me they are look like tow Brightening stars unfortunately the start don't look at me"...

For my school life, i can say it's better than my childhood but for my lack of communication Sense i doubt I make any best friends?

My 18th birthday I left home. my parents didn't ask me where are you going to live or not even they say goodbye... It's feel so painful 

" Just look at me ones... " I whisper myself many times before living

I worked hard every day to live a better life or make a better life. 

Some time I thought about taking a long holiday after erning enough money to live. But that never happened.

And finally I standing hear. He wispiered himself.

What I do now? 

" I am not dreaming right" ?

But this feels so real.... I wish I could see a angel. He thought

"Hello there... finally you called me boy"... A beautiful young lady with two wings landed from the sky she is smiling and her blue eyes looking at me her bloondy hair flaying in the air.....

Woo.... Is really a angel... He shouted in shock

" She shake her head " while smiling

" Hey.... You idiot boy did you not see me"... A angry voice flowing in the air...

What that... He looked around him... 

" You brat are you ignoring me " again flowing in the air

Ha... I can't see you miss owner of the voice... Perhaps your invisible..? 

" Ahhaaa... ahaaa.... It's not fair.... It's not fair... sob... sob.... " a crying sound heard in nnowar.

He don't know what to say....

He look at the angel in front of him with confused..

She wink her eyes and ... bow down and picked something in the floor... 

He looked at her hands there is a little girl with little wings on her back,she covered her face with her hands she is still sobbing...

Hoo another little angel he shouted with excitement.... She is still sobbing...

" It's Soo cute"... he looked at the little angel.. sitting on the hands of her...

Suddenly the sobbing sound stopped

" What did you say " her voice change in an instant. She looked at him in a weird way...

Why she looking at me like that ? did I say something wrong? He thought

Hey I am asking at you what did you say..?

" C... Cute".... did I say something wrong ? He asked her Whit a tensed voice 

" Nooo .... Nooo it's perfect now"... She shouted while smiling... Her eyes become more brighter than ever.... and started to flying around him with happiness...

Yey..... finally someone called me cute....

Cute... Cute.... Cute.... I am the best.... She flying around him without resting her mouth...

 After some minutes later she clam down and site his left shoulder.....

Boy I first thought you are a arogent little bart... But now I can see your really a truth seeing pure sole. She says while rubbing his check with her little hands.

Kuku look her weridly when she says arogent little bart... 

But it okay she call me pure and rubbings my check.... 

Her hand are sooo soft ... I never touch something this soft.... He smiled at her... 

You little boy , you make me happy so I will give you a gift... She says while touching his head

" Thank you little angel " 

"Then can you two can explain why am i here "

He looked at the two beautiful angel...