
We're Outside

Soon after, she emerged from the building, and shortly after that, we boarded a cab to head to the accomodation the photographer had arranged. After we had all arrived, we showered and watched television in the room.

As she laid on the bed, Ella showed off all of her curves thanks to the short nightgown she was wearing. The nightgown allowed me to see some of the hair that was growing in her genital area.

We were left alone as the photographer escorted his girlfriend into the room of one of the neighbors he had also arranged with. I started kissing Ella hungrily.

I began by kissing her lips and chest before moving on to her two oranges. I then sucked her nipples as she moaned and positioned herself in a favorable position for me.

I quickly put in a c.o.n.d.o.m., and after a few passionate minutes of making love to one another, we both climaxed.  We fell asleep while lying next to one another.

After sleeping for an additional hour, I eventually got up and walked outside to smoke my cigarette. I could hear a heavy snoring coming from the room next to mine. The level of noise produced by the snoring was sufficient to rouse an entire community.

It turned out to be the photographer. I proceeded to move to the door, gave it a light push, and it opened, allowing me to enter the room.

The photographer was lying on the bed with his hands and legs covering all of the available space on the bed. The girl who had accompanied her into the room was lying on the rug and focusing on her phone.

As soon as she saw me, she stood up. She was still dressed in the clothes she had been wearing. After we exited the room, she moved towards me to the door, and then we both sat at the threshold of the door. She stated, "I cannot stand that noise." I was able to feel her suffering.

That level of cacophony is intolerable to anyone with any semblance of sanity. we engaged in a conversation w While I was stroking her laps, . She was dressed in a miniskirt, which showed off her pink underwear. I began to gently stroke her breasts as soon as we stepped outside.

While she held my head against her chest and pressed them against it, I yanked them out of my ears and began sucking on them. She beckoned for me to enter the room she was in. I complied with her request and joined her after going back to my own room to retrieve the last condom I had with me.

I followed up from the point where I had left off outside after I had joined her in her room. I started by raising her miniskirt, and then I dropped her pant as she slipped them off her feet. I made sure to put on my condom before approaching her and touched her hot core as she opened her leg for me to enter.

I carefully worked my way into her using my joystick  until I could enter fully. I was surprised noticing that her vjay was  tight, and her wetcore muscles were continually teasing my joystick because of how tight she was.

When I was making out with her, I experienced a peculiar sensation in my crotch that winced even more tightly with each thrust. As I continued to dic*ck her tight wetcore, she began mumbling softly, but the volume of her moaning rose.

The photographer continued to snore loudly, to the point where it drowned out the loud groans coming from the girl.

I twisted her around so that she would kneel and face me. She crouched down and grasped the foam in one hand while I pushed my way into her wetcore from the back. She was furiously shaking the foam, and I got the impression that the photographer was going to wake up.

He never did. As I banged her, her unusually tight v-jay did wonders for my di.c.k, and I couldn't get enough of it! While I was thumping her from behind, drops of moisture began to fall from her wetcore.

I used both hands to gently stroke her hip and thronged her till we were both in the same room. We spent a few minutes lying down on the floor. I've been banging for a while now, and this was by far the most delicious core I've had.

Her wetcore managed to be both very tight and quite wet. I complimented her by saying, "You are so sweet." "You too", she said. I asked her for her phone number and she promptly provided it to me after I asked for it.

"Hope you will be available when next I call you," I asked and she responded. "It will depend on where I am as well as whether or not you can offer me money for transportation and provisions." I responded with a grin by saying "That is not a problem." She leaned in close and planted a kiss on my mouth.

"You are really strong," she said as she rightly observed. "This is because you are sweet.". I said. I proceeded to the next room, where I counted some money before bringing it to her.

I remarked, "This is for your provision," as I handed her 5,000 naira, and then I handed her another 2,000 naira, saying, "and this is for your transportation." She expressed her gratitude wholeheartedly and had a stunned look on her face. I turned my back on her and went back to my room, where I found Ella soundly dozing off.

On Sunday, Ella and I made our way back to the campground and checked into hostel A. The photographer did not accompany us on this trip. .

He stated that he really overf*uc*ked the girl the night before and that he needed to get some sleep. I gave him a reassuring grin and told him not to worry about it. When I walked in, the strange guy was nowhere to be found.

He must have gone to church because the hole-ridden and tattered pair of jeans that he usually hangs up on the wall was not there when I checked on it. I laid down for a while and got some much-needed rest. When I awoke, it was in the middle of the day.

The strange guy wants to go back. I really wanted to hang out with him this Sunday so that I could at least put a threat to his broke a**. When I would spend the money on Mami, he would always appear perplexed.

I went to the game house and participated in a few different games there. Later on that Sunday, he came back, and we talked briefly before exchanging phone numbers. He mentioned that there was a girl waiting for him close to the hostel, and it piqued my interest to learn more about her. By that point, I was no longer interested in the bet.

My standard operating procedure was being severely disrupted as a result. However, the most recent trick he played on me continues to cause me discomfort.

I was still trying to figure out how I could get even with him. When we arrived, he presented me to the girl he had been calling Batanga all along.

She had a lovely appearance. He placed an order for cans of beer, and while they drank they carried on a conversation. I didn't want to stay there, and I didn't want to go to the mami by myself, so as a result, I did not leave.

A soldier strolled in and made his way to our table as though he were a hunter who had just spotted a bush rat. His attention was totally fixated on the young lady. It was evident that they were involved in some sort of activity together.

They were yelling at each other in a language that I did not understand, which caused a commotion at the joint where they were. It was a tense moment in the situation. The ruckus drew the attention of two other soldiers who had entered the establishment to make a purchase.

One of them was a highly decorated officer in the armed forces. My other friend had previously informed me about him. When he saw his more senior colleagues, he decided to leave. The two other soldiers were quite interested in learning what had transpired.

They went up to the counter, where I overheard them questioning the shop clerk about what had occurred. I told the strange guy and his friend that it was in all of our best interests to exit the shop immediately.

It's possible that the two military guys may come up to us to inquire about what took place, and if they do, we might find ourselves in the middle of a conflict between two of the camp's military personnel. We left the area, and he was seen walking with the female corper in the direction of the hostel. I asked my friend who is in the military to meet me in Mami.

I needed to talk to him as soon as possible about something important. It was connected to the weird one in some way. After his arrival, we engaged in some in-depth analysis.

After the strange guy had joined us, we were forced to take a break. After he had departed, he was either feeling tipsy or drowsy, and we carried on with our plan. It was a perfect plan, and everything was going to go flawlessly according to plan.




I had had woken up when they started blowing the biggle. While I was lying in bed, I went through the events of the previous week in my head.

It has been a wonderful week, filled with activities such as arriving at camp, completing registration, finding new friends, and getting acquainted with them, among many other things.

This brand new week was meant to be jam-packed with events, as we were informed; these events included a morning march, lectures, games, and a variety of other social activities; an evening parade; and so on. I made an effort to get my thoughts organized for the new week.

On the lower bunk, Chuks, or "The Ugly One" as I jokingly refer to him, was sound asleep. It was incredible that after a week, no one was able to win the bet that we both initiated.

I seriously underestimated his ability. I was so quick to form an opinion of him based on that very first impression that I had of him that I didn't even give him the benefit of the doubt when it came to his ability to attract female companionship.

Whoever declared that a person's initial impression was the most important should be having second thoughts right about now. The ugly one showed me that I was incorrect in every aspect. He would have beaten me at my own game if it weren't for the little tricks I pulled in order to win.

At the very least, I've picked up a few new skills, one of which is the limitless potential that money possesses. Before the bugle blew to start the morning parade, I had everything prepared.

The ugly guy was still sitting on the bed. Others were running up and down the halls in response to the sound of the biggle, but he wasn't in such a rush to flee the hostel.

He presented his medical documentation, and I was left wondering why somebody would fabricate medical documentation in order to exempt himself from participating in camp activities.

After I had joined my unit, we proceeded to line up at the parade ground as per our customary routine. The morning devotional session was scheduled to be led by my platoon, but when the two guys who were supposed to say the Christian and Muslim prayers arrived at the center, they were sent back to the unit.

"What really took place there?" I asked Umar, the Muslim guy when he came back to where we were standing in line. He responded with, "I don't know fa."

"They mentioned something about a report against the platoon leader and the assistant," He said.

A report that names me and wangu as suspects? What exactly was going on? The official who was in command for the day made an announcement that morning devotions should be led by platoon 3, and they invited them to come.

This really is happening!!! After looking all around for wangu, I discovered her standing in the rear line. I approached her in order to inquire as to whether or not she was aware of what was taking place. When I tried to maneuver my way into her position, the man-o'-war guy yelled very violently at me. I was trying to get closer to her so I could talk to her.

"Will you please return to your position!" He yelled at me in a harsh tone that sounded like a dog barking. It looks like nothing is going to work out! There is an issue with something, someplace.

Following the morning prayers, an official from the NYSC made some statements as the rest of us listened. I looked about for any kind of clue that may help me figure out what was wrong, but I couldn't find one.

Then she proceeded to make the following announcement: platoon 1 will be responsible for the man-o'-war special training this morning, while platoon 3 will be responsible for their training in the evening.

This was not the plan that was made in the beginning; rather, platoon 2 was intended to do theirs in the evening! Clearly, there was a problem somewhere. "What exactly is going on?" Chifawu spoke to my ears in a low whisper from behind me.

I wanted to smile at her, but the muscles in my face wouldn't allow it. I ended up just frowning instead. "I can't say for sure. But I'm sure we'll find out soon." During the recitation of the anthems and promise, the Rsm gained over.

The Camp Commandant then walks into view. As he neared the platform, all of the military personnel took their positions at attention. The Rsm greeted him with few initial salutes before passing the microphone to him.

His remarks were succinct and to the point. He emphasized how important it is for us to comply with all of the camp's rules and regulations at all times. He emphasized that breaking the regulations of the camp will result in some form of discipline.

"Platoon 2 and the two leaders will serve as an example for the rest of the platoon this morning..." My platoon was surrounded by other military soldiers at the same time that he was making this announcement.

Every single member was in a state of terror as the members of Platoon 1 and Platoon 3 who were closest to us abruptly stepped away from us in order to establish a clear barrier between us and them.

My heart raced in many sizes in response to this. I gave myself a few sharp pinches to try if I could snap out of this nightmare. I didn't wake up. . . Now we're getting somewhere! We were led in file formation by the military personnel to the center of the parade ground.

The commander gave us the order to take a seat in the air! It was an onerous form of discipline. You sat there as if there was a seat under your a'r'se, yet all you are sitting on is air instead of something solid.

Your entire body weight is supported by your thighs, and after only a few moments, they begin to buckle under the pressure because they can no longer withstand the strain.

While the other platoons went through their morning routines, we took up position in the middle of the parade area and watched.