
The Visit

There was something unusual about her. She wore expensive jewelry and make-up, as well as fine bracelets and beautiful hair. Her new car's interior featured an expensive and exquisite leather seat. Her new outfits appeared to be expensive, with leather handbags and shoes. "You look fantastic!" When she drove away, I had to admire her.

She smiled and said it was God's work. She dropped me off at her apartment and explained that she still needed to work at the office. "Don't worry, I'll be with you soon." She drove away almost immediately after saying this.

I did a quick tour of the house. It was a two-bedroom flat that had been freshly painted and had almost everything new. I wondered if she had previously lived there. The electronics in the sitting room were brand new, as were almost all of the kitchen utensils, including a brand new deep freezer.

I sat on the sofa in the sitting room, watching the images projected by the mighty flatron television on the wall. I fell asleep. The sound of the burglary proof as Ms Enoh entered the sitting room woke me up. She apologized for her late arrival.

I checked the time, it was almost 9;30pm. Work closes officially by 4pm! She brought home some food for me and we sat at the sitting room and talked; mostly about my new environment and work. I commented about her exquisite apartment and she informed me she just moved into the apartment. 

I wasn’t surprised, it looked brand new. What I didn’t understand was how she was able to afford the expensive gadgets on them, together with what seemed like a brand new car. I reserved my comments, I wasn’t here to enquire about her personal life, I had problems of my own. She brought a wine from the kitchen and poured a glass for me after the food. We both drank as we watched the tv together at the sofa. 

She must have started feeling sleepy and tipsy as she rested her head on my laps. I caressed her back and her hair, watching as she took in deep breathes with each stroke of my hand. She adjusted her position and I had access to her bre.a'st. I slipped in my hand into her cloth and fondled them as I felt the nippples harden under my touch. After minutes of caress, she stood and walked towards the room. I followed her into the room. . .

Her room was more furnished than the sitting room. Inside was a marbled floor with a large Arabian rug adorning the centre. The bed was big enough to contain 6 adults comfortably. She had a shelve just for lingerie and another one for make ups. 

I tossed my bag inside the wardrobe and watched her change, wearing just her pants and bra as she headed to the bathroom. I unpacked, bringing out my towel and toiletries. 

 I showered after her and joined her on the bed. I had lots of questions going on in my mind but shoved them aside as she drew closer to me and we started kissing. The big air conditioner was soothing, so was the 100% lamb wool bed-sheet caressing my bare body.  

She was wearing just the pant and bra. I traced my tongue down her neck to her bossoms; sipped my hand behind her and unhooked the bra. I teased the ni'ppple a bit before sucking hard on them. 

She held my head strong, pressing them against her chest. I sucked and squeezed on the second ni'ppple with my hand. She moved her waist higher to meet my pelvic crossed over her, hitting her croutch on my hard dckkk at the same time. I love being in charge.

 I love the way she was responding to my caress and sucking. She was desperately begging for more. I reached for her pants and she adjusted as I move them off. 

I traced my tongue down her stomach, to her belly button. She parted her legs in anticipation, but I moved my tongue up to her chest and rested on her ni'ppple.  

I watched her swallow hard, then try to push down my head to her laps. I repeated same thing, traced my tongue down her stomach, this time around, kissing the innermost parts of her laps, tracing the fine pelvic lining with my tongue. 

She moved her hips, trying to position her clit to the direction of my tongue, but I moved my tongue further away, retracing it back to her ni”ppple once more. I caressed the inside of her laps with my hands, softly caressing the hairs of her pubic, but skillfully avoiding direct contact with her clit. 

She moved her waist once more to have me feel her clit, but I withdrew my hand and rested them on her laps, squeezing it softly. She moaned out, held my head and pleaded with me. 

“please, su*cc*kk me, please…” it was a desperate plea, filled with lust and want. “pleaseee. . .”  I bent over her, and she raised her hips almost immediately, catching my tongue half way as she squeezed her clit against my tongue. 

It was already wet, dripping all over the woolen bed sheet. With my both hands, I tilted the lips of her c’u’n’tt apart lightly, exposing the thick-swollen- clit. 

I sucked at them, flapping my tongue across it steadily. She grasped at the bed sheet, pulling the pillows towards her, and used a part of the pillow to cover her bre”astt, squeezing them on the process. 

The moans become louder as I sucked on her clit steadily. The movement of her hips became more frequent as huge flows of wetness poured from her c’un’nt. 

She shrugged as she tugged on more hardly and cam.e. I teased her lightly as she tried to catch her breath from the o.rg.sm she just had. 

I let her have a moment respite as I reached for my condom inside the wallet. I wore it as usual, lifted her a’rs’e and rested it on one of the pillows on the bed; parted her legs and thrust into her wet cu’n’t. the wetness was much and I had to thump for some time before the cu*n’t muscles could easily wrap round my di’ckk, sending waves of passion down to my very being. 

I moved my waist in a rhythmic clockwise direction as I banged her, ensuring that the shaft of my d’kkk caress the inside of her cu’nt properly before withdrawing, repeating the process over again until she started quivering hysterically. 

I maintained the tempo, banging her ferociously until she reached for my shoulder, clasping on it tightly as she climaxed again. I held on her, with her breast rubbing on my chest and banged more hardly until I cam.e.  

I released her as she slumped on the bed, trying so hard to catch her breath. We slept off.


The following morning was a Friday. She said she wasn't going to work and that I could stay with her for the weekend. I declined the offer, explaining that I had already scheduled a lecture for my students that weekend.

"Lecturers miss lectures!" she exclaimed as we lay on the bed that morning, a smile on her face.

"Just call the course representative and reschedule." "As tempting as this offer to spend the weekend is, I must have to decline."

My students are seriously falling behind." I was adamant. She went into her drawers and pulled out bundles of cash. It cost a hundred thousand naira all together. Then she added a half-bundle, which I estimated to be fifty thousand Naira and handed it to me. I accepted the money and thanked her.

After giving it some more thought, I made the decision to inquire about how she managed to maintain the lavish lifestyle that she was currently leading financially. She opened up after a long silence, as if she was debating whether or not to tell me. "It's the deputy governor."

She informed me. "Are you seeing the deputy governor?" I inquired, and she gently nodded her head.

She had gone to the deputy governor's office to claim the hundred thousand naira that he had promised my platoon for finishing first overall.

She claimed that because her previous office was in Okene, she had to return to Lokoja, the capital, several times before she was granted an audience with the deputy governor. "I was after the money, but he had other plans."

"One thing led to another, and we began to go out." I waited for her to finish. She looked at me as if she wanted me to scold her, to talk her out of the relationship, to emphasize how the relationship could jeopardize her career and her chances of marrying her own husband. However, I did not.

She was a lady of maturity who had no business using naivety as an excuse for a relationship of this nature. She appears to be enjoying the affluence and wealth that has resulted from the relationship, so I didn't think scolding would change her mind.