
The Girls Cleanse

I agreed to be a part of the team. He and Wangu were delighted. "You'll be OK." Wangu spoke to me. I could see it was going to be a disaster... I wish they were pessimistic rather than hopeful.

Sanni had a number of talks planned for me. He indicated that I would be his backup on central defense. He referred to it as number 6 while playing number 5.

I had no idea that jersey numbers were so important on the football field. He explained that I would be going for markings, staying near to the opposing attackers, and leaping forward to pounce on loose balls, while he sat at the back in case I was beaten.

"You have the easy job, and you delegated the difficult one to me!" He laughed when I dressed up for the second half. "I shall be the last man standing." It is not simple. I specify the lines of defense and approach to be taken.

Above all, I established the offside trap.

" I simply hope your offside trap caught your opponents and not me!" I was thinking to myself.

He explained the offside rule to me, but I didn't appear to understand. So he just boiled it down to something I can live with: "always keep two steps ahead of me."

You are in my trap whenever you are behind me and heading towards our goal post." That was simple. That's exactly what I did.

Sanni's instructions were followed at the start of the second half. Went against opponents with the ball approaching us, intersected passes coming towards our half, head away balls dropping from the top, blocked spaces between opponents forwards, and, most importantly, stayed ahead of Sanni at all times.

It was much simpler than I had anticipated. When I took possession of the ball, I didn't try to move it far, instead kicking it forward towards my teammates.

"Well done!" Every time I won a possession, an attack, an aerial combat, or an intersection, everyone yelled that at me. Sanni was astonished. But we were still losing, and the game was drawing to a close.

We appear to have succeeded in the defense sector, but the strike was nevertheless brutal. With only a few minutes remaining and all of my substitutions exhausted, my platoon earned a corner and I advanced to the opposing post.

I've seen defenders do this a few times while watching football. I assumed it was because they were adept at heading balls. Throughout the game, that was the first time I ventured into my opponent's half.

As my player took the ball, I stood in front of their post. He kicked the ball so hard that it soared in my direction. As I leaped up towards the ball, the opponent who was yanking on my shirt must have slipped.

I pressed my head against the route of the ball and closed my eyes reflexively as it struck my skull, causing a piercing agony down the center of my head.

I slid to the ground with my eyes still closed, landing on my hips, which caused excruciating pain all over me. As I opened my eyes and pondered why they were laughing at me, the crowd screamed and leapt up hysterically.

Why was my fall so exciting? I wasn't the only athlete to fall on the field that day. My teammates raced towards me with excited expressions, all ten of them with the goalkeeper.

What was so unique about my fall? Then I heard the sounds of goal as my teammates, all ten of them, jumped on top of me. I felt like I was going to pass out, I battled to breathe, the agony in my head was gradually lessening but the pain in my hips was excruciating.

My teammates eventually stood up, and Sanni dragged me up and hugged me. "You just saved our lives!" He was excited. I did, in fact, win! The audience was still roaring! I was curious as to what was so great about the goal that everyone was so thrilled about it.

I made it back to my side of the pitch. I couldn't even stand. The game was called off as soon as my opponents passed the ball, and I was relieved to have some time to recover.

There was no time for extra time, so we proceeded right to the penalty shootout. I wanted to leave the pitch because I knew I wouldn't be participating, but Sanni beckoned me back.

He stated that no player could leave the field until all penalties were taken. Walking around the pitch helped reduce my pain, so I did it again before the penalty kicks began.

They scored first, while Sanni was the first to take a shot for us, and he scored as well, kicking the ball so powerfully that the goalkeeper had no chance.

The second penalties were scored by both teams. We had a chance to go ahead when they missed their third, but we blew it. Both fourth kickers scored.

Both 5th kickers scored, and the game entered what was known as sudden death. Our team's best five kickers had obviously all played theirs, but the sixth kicker managed to score after theirs had.

When they missed their seventh, we had a rare opportunity to win the game again, but no one seemed willing to take the penalty.

Sanni motioned for me to go accept the penalty. "Simply kick the ball!" He cried out from where he was sitting. I walked reluctantly to the area, placed the ball, and moved back and a little as the referee blew the whistle.

I focused my attention on a precise location where I wanted to kick the ball. The goalkeeper was staring at me, and he must have seen my fixated attention.

- I booted the ball - I couldn't figure out why the keeper decided to dive in the opposite direction of where my attention was fixated. I'm not sure if he felt I was bluffing, but I wasn't.

I kicked the ball directly to the right of the goalkeeper, where my attention had been concentrated previously, but he dived to his left, and the ball rolled into the net.

The ensuing yells and cheers were extraordinary! My teammates came towards me, but I had to flee because of the oppressive feeling I experienced earlier...

They may have assumed that running was my method of celebrating since they chased after me... I continued to run for my life!!!


I stayed with the ugly one at their joint after the game. As two more girls joined them at the table with his military friend, he had some plans in the works.

He told me in hushed tones that they were going to the military quarters to tidy up later that night. I wasn't bordered because I had a rule in place: I was on a girls cleanse, therefore no girls for me till I left camp.

My muscles were still sore from the football game I had played, particularly my laps and hips. Perhaps I needed a massage! I was thinking to myself.

Then I remembered the massage I had received at the Delta Kitchen restaurant at the hands of the kitchen attendant.

Maybe I could just walk in for a massage with her! I decided against it. It's already nighttime, and she's always really busy at night, responding to customers.

I drank my last sip before leaving the ugly one with his pals. It was already late, and they had their own ideas. On my way out, I noticed the Delta kitchen and an employee putting some empty pallets outside.

I proceeded in her direction, but she entered the inner room before I arrived, so I sat in the kitchen.

When she came out, she noticed me and walked towards me. "Are you expecting food?" With a smile, she inquired. "No, I was expecting you." I responded.

She looked about, and I could tell she wanted to go and help other clients. "I was hoping you could massage my muscles again like you did the last time." I murmured, and she continued to stare at me with a grin on her lips.

"I just got back from a football game, and I'm sore all over." I remarked, and she paused for a moment, as if she was contemplating the options.

"I'll pay." "I only need my body fit for the next game," I added, smiling. "If you can find a way to this location during tomorrow's lectures, we can figure something out." She stepped up and said.

"Don't forget about the cash!" As she went away, she grinned. My girls' cleansing exercise was in jeopardy... But I was determined to succeed... It's only a massage! - I deceived myself.

Why don't you go zamfara, Assaya? Couldn't they simply give us a break?


Thursday, Day 16


The ugly one asked I wait for him since he intends to accompany me to the morning procession. He took his time getting dressed up as if he was going to a party.

On our walk to the parade ground, he told me about what happened the night before. How he chose the two girls and how he and his military companion tidied up after them in his room.

He was passionate as he related the story. He must have detected my lack of interest in his story.

"What's the situation with the girl?" He inquired. "Which one?" "The one in the photo." He was speaking of Oge.

I have yet to speak with Oge after she made that stupid excuse about being tired or busy and being unable to follow up with our agreement. "I haven't yet seen her." I responded to him.

He tried to persuade me to divert my attention away from her. He argued that this was camp and that there were other girls to tidy up after. Other girls didn't pique my curiosity and interest.

I was on a cleanse for women! I reminded myself of this. My body was seriously aching! I desperately need the attendant's massage.

The morning parade went on as usual. Announcements were made, the best of which was that the first month's allowance will be paid beginning the next day.

Everyone applauded and celebrated. I went to the skills acquisition center after the procession. I ran into Sonia, our dance instructor, on my way to the center.

We strolled to the center together while she told me about the group's recent efforts to reach the competition's finals.

"I heard the finals are sponsored by Etisalat!" She exclaimed joyfully. "Do you understand what that means?" She stated. "More money, a chance at a presentation contract, popularity, fame..."

She went on and on about how much it would mean if we made it to the finals and got to perform on stage in front of Etisalat's public relations officer.

I couldn't figure out what the big issue was, but she appears to see the big picture.

We arrived at the center and strolled around admiring the amazing artwork on display. They were campers who had participated in the skills development program.

Beautiful beads used to make flower stands, bulb stands, lamp holders, jewelry, and many other items. There were also wooden carvings on show.

Various designs of local fabrics, handcrafted caps, shoes, slippers, and much more. Corpers flocked in to look around and potentially purchase some of these products, including Oge and the same guy I saw her with at the café.

She was experimenting with a bead necklace and ear rings. They looked stunning on her as she tried them on.

I saw her happily hugging him, so he must have paid for them. She was almost bouncing up and down, but then she saw me and came to a halt.

I could tell she was uncomfortable because she gazed at me without saying anything. She looked aside a few seconds later, and she and the guy proceeded to the other section.

"Do you recognize her?" Sonia inquired. She must have noticed Oge and my sharp exchange of glances. "Yeah," I said. "We used to be good friends."

"What actually happened?" She inquired one more. I wish I had an answer for you. "I'm not sure. I suddenly saw she was spending a lot of time with the new guy."

She inquired about my relationship with Oge, which I thoroughly explained to her. "Girls date for a variety of reasons." She stated. "It could be for love, for amusement, for security, or for money." Some will even date only to get your attention."

She was formal, as if she were giving a lecture. "It's clear from what you stated that you weren't paying attention to her; she may have realized that you saw her as a tool for sex, but now she's getting the attention she craves."

She wasn't far off the mark. Given that we rarely hang together, I was found wanting in the area of attention giving. "Would you like her back?" She inquired as she selected an olive-green necklace with gleaming beads.

“No!” I stated it almost immediately, without thinking about it. She seemed content with this new guy, while I was still on a lady cleanse.

There's no need to turn over a fresh leaf with her. "Let us then show her what she's missing!" She exclaimed and smirked at me, as though she was up to no good.

As Oge gazed at us from the corner where she was with the new guy, I had no idea what she was driving at. "Two can play that game!" Sonia said into my ear.

Morris Chestnut and Vivica Fox's remark of the film let me realize what she was up to. "I'm in!" With a smile on my face, I said.

The minutes that followed were thrilling.

Sonia laid her hand across my shoulders and guided me past the payment center, closer to Oge and her companion.

"Put this on me, honey!" She stated this while turning her back on me and handed me the olive-green necklace. I did just that, and she spun around joyfully, as if she had just fallen in love for the first time.

She embraced me, held my head, and kissed me passionately. "I adore them, honey!" She yelled, almost drawing everyone's attention there.

She was such a natural stage actor that I was almost convinced it was real. “Hey! "Please come." She called oge's companion and handed him her phone. "Snap us!" As the man approached, she remarked.

She kissed me and requested him to take a picture of me with her hands on my shoulders. We took various photos in various romantic poses till he finally returned her phone.

"You're the greatest!" She exclaimed happily to me. She was really going overboard. I couldn't say anything but continued beaming like an oloye splurging money on his latest catch.

The expression on Oge's face was that of someone in labor. She couldn't take her gaze away from us. I avoided making eye contact with her and pretended she didn't exist.

"Let's go look at those suitcases over there, honey!" She exclaimed as she wrapped her hand around my waist and took me past oge and the man who were standing behind us.