
The Bang Expression

The emotion I got from the kiss was the same expression that was on her face, which was one of intense hunger, longing, and sexual want. I turned and made my way to the hostel while leaving her behind me.




When I finally arrived at the hostel, it was far after midnight. When I was leaving the quarters, Oge contacted me on my cell phone.

I paid a visit to her hostel, and while I was there, we had a conversation for a bit. We purchased some fries, which consisted of fried akara, plantain, and potatoes, and we munched on them while we conversed.

She told us about what had happened that morning, and we laughed it off. I informed her that I was quite exhausted and would require a nap shortly. So she let me go.

When I arrived at my hostel, the unpleasant-looking guy was already asleep. He had carried my foam, which was something I have not seen him do in some time.

Only when he has a condom on display does he engage in such behavior. Oh my gooshhh!!!! Did he bang today? Was it going to turn out that I lost the bet? Even though we had our s.ex.u.al romp immediately inside the camp, he disregarded the claim that I had made for the bet and said that the woman in question wasn't a corper.

I didn't want to hold off on finding out what he has to give since I didn't want to wait. What if he followed all the guidelines and yet wasn't successful in his claim? That would put me in the losing position! I dare not let him come out on top!

The corner of his handkerchief was sticking out of his waist pocket. I found out previously that he conceals his used condoms by folding them up inside of his handkerchiefs. While he slept, I carefully removed the hanky from his pocket.

I had been correct! A used condom that had been neatly tied off was found inside the hanky. Damn! I took possession of the hanky with the condom still inside of it.  I grabbed his phone from where it was charging next to his bed.

The image that appeared before me was of a corper lying barefoot and naked on the bed. It's likely that he was looking at the photographs just before he went to sleep. I went over all nine of the images, which had been very nicely taken and displayed all of the information that I required.

One of the photographs, in which he was seen with the girl and holding hands with her as they stood in front of a door, was the one that drew my eye. I was able to recognize the door by the color it was painted.

It was the  military barracks! Damn! When I joined him and his military friend on that joint yesterday, was he in the process of formulating this strategy with his soldier friend? My admiration for the unattractive one became stronger by leaps and bounds.

He has a remarkable habit of making the right connections in the right places. However, I was not going to let him the satisfaction of gloating over his victory over me. I removed all nine of the photographs from his phone. I removed the condom and disposed of it behind the hostel where I was staying. When I got back, I draped his hanky across the window that was near our bunk.

I didn't even attempt to wake him up for the foam that I needed. There was no one staying in the bunk next door. While I was having this conversation with Jane, I suddenly recalled seeing the guy in the medical center.

I went to sleep with a grin on my face and my entire body felt soo good. I had the distinct impression that I got the last laugh. I can't believe how incorrect I was.



The strange guy and the guys of his platoon pulled off an impressive act that morning, and it was the talk of the entire camp. They made a really astute decision by acting in that manner.

after performing frog jumps along the entirety of the parade ground for a period of two hours. The commandant was very serious about taking action against them. A friend of mine in the military had told me about the commandant and the severe methods he used to punish those who broke the rules.

We observed them that morning as they were subjected to severe punishment, including being forced to frog walk and roll about on the ground.

Earlier, when I was standing there, I saw him approach the commandant and make some comments. It seemed to me that he was working against himself. On the other hand, the commandant did not punish him severely for challenging him.

He must have some courage.  But I had more respect for him the moment I saw Wangu pass out and he and another person took her out of the parade ground without paying any attention to the commandant.

They didn't even acknowledge his presence as they strolled right on by him. As they made their way toward the clinic, he did nothing except look at them.

They were carrying each other out of the building in groupings of threes and fours all of a sudden. It was a welcome dose of laughter for us. The intention was always for me to back out of the bet.

It had lost all of its previous appeal, what with the arbitrary exceptions to the rules and the uneven playing field. But before I can call it off for good, there is one thing I have to accomplish first: I have to win one of the bets.

After all, the weirdo must have picked up some wisdom along the way. He was so confident that I would bring those condoms back with me after I finished at the camp, all 21 of them.

We had both used a significant number of them during our stay of one week, and there were only about five pieces left. To restore its full supply, I will have to go out and get more. I had already made my decisions. It was quick and had no room for error.

My agreement with the platoon girl that I was assigned to, Lydia, was already finalized.

After the incident that occurred at the joint earlier that day with the weird guy and his platoon aide, we got together that night at the mami.

I had loaded her with alcoholic drinks and made sure that she had a wonderful time. My biggest obstacle was finding a suitable venue, but that is no longer an issue.

On the Sunday , I made arrangements with a friend of mine who is in the military. He told me that I could stay in his room in the military quarters, he would drive the girl in, and then he would come later to pick me up.

There was no possibility that the military quarters would allow a female companion and I to enter together. Because of his plan, everything is going to turn out just perfectly.

It was just necessary for me to provide them with wine and beer and keep them occupied at the maami as he was sharing the cramped room with two other soldiers. I discussed the plan with Lydia.

After assuring her that she will be fine, she eventually overcame her initial concern and consented to the operation. When Eazi arrived into that restaurant, he immediately sat down at the table with us, where we were in the process of completing the plan's and making final arrangements.

We had to be quiet till he left. The plan was then completed. While I was resting in the afternoon, the strange guy (Eazi) came in and brought a used condom and images from his phone. He really surprised me .

I had no idea he was still working on that wager. I took a good look at the fair girl's images. It wasn't oge, because oge was darker. Then I noticed the black skirt.

I used it against him, and he was stunned. It was a near miss. I was fortunate to have something to work with. He must have been in discomfort as he laid on his bed without saying anything to me.

Lydia, my military friend, and I met at the mami after their (awful) evening march. We ordered cocktails and drank our heads off.

He made a phone call, and two more military guys arrived soon after. As Lydia left with my military friend, I ordered the drinks for the two of them. He reappeared a few moments later, and I followed him.

The curtain in the room was made of bedsheets. It was at least tiled and had three little foams in each corner.

 I linked the foams together and we laid on it. My soldier friend had already told me to be quick in whatever I was doing, so there was no time to waste. I quickly jumped on her straight away.

We kissed for a few minutes while taking off each other's clothes. I unhooked her bra and proceeded to the bre*ea*st. I licked at it as the nip*p*le*s hardened and stiffened.

I undid her white shorts and tugged them down. As I reached for my wallet, she lowered her pant and I quickly wore my co.n.d.om on my hard d*k*k. I spread her legs and plunged inside her.

She wasn't wet and ready, but the lubrication provided by the condom was sufficient for me. I pounded her until the v.jay spilled out fluid out of her.

In the intensity of the moment, she threw her legs wider apart and moaned loudly. As I squeezed the firm nip*l*es, I slammed into her. With each stroke, she rocked her hips against my joystick, giving me even more pleasure.

She grabbed my hips and squeezed them, driving me up against her cr*o*ut*ch with each whack. She suddenly kept me tightly locked inside of her with both of her hands, her legs stretched wide above my shoulders.

She laughed hysterically as she moved her waist in all ways against my d*i*c*kk. As she cl.m*a*xed, she moaned loudly over the process.

As she let go of my grasp, I continued to ba*ng* her until I ca*me. I took out the condom and wrapped it in my hankie like I always did. This was all the proof I needed.

I'll call it quits after this victory. But not before I get my award. I was astonished by the this strange guy. He appeared to be a kind man who would never mess with girls.

I believed that money was all that was required to get the girls going. With his miserly attitude and clear low spending places he goes, I never gave him a chance to f*u*ck thus much.

Perhaps appearances might be deceiving at times, but I was certain the money was the real deal. He even f*u*c*ked a restaurant waiter.

He would have had a legitimate claim to the wager if I hadn't caught a peek of that black skirt.

He astounded me with his sexploits, so I had to respect him. But this was the end of the conversation! I snapped several photos of her as she lay on the bed. I sat at her side, taking more pictures.

I contacted my soldier friend to let him know we were finished and that he could come down to pick us up.

We joined them in the mami, drank some more, and then returned to the hostel. When I arrived at the hostel, the strange one was not there. I sat on his foam and looked through the images.


I must have overslept. When I awoke around midnight, the strange guy was happily sleeping near me in someone foam. Everyone was sleeping when I looked around. It was unnecessary to stir him up that night.

I'll wait until the morning. But why didn't he wake me up and ask for his foam? My gaze was drawn to the hankie draped over the window; I had not washed any of my hankies. "So who washed my hankies," I thought to myself.

Meanwhile, it appeared to be filthy due to oil stains. Then it struck me. I looked in my pocket but couldn't find my hankie or the condom! I sniffed the hankie hanging on the window and recognized my body spray. It was all mine.

When I checked my phone, all of the photographs had vanished! When I looked at the strange guy, he was sleeping peacefully... I had undervalued him... It's evident now that he was a  dirty and furious player... I was going to show him how to play the naughty game.


Why don't you go zamfara, Asaya? That was the worst noise I had heard all day!

I couldn't remember ever being furious than when I heard that biggle that particular morning!

****** Tuesday, Day 8 ********

Fire ! ! Eight steps! Eight steps! It was a pleasant evening! In the morning, I felt brand new.

My muscles weren't aching as much after the night's rest.

Normally, the ugly one greeted me. I responded, then pondered why he hadn't yet reacted to the events of the previous night.

He pressed his phone while remaining cool. Perhaps he was still looking for those photos.

Has he noticed the hankie that was still hanging on the window? How could he have forgotten such an important detail in such a hurry?

He enjoys boasting, and his hubris is enormous. My foam had already risen to the top of my bunk! That suggests he did it himself.

I was worried; I'd rather see him upset and complaining about my behavior than remain quiet and pretend nothing had happened.

Perhaps he was angry and boiling on the inside. Maybe I went too far; I shouldn't have thrown away the condom and erased the photos.

For once, I should have accepted defeat. But this is war, and you invent every possible method to defeat your opponent.

Increase your chances! Increase your chances! I got dressed and went to the parade. Following the morning worship, the usual announcements were given.

The OBS delivered their morning news, and the man'o'war drills began. Platoon 2 was excused from the morning parade so that we could clean up the camp.

Surprisingly, many more platoon members joined us in the camp cleanup, claiming to be platoon 2 members. Some of them had to do it in other to escape the dreaded morning parade.

I was part of a group that was cleaning the surroundings around the Muslim Corpers Association of Nigeria (MCAN) mosque.

I was shocked they provided rooms where some corpers could stay. I guessed they were well-connected Muslim corpers.

They were predominantly female corpers, with veils covering their faces and concealing all portions of their bodies except their eyes.

They were dressed in stockings and hand gloves and looked quite frightening. They went inside as soon as they noticed we were there, as if no one was supposed to see them.

Wangu became a member of my group when we expanded to the accounting department. "I informed him!" She informed me with zeal. Who told you? What?

I didn't know what she was talking about at first, then I remembered our conversation and how she promised to inform Sgt Banjo that the brief affair was over.