
She Screams Always

I met a filled room when I entered. Mike was seated at his chair, while his girlfriend and two other girls sat on the bed and watched African Magic. One of the girls greeted me like she knew me from somewhere. I perched on the table as there was no other sit available in the room. 

Mike and I discussed for some minutes. He informed me that his name had been shortlisted for the Masters program at the federal university, and he was running around to get some cash to pay the fees.  I told mike what I came for. He agreed to help me conduct the test. 

I noticed the same girl was intermittently staring at me. I quietly asked mike who she was and he told me they were all friends with his girlfriend, all students of the school. 

She was dark, with a bright eyes that complimented her dark complexion. The eyeballs were a bit large; with the eyelids extending a bit when she laughed, the eyeballs became larger. I took some minutes to contemplate in my mind before finally deciding to make a move on her. I left the room with mike, talked for some minutes outside, then I peeped in and asked the girl to spare me a minute. 

Mike returned to the room as she came out. She told me her name was Mabel when I asked. I told her I would love to hang out with her anytime she was free. We exchanged numbers. “what’s your native name?” I asked, feeling that the name Mabel sounded a bit too fake. She gave me a name with so many consonants that I had decided to stick with the Mabel. 

Two days later, I called Mabel and told her I just thought of her and decided to call her. “Where are you now?” she asked and I told her I was in my room. “I may pass through your street this evening, so I will check on you if I do.” I took her out when she came that evening. 

She had refused going out at first, saying she just wanted to stop by and never planned going out on a date with me.  “it’s not a date, just hang out with me and we can get to know each other better.” I had said to her before she finally agreed to go out with me. 

I love the impromptu date. We ate out and had time to talk. I discovered that she had interest in music a lot, although she was studying Banking and Finance.  It was fun talking with her. I wasn’t really interested in her at first. 

The way she stared at me had made me to collect her contact. I was just trying to flirt, expand my horizon and make my PPA as fun as possible. I felt I had already lost some time and needed to make up for the lost time. I had lost more than 2 months waiting for chifawu, and another 3 weeks living with a HIV that didn’t belong to me. 

The evening ended on a good note. I had invited her over to my room but she declined. I had pressured, not expecting a change of mind, but trying to see if she could bulge. She didn’t.  

“there is time for everything.” She had told me. She was right. I decided to wait for the perfect moment; I could get more than just what I was asking for. I did get it; in a memorable way.

I continued my affairs with Nina and my angel. It was easy for me as my angel always calls on the phone anytime she was coming. If I was already with Nina when she called, I always told her I wasn't around. Nina, on the other hand was busy of late. 

She informed me she was pursuing her admission at the Federal university. My angel's sex life did improve a lot. She was becoming more open, and sometimes, was bold enough to initiate the act. She did try to su'ck my d'kk once, but it was a disaster. Her teeth kept standing on the way: teeth and dkk are worse of enemies.  

Nina's screams and loud moans during sex was becoming a case study! Not even the loud volume of my stereo could envelope the sounds. It was becoming a bit embarrassing to me whenever we had sex. I do enjoy the sex, but the screams always make me feel a bit uncomfortable. 

I tried speaking to her about it jokingly, but surprised when she insisted she doesn't moan so loud. I knew it was natural, but it was also a distraction, especially considering the fact that I had lots of rooms surrounding mine. Since it was easy to hear sounds, light talks and music from my neighbouring rooms, it was obvious that the moans from Nina would be echoing in the inside of their own room. I was right! 

One afternoon, after having a long period of sex with Nina in which she moaned all through, I went to my balcony, sat at the chair and started pressing my phone. The girl next door, who's was sitting at her own balcony went inside as soon as I came out. 

Few seconds later, she was out to the balcony again, this time around, with two of her friends. The three were looking at me like I was an alien from outer space. I tried avoiding their stares and hush whispers. When I looked up and met them staring at me again, I said hi to them, adding a little smile to my face. Two greeted back while the third blushed and ran into the room like she had been caught doing something rediculous. 

One of them was smallish in nature. Slim and a bit short. She was obviously the occupant of the room as I had seen her at various times. The second girl looked far much better. 

I couldn't remember seeing her before as I would have noticed the chocolate skined beautiful girl. I wasn't suprised the next day when one of the girls met me at the staircase and invited me for her room-mate's birthday party.

 It was the chocolate skined beauty and the tiny one happened to be her roommate. She informed me that the date for the birthday and said she would really love me to come. She said it was an indoor party, with just few friends. 

I agreed at once; the only problem was that the date was the same Saturday I planned on giving test to my students. I promised her I would come, hoping it would be an evening event. Few days later, Sonia called me.   

“you don’t even border to call and know how I’m doing.” She had blurted out when I picked the call. I was surprised the way she sounded. She had never complained about my calling or not calling her before. Why all of a sudden she had grown special interest in my calling her. 

“sorry, its work.” I said in defense, for courtesy sake. We talked for some time. She sounded like something was bordering her. I thought about the pregnancy. She had told me she did take care of the pregnancy. I hope it was not her conscience of aborting a pregnancy that was weighing her down. I was ready to talk her out of it if that was what bordered her. 

“you don’t sound fine, is anything the matter?” I asked her. There was silence over the other end of the phone for some minutes before she responded. “my boss is on my neck.” She said with anger in her voice. 

“The manager?” I asked. “Yea.” She answered. I asked what was happening and she told me she ended the stupid affair she was having with the manager and the guy has resorted to making life terrible for her.  

 “He sent me out from the official quarters the company provided for us, saying it was for the staff and not for corpers.” I learnt from her that the guy had removed all the allowances etisalat pays her and she was left with peanuts at the end of every month. 

“why did you end the affair?” I asked, rather stupidly, later regretting. “a lot of things happened to me of late, and the affair was a stupid one. I used him to get this work, but now, it’s not worth it.”  She became aware that the etisalat manager, although being married, was into the habit of dating all the female corp members. 

He uses his position as manager to frustrate any of them that refuses his advances. It was very touching, and I felt for her. She went on to tell me how things were becoming difficult for her. 

As she was no longer married to the oversea husband, he does not send money again. She had to move back to the NCCF family house at Lokoja where she lives and goes to work from. I felt so sad after answering the call from Sonia. It was obvious she had put herself in the situation, but she has sobered up and doesn’t deserve the torment from her boss.