
My Room

If you've ever asked them out, the first condition is that you ' must' begin attending their fellowship, which includes church, midweek services, bible meetings, cell fellowship, and so on.

My friend has been after a Christian Mandate girl since our freshman year in school; this is his final year, and all he's gotten so far is a kiss (more like a perk), a hug, and a few phone calls. It simply isn't worth it. The Jehovah Witness Fellowship girls were the next most difficult group of girls on campus. It is not an option for those who only date their 'brothers.' It's simply a no-go zone.

We concluded that the Catholic students were the easiest to lure on campus, closely followed by the Believers Love Word (Christ Embassy). This is in contrast to the typical loose girls who are not fully devoted and with whom anything goes. Kathy said as she walked away from us, "Let me go and attend to some things, you guys can come in whenever you want." Jane was left alone with me. We talked for a while, mostly about school activities, lectures, and other topics. She soon suggested that we enter. The hall was completely full. Because of the large turnout, an overflow room had to be created for some students.

I and Jane entered the hall as a couple and were escorted to the front row, where we were seated beside each other. Kathy was preoccupied with organizing, so I sat alone with Jane. The show was very interesting. The speakers focused on how to maintain a healthy relationship free of sin and other negative aspects. To me, their definition of relationship was dull and uninteresting. I couldn't understand how two people in a relationship could avoid sex. It sounded strange to me. Jane became uneasy, especially when the topic of a long-distance relationship came up.

When the anchor of the program asked for input on the topic, some students commented on how unrealistic and frustrating distant relationships can be. I couldn't agree with you more. I noticed Jane was fixated on that particular segment of the show. Jane informed me that she needed to leave soon after glancing at her watch for a long time. "It's getting late, and I promised my father I'd be back sooner." She informed me of this. "I need to find Kathy and notify her." We walked out of the program as if we were couples. Kathy noticed us and followed us.

Jane told her she was leaving and apologized for not being able to take her home as promised. "Don't worry," I assured her, "I'll take her home." We bordered a tricycle 'keke' to her house, and during the ride, we discussed the topics discussed at the program. We didn't agree on most points, but she kept mentioning how callous the students were in their attempt to downplay the distant relationship. Jane was brilliant, which is an admirable quality in a girl. These days, it's difficult to find a girl who can effectively argue and drive down their points. All y ou see in some cases si blackberry flashing chicks with little or no upstairs.

"Why don't we continue this conversation later?" As we exited the keke, I proposed. It was late, and Jane was desperate to get home, so I walked her to her street and took her phone number. "I'll call you tomorrow; maybe we can go out to dinner or something." "Make it a day after tomorrow," I said casually. "I'll be busy with a lot of things tomorrow," she said. Deal. I called her two days later and set up a date. She arrived for the date in a completely different outfit. She changed her hairstyle, and for the first time, I noticed she was wearing makeup. She looked stunning with her new Ghana breads dangling from her hips.

She was dressed in a silk evening gown that did little to reveal the top of her bosoms. I took her to Crunchies, where we took one of the upstairs seats.

"You look great," I had to admit. I treated it as a casual date, so I didn't bother dressing up. I wore plain pants, a shirt, and slippers. I felt unprepared for the occasion, but I went ahead with it anyway. "And your new hairstyle is fantastic." "Thank you," she said. "I used all of yesterday for the hair." "I can't believe I sat for an entire 7 hours." "We guys barb our hair in 7 minutes and it's a lot cheaper."

I made a joke, and she smiled. "You guys are extremely fortunate." She continued. We took our seats, sighed lightly, and then inquired as to what she was taking. I went downstairs and got my favorites, crunchies moi moi and sallad with beef. I ordered white rice with mushroom sauce and a 250 ml Hollandia yogurt for her. "I'd like to know some things about you," I told her after dinner. "Like what?" she inquired. "First, how do you manage to live with your father?" The question surprised her, and I wished I hadn't asked it. "My father is a strict disciplinarian," she explained, adding, "My older siblings had to attend school elsewhere because of him."

They didn't want to go through what I'm going through, so they went to other universities." "Living in our family house is not easy," she went on, "but it can be compared to living in a very comfortable prison house." I had no idea it was that bad. "It can't be that bad," I thought to myself. "Yes, it is!" "It could get worse," she said. She went on. "They keep an eye on me like I'm a ticking time bomb." They always want to know where I am, who I am with, and what I am doing." "So, do they know you're here with me?" I foolishly inquired. "Of course not," you say.

"Do you think they'd approve of me hanging out with you this night?" she inquired. "Kathy was aware of this outing, so she came to the house to ask my parents if I could hang out with her for a while." So she was very excited about this outing. I had the impression she wore her new look to impress me. "You really look great," I said again, patronizing her. "Thank you," she said, blushing. "Now tell me about your personal life," I inquired earnestly. Despite the fact that I had ulterior motives with her, I was genuinely interested in what she had to say.

"Well, that's a question for a third date," she winked at me. Clever girl! I needed to spice up this particular date. I wasn't going to take her out every day to win her heart; although she wouldn't mind, she must be bored to death staying at her family's house. "Do you go to Christian Mandate?" I already knew the answer, but I had to ask to keep the conversation going. I was already aware that her father was an Anglican. "No," she responded. "I'm an Anglican." Kathy invited me to the event. "She said it would be insightful and enjoyable."

"It was, except for a few things with which I disagree." She stated. "Like, like what?" "Distance relationships, the talk show." "I didn't agree with the majority of what the participants said." "So, what's your take?" I inquired. "Distance relationships are wonderful. They can really work if both parties are willing to put in the effort. Two cannot collaborate unless they agree. It will require dedication, trust, and fidelity, but it works." I didn't need a prophecy to know she was in a long-distance relationship. I had to trade with caution. “The term "relationship" is derived from the word "relate."

"So there's no relationship if you're both not there to relate," I added. I continued after she stared at me for a few moments and remained calm. "A relationship is like a seed that is planted and grows." It cannot survive on its own at this age; you must be present to nurse, prone, weed, and water it in order for it to stand firm. If not, it will become a weed and spread widely, or worse, die off." I had her full attention. The look in her eyes indicated that she was trying hard to connect with what I was saying to her personal life. I informed Jane that it was time for me to leave.

She asked where we were going, and I blurted out, "my room." I expected her to turn down the request and call it a 20th date thing or something like that. "Where do you stay?" she asked, "Palmville." I replied, "All right," she stood up, and we walked out... Oh my gooosssshhhhh

I drove Jane to my room away from camp. My girlfriend lives alone in Grace Lodge, a more upscale lodge populated by ajebota children. I lived in Palmville with my roommate and friend Samuel. The lodge was significantly less expensive and more affordable.