
My Night Is Over

There were those on bottles beside the envelope, so I took them all, locked his locker, and returned to the quarters. When I returned to my room, my phone was still ringing.

He appeared a little better now, but he was still frail and weak. I provided him with all of the medications as he worked his way through them. He handed me one of the ointments and motioned for me to rub it over his chest and ribs, which I did.

I opened the mint and placed three tablets in his mouth, which he chewed and swallowed. He then motioned for water, so I went inside and got him one of the sachets of water. He took some of the drugs orally before resting his back again.

I kept fanning him while listening to my phone ring repeatedly. Finally, when it appeared that he had resumed normal breathing, I reached for my phone and checked the missed calls. Among those who called were Wangu and Chifawu.

Wangu's call came in again as I scrolled through the call list. She asked where I was after I replied. "We're waiting for you to start the show." She stated.

I told her she could go on without me because I would soon join them. Then I dialed chifawu's number. "Don't tell me you dumped me again!" She was enraged, and I could almost hear her heartbeat over the phone.

"Where have you gone?" She inquired. I tried to explain to her that my corner mate was very ill and that I needed to rush back to the hostel to help. I could tell she wasn't convinced by the explanation I just gave her.

"When did you become a medical professional! "What are you doing?" She was agitated. I considered returning to the parade ground. I took a long look at my friend, who was lying on the floor, and then listened to the phone as chifawu tried to imply that I had abandoned her to hang out with another girl.

"I'm sorry, but I have to stay with my friend." "I'll see you later." I then hung up on her. I despise it when they nag! I continued to fan the ugly one, and 45 minutes later, he appeared to be fine.

"You can return to her now." He said to me in hushed tones. "I'm fine now." He was adamant. But I was wiser. It was lonely there, but I could still hear music blaring from the parade ground's peak stand.

There were a few corpers wandering around, some looking for a place to smoke weed, others in pairs looking for a secret spot to make out. I wasn't going to abandon my friend here.

I made the decision to stay with him. I saw the happy look on his face when I told him my night was over and that I was staying with him, despite the fact that he was asking me to return.

I told him about Chifawu, trying to keep his mind occupied with the story of the most wonderful girl I met in camp, one who might not forgive me after this night, one who I might not see again.

Later that night, my phone rang. It was getting close to midnight. I had slept for several hours inside the military quarters. I awoke and discovered my phone.

The ugly one was lying beside me. I checked his chest to make sure he was still breathing. He was. The military man was not present. Maybe he was sleeping somewhere else or sleeping outside.

Wangu was the one who called. She inquired as to what had occurred, and I told her everything, except for the part where I was kissing Chifawu in front of her hostel.

"Where have you gone?" She inquired, and I informed her that we were still at the military quarters. "I'll be right there." She stated. I wanted to stop her, but she had already hung up the phone.

I waited outside for her for 30 minutes before she came over with two large nylon bags filled to the brim. "It was not necessary for you to come!" As she entered the room, I said to her.

"How is he doing?" She inquired, ignoring my previous remark. "I'm all right." As he sat on the bed, the ugly one responded with a smaller version of his trademark mischievous smile.

Wangu had brought us food in the form of three large food flasks filled with soup, rice, and goat meat pepper soup. The second nylon was filled with meat bundles, wrapped semovita, and agidi. It also had canned beverages, such as canned malt and canned stout.

"You have lost out on a lot." She stated. "It was a lot of fun all night." Everyone kept asking about you, and at one point, they insisted on not eating if they didn't see you. That's when I dialed your number." She informed me of this.

There was enough food to feed a battalion. She took some plates from the room and began to serve. Outside the room, I heard footsteps; the military man had returned. He lingered at the door, conversing with some of his friends.

I overheard them complaining bitterly about not being able to eat anything all night. Their voices betrayed their rage as they complained about nysc officials favoritism, serving themselves and ignoring the military.

They eventually dispersed, and the military man entered. We couldn't help but laugh at his expression when he saw the amount of food on display inside his room. He stood with his mouth wide open, then slowly turned towards the door, calling out to his friends to return immediately!

“Ahmeeeedddd!!!” He yelled "Make una return ooo, platoon 11 is here." I was perplexed as to why he referred to food as platoon 11. My own night has just begun! It was entertaining as the military men took their time to eat.

We ate and drank until we couldn't take it any longer. The military men entertained us with stories from their peacekeeping missions in several African countries, including Liberia, Dafur in Senegal, Mali, and others.

They had a lot of interesting news to share. Some were so ridiculous that you had to wonder if they actually happened. We were all laughing hysterically as they each took turns telling us about their adventures. It was an unforgettable evening. Not in the way I had hoped.


That morning, the strong odor of cigarette and drink woke me up. The odor was coming from a window near where I was sleeping. Outside, it was already bright.

I awoke and looked around; I had slept in the military quarters, and Wangu was still sleeping beside me.


Day 21 - Last day of camp 

Day 21 - Last day of camp 

I went outside, in the direction of the odor, and found the ugly one with his military companion. They were both smoking, and the military man was blending his smoke with a drink.

We exchanged greetings, and I joined them. The ugly one appeared to have improved. You couldn't tell he was the same guy who was almost lifeless on the floor the night before.

I brushed aside the events of the previous night because I didn't want to dwell on them, especially the chifawu part.

If last night were to happen again, I would definitely make the same choices. I never had any regrets about any of them. My only concern was that I might not have another chance with her. Wangu joined us in the front later.

She said she was leaving because she needed to return the burrowed buffet, cooking pots, and coolers that had been used for the night. I escorted her away. We crossed the obs as I was saying goodbye to her and Chifawu was entering the studio.

She came to a halt when she saw us, took a long look at us, and then entered the obs studio. Wangu walked towards her hostel, and I grabbed my phone and dialed chifawu.

When she didn't pick on the third ring, I left the front of the obs studio where I was standing and went to the hostel.


When I arrived at the hostel that morning, it was a hive of activity. Everyone was packing their belongings in preparation for the final camp parade.

Some had begun returning their foam in order to obtain a tag, which they will present before receiving their primary assignment letter. Those whose belongings were seized on their first day at camp were moved to the unit to retrieve them.

I showered, packed up my things, and waited patiently as the other room mates of my dorm  exchanged phone numbers and made their farewell gestures to one another.

Some of them I won't see again until the passing out parade on the last day of the service year. I waited until the ugly one had freshened up and packed his belongings before welcoming him in. I was surprised by how many clothes and shoes he brought to camp.

I assisted him in carrying his heavy luggage while he carried the two foams. We handed over the foam to the porters unit and received our tag.

We went to the parade ground, where other corpers were waiting for his Excellency to declare the first phase of the Nysc over.