
My Fears

"Perhaps they'll be satisfied and pay us our transportation allowance." "I have yet to collect mine," he said, and we resumed our typical gist. Some guys walked to the kitchen with their food flasks to get their dinner for the night.

I was astonished the ugly one was still there that evening at the hostel. In situations like this, he usually hangs around at the Mami. I took a bath and lay down on my bed to unwind.

Wangu contacted me. “Hello?” I responded. "Can I get some cash?" She made it clear to me. I checked my phone to make sure it was truly wangu I was conversing with.

It was her name and phone number, as well as her voice. "What exactly do you mean?" I inquired of her. "I need money for volleyball and other stuffs." "Where have you gone?" I inquired, and she replied.

I went out there to meet her. She added that each platoon purchases a volleyball in order to register for volleyball activity, and that after the tournament, they would return the volleyball to the camp sports department.

Only the two finalists are permitted to keep their balls. We need cash for  other expenses including the hiring of costumes for cultural dance, drama, fashion parades, and other events.

I instructed her to prepare a detailed list of everything they needed and to fix a price to it. We'll know how to assign ourselves the responsibility of raising the funds. We sat down and talked for a while.

She felt so at ease with me. I still saw her as a risk and decided to avoid her. But that would be difficult because we both needed to work successfully for our platoon's best performance.

"Today, Sgt called." She informed me of this. When she told me she had ended the affair, I knew it wasn't the end.

"What did you two talk about?" I inquired of her. "He asked me to visit him at their quarters. I declined and explained that I was too busy." I considered it for a few moments.

If the sgt truly wants her back, she has no place to hide inside this camp. He was her unit commander, and they were both involved in an affair. It appeared easy in her eyes, but I knew better.

"He called again a few minutes ago, and I didn't know what to say, so I didn't pick up." she said.   That's how it begins. She'll soon have to skip parades in order to avoid him, I muttered inwardly.

"How long do you plan to avoid him? "Do you think he'll just give up on you?" I inquired of her. "Exactly what I was thinking! I assumed that if I told him I wasn't interested, he would leave me alone."

We talked for a while. She confided in me about her concerns. At the very least, she was beginning to realize the flaws of her illegal affairs. I wish she could see the danger she poses to any corper who comes close to her.

I wanted to tell her, but she already had a lot on her mind, so I skipped it. "I'm very perplexed right now." She stated. I recognized the regret in her voice and comforted her. "It'll be fine," I reassured her. "All wounds heal with time."

She was elated after speaking with her and back to her cheerful self. She said she needed to take a bath and get something to eat. "Are you willing to wait for me?" She inquired, and I declined.

"I can't just sit here waiting for you." I informed her. "I guarantee I won't be long." Why does she want me to hang around here waiting for her? "It's already late," I said.

"I know, but I simply want to spend some time with you." I'm just afraid right now." Her begging tone was effective. "don't stay too long please." I told her, and she quickly stood up.

She hurried to the guesthouse, while I went to the game center to play table tennis. When she called, I had only finished one set. "I'm done, where are you?" When I told her, she came down to meet me.

She arrived at the game center and waited waited for me to finish my set before we walked out together. I invited her to accompany me to Mami, but she declined. She stated that she was not in the mood to hang out in loud venues.

I figured the only spot that wouldn't be too noisy was behind the parade ground, where Jane and I had an adventure. We both walked down to the place . It was wonderfully isolated from the camp's lights and buzzing activities.

We talked while sitting on the same log of wood. She was terrified of what would happen to her, and I tried to reassure her. "If it becomes worse, you report him to the camp director or a senior military colleague," I stated  it to her.

"Exactly what I intend to do." She responded. I advised her not to rush because this should only be used as a final option. It was nearly 10 p.m., and it was time to turn off the lights.

Military men usually blow the biggle for evenings out before pursuing corpers into their dormitories. However, after the first week of camp, they would blast the biggle, pursue people, and then either go to their quarters to sleep or hang out at the mami with only a few of the corpers who were their friends.

They blew the biggle and chased everybody inside that night. After a few minutes, everything was quiet and just a few white-and-white shirts moved. Those returning to their hostel from the mami.

"I feel so safe here with you." I crossed my hands over her shoulders as she said. "You don't have to be afraid. "To every difficulty, there is always a solution." My Fluid Mechanism lecturer said those words in campus.

His lesson was quite abstract and full of equations. We are often obliged to cram all 103 equations in his course.

When we protest about the difficulty of his course, he often reminds us that being an Engineer is not a day's work. He always assures us that there is always a solution to any difficulty that arises in his course or in real life.

"If you apply the correct solution, you will receive the correct answer." Those were his favorite sayings. She was lying on my laps while I massaged her back. She inhaled deeply and exhaled strongly on my laps.

I continued to massage her back, spreading my hands to her ribs and stomach. She shifted herself to allow me access to her bre'a'st, and I took advantage of the opportunity.

I slipped my hand into her shirt and massaged her stomach before reaching for her bre'e'ast. She sat up and turned to face me. I had a feeling she was going to tell me she wanted to go, but she didn't.

My mouth met hers, and we began kissing. She kissed fiercely, as if her life depended on it. I slipped my hands into her clothes and pushed up her bra to let the br'ea'st out.

I drew the shirt up and began sucking the b'r'east. As I swallowed her already firm n-i'pl'es, she pressed my head hard against her br3a'st. It was peaceful, and cold air blew over us.

She reached out and yanked on my d'I'kk, which was already stiff. I unhooked her shorts, and she tugged them down like they were on fire. I drew mine down, still tickling her n'I'pl-es.

I took out my condom and put it on after adjusting my boxers. She was wearing a red pant. I was surprised by the color of the pants. I took it down without hesitation.

I made her kneel on all fours, as if she were a newborn attempting to crawl. She elevated one of her legs slightly, allowing easy access to her wet c'u'nt.

I aimed my d'c'k at her, and with a single fast stroke, I was in her warm c-u'nt. She squeaked a little as I slammed into her. She shifted her hands and grasped the log to stabilize herself as I banged violently in and out of her.

As I thumped in and out of her from behind, she struggled to control her moaning. I grasped her a'r'se with both hands and rammed into her with such force that she clim.axed and her cu'nt worked wonders on my d'kk...

I must have detected a movement to my left, but I assumed it was the wind blowing the leaves. I kept ba'ng'ing her as she let go of her guard and began moaning...

The blinding ray of light that hit my eyes... I thought it was lightning from the storm striking my eyes until I heard the loud voice that followed.

"DO NOT MOVE!!!" The torchlight's powerful beam of light blinded me. "I told you not to move!!!" The voice sounded quite familiar! It was unmistakably the voice of a military guy, one I had heard before...

The beam of light on my face made it impossible for me to see much else, but I could make out the figure of a fully clad military guy approaching us.

When he moved closer and talked again, my concerns grew more apparent... "DO NOT MOVE..." I recognized the voice right away... It was unmistakably a military man's voice... I knew a military man quite well.

I instinctively pulled out of wangu and groped for my shorts. I wore them with the condom still in my d'I'kk, which must be hating me now for interrupting its wonderful meal.

Wangu was even faster and wiser than before. She promptly reached for her shorts and put them on, pulling down her shirts without fixing her bra.

She hid behind me from the light that was shining on my face. "DON'T MOVE, I SAID..." I was still attempting to distinguish this voice from the others I'd been hearing all day at camp.

I thought I recognized the voice! If only my brain could calm down, it might be able to figure out which military officer had that voice. But I was in a state of fear.

More adrenaline must have been pushed into my system since I noticed I was trembling significantly. Wangu clutched me tightly from behind. I took a big breath, which helped to calm me down.

after a few seconds of deliberation in my mind, I softly spoke to Wangu, "Run to your hostel!"   The soldier was approaching us. I had observed that h e was obviously alone.

This prompted me to rule him out as the camp commander. The commandant of the camp does not move alone. He had two or three soldiers who move around with him.

If he was the one who spotted us, he would have sent enough soldiers to apprehend us. So, who is he? "Wangu, run!" I repeated myself. My plans were already set.

If he chooses to pursue her, he will only need a few seconds to get to where we are now. Then I'd hurl myself at him. Fighting him would have been suicidal for me.

I intended to bend myself and grip his waist, then endure and absorb as many punches as I could from him before passing out. It will, at the very least, allow Wangu some time to get to her accommodation.

We were dressed, so if she made it to her hostel, she could argue that she was never with me. She must have read my mind because she flew away immediately.

As she fled away, the military man chased her, and I stood between them. "DO NOT MOVE!" Wangu, on the other hand, was running like Mary Onyeali towards her hostel.

As he ran after her, I quickly blocked his way and in that rage he thrust his hand towards my direction  and I bent down and gripped his hips. I was very aware of what I was doing. I may take as many punches as I want, but I won't let his boots come near me.

The military boots were meant to cause maximum damage to whatever it landed on. The boot's sole was manufactured of the thickest type of kaolite, a thermoset with a high turgidity.

He kicked his boots at my legs, and I ducked it flawlessly while still gripping his waist. He must have been throwing punches at me. I didn't mind them as long as they didn't touch me.

Finally, in an erroneous attempt to avoid his right boot, he landed them on my achillis. That's it! The pain was unbearable! As I stumbled to the ground, clutching my achillis, I let go of my grip.

He reached down and took something from the ground. I thought it was a log of wood or his touch that felt low. I expected him to smash me with whatever he had, but he was more intent on going after Wangu. I noticed him hurrying away.

Only a shadow of his back was visible. I still couldn't figure out whose voice it was. As I walked down to the hostel from the parade field, I was in excruciating pain. The pain in my achillis subsided gradually as I moved.

Wangu called when my phone rang. "Are you all right?" I inquired as I answered the phone. "Yes, I' am already in the hostel." "Where are you?" She inquired. She sounded concerned. "I'm en route to my hostel." I responded to her. "Are you all right?" She was quite concerned about me.

. "I am. "I'm glad you arrived at your lodge." "I hope he didn't do you any harm." I hung up after telling her I was OK and that we'd see the next morning. I wasn't sure if I was going to the morning procession the following day.

If it was Sgt Banjo's voice, he'd absolutely make a report against me. When I arrived at the hostel, the ugly one was not there. Perhaps he was still at his mami joint or outside the camp.

I asked around to see if anyone had menthol balm. I received one and used it on my achillis after I taking shower.  I lay down, wondering who this military guy with a common voice was. I fell asleep.

The music blaring in the hostel woke me up pretty early that morning. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep again. It was not working. The music was so loud that it could cause an early morning headache.

The music was on auto-repeat, with the same song playing over and over. I finally opened my eyes and looked at the time: 4:30. The biggle will be blown in the next 30 minutes or less, and we will be chased out of this hostel.

The person playing the music was the ugly one. It was so loud that several of the hostel guests were startled awake. Others were waking up on their own.

Why was he bothering everyone? He appeared to be in a good mood this morning. Maybe he drank too much last night. The song finished and began again. It was a song by Flavour.

I remembered the song he was listening to: Pantii nu na iro, onye nwe pantii nu na iro? (Who has the pant hanging outside). Flavour was well-known for music and lyrics with graphic sexual content.