
Lusty Desire

The man was completely making things up as he went along! Others who spoke during the talk had the same sentiment. It was a matter of trying to sell either a book or a certificate, but not both at the same time.

I've had my fill of nonsense for the day. I'm done. I got up and went outside before texting Ms. Enoh to tell her that I was leaving the lecture hall because I was exhausted. I was completely at a loss as to where I might possibly take cover.

I pretended that I needed to use the restroom, and then I crept around, moving from one concealed area to another, until I found myself in the dining area of the delta kitchen restaurant.

After moving inside, I was greeted by the lady cook who had been beaming at me throughout my appointment with Oge. She told me that she was glad to finally meet me. She was baffled to discover that I was in the kitchen.

"Why are you even in this place?" She questioned as she hastily pushed me away from the main kitchen, towards an extreme corner, so that I would not be spotted by anyone who might be suspicious.

I joked with her by saying, "I came to see you," but she took it rather seriously. You might have been better off coming at a different time, perhaps later. I was beginning to become concerned as she began to look and sound alarmed about something.

She shared with me that there is a stringent rule that prohibits corps members from remaining at mami during lectures and parades. "If they catch you in our restaurant, they will close it for good."

"Will you come with me?" She said as she made her way towards her room, which I and oge had been using as a hiding place. After I followed in her footsteps, she led the way into the chamber. "Please wait for me, I will be there shortly."

I spent a few minutes lying down on the bed. It felt comforting, and gradually all of my sore muscles began to relax. When the cook came back into the room, I was on the verge of dozing off.

I observed she has re packed her hair and made it appear nicer, removed the apron she was wearing and even smelt wonderful; maybe she just sprayed some perfume.

We talked for some time. She knows how to chat well. She asked how I was coping at camp and I informed her about our punishment that morning. She laughed madly. When I inquired about her background, she gladly told me.

 She was a student at the state university, but now she attends camp whenever it is open in order to assist her aunty. She stays for the entire three weeks, and then after camp is over, she returns to school to await the next group that will be admitted.

She was simple to get along with. "My thighs are really hurting me, and I was wondering if you might help me out by massaging them." I pleaded with her and   She complied with a smile on her face.

"Lie down," she said as she stood over me and pointed to the bed. She pressed her hands firmly against my thighs and continued moving her hands. I shut my eyes and reveled in the sensation of this girl's hands performing their magic on my thighs.

It worked out beautifully. My d'k'k.k. was completely in agreement with me and shared my enthusiasm for the way it made it feel. It pressed against my jeans shorts time and again without limit. I chose to ignore it and instead focus on the joy that was currently surrounding me.

She commanded me to "turn around." and i rolled over onto my stomach and stretched out,   She made a strong motion with her hands down the length of both of my thighs. She reached her hands all the way up my back and up to my waist.

As she worked on my back by pressing and stretching, I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. This was the most amazing massage that anyone could ever receive. She worked her way up to my shoulders and gave a deep massage to the muscles in that area.

It was a peaceful and relaxing experience. I chose to ignore my rigid d'I'k..k because it was making such an effort to capture my attention, and I continued to take pleasure in this calming feeling.

I complimented her by telling her, "You are incredibly good at this." “Thanks.” She then repeated what she had been saying to me. She instructed me to "turn again," at which point I rolled over onto my back.

I seriously misjudged the puffed-up d.i.ck; in fact, I had no idea that it had created such a huge bulge on my shorts until it was too late. As the cook worked once again on my laps, it became extremely clear what was going on.

"Don't worry about that guy down there; he's constantly trying to bring shame on me,"  I told her smiling, and she burst out laughing like nobody's business. She smiled at me and complimented my sense of humor as she moved her hands farther up my shorts. "You're quite funny," she told me.

She gave the d'kk a light stroke here and there, and it replied in full. Because it was so challenging, the muscles in my body started to ache after a while. My shorts were too tight, but she managed to pull it out anyway. She warmed it in her hands for a moment before running her fingers up and down its surface. Her hands traveled along the entirety of my joy stick.

I synced the movement of my hips to the rhythm of her strokes. As soon as I realized how turned up I was, I sat up, stripped off her clothes one at a time, and started kissing her. We leaned in to passionately kiss and caress one another.

We made out in such an ardent manner, as if we had been holding in our excitement for this moment for a very long time.

 After collapsing on the bed, she was eventually seen resting with her head on one of my laps. I reached into my pocket for my co.n.d.ms., and then I tied it. I assured myself that this was going to be taken into consideration.

I took out my phone, put the camera in silent mode, and snapped a picture of her back as she was lying face down on my laps. After dressing, I continued to make snaps and then I rested my back.

After that, I went to sleep. I was jolted awake by the blaring music that was being played somewhere in the neighborhood.  The afternoon classes came to a close, and the corpers can now be found at the maami hall, where they are where eating and drinking.

I exited the living quarters and made my way to the main restaurant. I felt my body required a significant amount of carbon so i grabbed a frosty bottle of my favorite soda. or me to feel refreshed. I arrived at the hostel with a cheery disposition on my face.

At last, I intended to win this time on the wager. It's been long overdue! I can't wait to see the expression on his face when he finally has to cough up the cash. I presented the condom to him as well as the photo.

The photograph revealed the bare backs of the cook, with the black skirts of the girl pulled up to her stomach. on a "Black skirt?" He asked. “Yes?” I couldn't help but ask what relevance that had to do with anything.

.Even though her face was covered, she was noticeably light skinned than Oge, so he couldn't possibly have thought I was f.uc.king the same female.

"She is not a corp member!" I don't understand what he means by it! What exactly do you mean by that? I yelled at him angrily. "Well, you created the rules," he remarked to me. "If you insist that we must tidy up inside the NYSC camp, then it is fair enough that it must be NYSC females – corpers."

He handed the phone over to me once again. After staring at him for a while, I eventually got into bed and laid down. He has, against all odds, prevailed in this particular endeavor... I have plans to get even with him. I did got back at him. . . It arrived much more quickly than I had anticipated... On the very same day.

In the late evening, the bugle sounded to signal the beginning of the evening parade. Is this truly the point of going to camp!

Take a short break for yourself of a couple hours. You are awoken in the wee hours of the morning for morning parade, given a brief window of opportunity to have breakfast, and then rushed off to your lectures.

After taking a break for lunch for an hour, you will be on your way to the parade in the evening. That wore me out like crazy! If it weren't for the incident in the morning, I probably wouldn't have gone to the parade in the evening.

I was unaware of any plans the commandant may have had up his sleeve. It is possible that he will decide to take attendance and punish those who do not show up later. While I was making my way to the parade ground, I gave Ms. Enoh a call.

After the presentation, I did not see her again until much later. I was confused as to why she indicated that she wanted to meet with me.

I was certain that it was connected in some way to the report that was made against our platoon. She let me know that she would be arriving at the parade ground soon. The parade proceeded without a hitch.

After the announcements, it was decided that platoon 2 would have to clean the camp all over again the following day because they had neglected to do so. This punishment was fair enough, and much preferable to having to do frog jumps.

The game of man-o-war we were playing was moved further away so that we could clean up. The athletic competition was to begin, and platoons were to turn in rosters of their players for football (only males were allowed to compete), volleyball, and basketball (female only).

The platoons need to prepare themselves ready for the upcoming social activities, which may include things like a dancing competition or a theater performance. They made the announcement that the transportation money would be paid the following day, but platoon 2 would not receive their payment until after they had completed their punishment.

The parade began in earnest soon after the announcement was made. Those who were going to take part in the marching formed a line, and I led the remaining members of the platoon to a nearby corner where we began a quick briefing.

At the intersection, we were greeted by the platoon officer, Ms. Enoh, who then addressed us. She expressed her dissatisfaction with the fact that we did not perform a straightforward cleaning activity but instead focused on the tasks in the kitchen.

She emphasized how important it was for us to cooperate as a group in order to prevent similar incidents in the future. We were able to successfully delegate the cleaning of the camp to each other with her assistance.

Some will be responsible for cleaning up the Mami sites, while others will clean up the parade field, registration center, sports center, and military quarters. When I asked if any of the boys were interested in playing football, practically every single one of them raised their hand.

Because Sani was so passionate about the football, I decided to give him complete control of everything. I followed the same procedure for the theater and volleyball teams. Following that, Ms. Enoh and I went to our respective quarters.

As we made our way inside her office, she remarked to me, "I'm impressed by the way you managed the procedures this evening."

Have you ever held a position of authority or responsibility before? She inquired.   Does it really make a difference if one was a course rep? I inquired, and she gave me a grin. "certainly, that makes a difference. What did you study?" I responded that I was studying mechanical and production engineering. Therefore, it is highly likely that the primary teaching assignment that is given to you will be at a secondary school.

That was not something that crossed my mind. Teaching was not a terrible thing; nevertheless, there were other things that were more enjoyable to do than teaching. I planned to give it some more attention in the future.

She handed me some forms for me to assist her in filling out. Together, we completed the forms until I became exhausted. I noticed that she was glancing at my middle finger once more. I couldn't figure out what she was trying to find in my finger.

I mocked her by saying, "I should cut this finger and leave it in your office," and she chuckled at my joke.

Her response was, "You don't understand," and she was right. Then, what exactly is it? I asked. She never answered; all we got was a smile and then she went back to her forms.

"I'd want to go get some rest now; it's been a long day for me, and I'm exhausted," I said. As I stood up, I made the announcement to her.

I mocked her a little bit and then said, "I would have wanted to stay and gist with you, or maybe even kiss you one more time," and she grinned at the joke. "However, all of my muscles are cramping up right now."

She then bid me "Ok, goodnight" before leaving the room. "Don't forget that I still want to scrub your back while you're taking a bath." She continued to smile as she spoke "I will have you decamped very soon."

The way that she looked at me as I rose up to leave was really appealing, and it made me want to turn around and go back.

I told her that if she decamped without me, she would be responsible for filling out all of these documents on her own. "I will have a new platoon leader in place as soon as possible!" she said and w e both laughed together.

After she stood up to accompany me to the door, I bent and gave her a passionate kiss. I maintained the kissing even after she had returned to her seat. Her reply was the same as it had been the previous time. An intense appetite, a strong desire, a lusty desire...

When I pulled away from her, her eyes were in the process of opening. "I absolutely need to get away for a while; nevertheless, I will be back tomorrow." After saying that, I went to the front door. I opened the door, and just before I walked out, I turned around and gave her a quick glance.