
My history in fairy tail

I was an ordinary high school girl student, an otaku with no friends, cold and distant, but I always got excellent grades at school and always came first in exams, but one day I tripped on a banana peel on the stairs and died, and then I woke up in another world in another person's body. And so her adventure begins. Fairy tail is not mine, I'm just inspired by it.

popo9074 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Fantasia Parade

As Mirajane and I left the infirmary, I felt a sense of warmth and excitement bubbling within me. We walked through the bustling guild hall, and I couldn't help but notice the way everyone's spirits seemed to be lifted, no doubt in anticipation of the Fantasia Parade tonight.

Mirajane led me to a cozy corner of the guild hall where a small table was set up with various plates of food. We settled down, and she handed me a plate, her eyes sparkling with kindness.

"Eat up, Jade. You need your strength," she said with a soft smile.

I took a bite and savored the flavor, feeling grateful for this moment of normalcy after everything that had happened. "This is delicious, Mirajane. Thank you."

We chatted as we ate, sharing stories and laughing at some of the sillier antics of our guildmates. It was easy, comfortable, and I felt a growing connection with her.

As we were finishing our meal, the door to the guild hall burst open, and in came Natsu and Gajeel, both looking ready for a fight. They charged at each other, fists flying and flames erupting.

"Not again," Mirajane sighed, shaking her head with a smile.

Before I could react, their brawl had moved dangerously close to our table. In the chaos, Gajeel's fist swung wide and struck me on the shoulder, knocking me off balance.

"Hey!" I shouted, more in surprise than pain.

"Jade, are you okay?" Mirajane asked, concern filling her eyes.

I stood up, rubbing my shoulder. "I'm fine, but those two need to learn some manners."

Without thinking, I stepped between Natsu and Gajeel, who were still too engrossed in their fight to notice me. I channeled my magic, a brilliant light surrounding my fists. With two swift punches, I knocked them both out cold. They crumpled to the floor, and a hush fell over the guild hall.

"That should keep them quiet for a while," I muttered, dusting off my hands.

The silence was broken by a burst of laughter from Mirajane. "You certainly know how to handle things, Jade."

I smiled, feeling a sense of satisfaction. "Sometimes, you just have to take matters into your own hands."

We cleaned up our plates and began to part ways to prepare for the Fantasia Parade. I could feel the excitement building in the air, the anticipation of the grand event that brought everyone together.

As evening fell, the town transformed into a vibrant sea of lights and colors. Fireworks illuminated the sky, and confetti rained down, creating a magical atmosphere. The streets were filled with spectators, their faces alight with joy and wonder.

I joined my guildmates as we prepared for our respective performances. Everyone was dressed in their finest, ready to showcase their unique abilities. I felt a mix of nerves and excitement as I took my place in the parade lineup.

The parade began with a dazzling display of magic. Kanna performed intricate tricks with her cards, while Elfman transformed into various beastly forms, eliciting cheers from the crowd. Mirajane, in an impressive transformation, became a massive gecko, delighting everyone with her playful antics.

Grey and Juvia followed, creating a stunning display of ice and water that danced in perfect harmony. Jett, Droy, and Max made brief appearances, adding to the spectacle. Lucky, Nab, Volen, and Readers performed a lively dance, their energy infectious.

Biska, Lucy, and Reby twirled in adorable pink dresses, their synchronized movements captivating the audience. Erza, in her magnificent armor, made her swords dance around her in a breathtaking display of skill.

Then it was my turn. I stepped forward, channeling my light magic. Beams of radiant light erupted from my hands, forming intricate patterns in the air. The crowd gasped in awe as I wove my magic into beautiful shapes, illuminating the night with a brilliant glow. I felt a surge of pride and belonging as I saw the joy on the faces of the spectators.

Natsu, despite his earlier scuffle, joined in, breathing fire into the air alongside Happy, who added his own flair to the performance. Finally, Makarov made his grand entrance, dressed in a comically extravagant costume that had everyone laughing and cheering.

As the parade continued, I caught sight of familiar faces in the crowd. The demons from Galuna Island, Erza's friends from the Tower of Heaven, and even old acquaintances from Phantom Lord were all here, drawn by the magic and camaraderie of Fairy Tail.

As the night drew to a close, we gathered in the center of the town for a final, spectacular display of magic. Standing with my guildmates, I felt a deep sense of gratitude and belonging. I had found my place, my family, and a new chapter had begun.

Mirajane stood beside me, her hand finding mine. "You were amazing tonight, Jade."

"Thanks, Mirajane. So were you," I replied, squeezing her hand.

As the fireworks exploded overhead, casting a rainbow of colors across the night sky, the moment felt surreal. We stood in a comfortable silence, the sounds of the celebration mingling with the crackling of fireworks above. The warmth of her hand in mine sent a pleasant shiver up my spine, and I couldn't help but steal a glance at her. The vibrant lights illuminated her face, making her look ethereal.

"Isn't it beautiful?" she asked softly, her eyes fixed on the sky.

"Yeah, it really is," I replied, though I wasn't just talking about the fireworks. There was something about this moment, standing here with her, that felt almost magical.

We moved to a quieter spot, away from the main crowd but still within view of the parade. Mirajane led me to a bench beneath a large, ancient tree adorned with twinkling fairy lights. The gentle glow added a romantic ambiance to the scene, making my heart beat a little faster.

"You know," Mirajane began, her voice barely above a whisper, "I've always loved the Fantasia Parade. It's a time when everyone comes together to celebrate, no matter their differences."

I nodded, feeling the same sense of unity and belonging. "I never imagined I'd be a part of something like this. Fairy Tail has truly changed my life."

Mirajane turned to face me, her expression soft and thoughtful. "I'm glad you feel that way, Jade. When I first saw you, I knew you had something special. Not just your magic, but your spirit."

Her words made my heart flutter. I looked down, trying to hide my blush. 

She reached out and gently lifted my chin, her touch sending a spark through me. "You don't have to hide, Jade. You're amazing just the way you are."

For a moment, we were lost in each other's eyes. The world around us seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of us in this intimate bubble. I could feel the beginnings of something deep and unspoken forming between us, a connection that went beyond mere friendship.

"Mirajane, I..." I started, unsure of how to express what I was feeling.

But before I could continue, the sound of laughter and footsteps approached. We both turned to see Natsu, Lucy, and the rest of our guildmates heading our way, their faces lit with excitement and joy.

"There you are!" Natsu called out, grinning widely. "We've been looking for you two!"

Mirajane quickly pulled her hand away, and we both stood up, trying to compose ourselves. "Just enjoying the parade," she said with a bright smile.

Lucy joined us, her eyes twinkling with curiosity. "It was an incredible show tonight, wasn't it? Jade, your light magic was stunning!"

"Thanks, Lucy," I replied, feeling a bit self-conscious but also grateful for the compliment.

As our friends gathered around, the moment between Mirajane and me was interrupted, but the lingering warmth of her touch and the unspoken connection remained with me. We spent the rest of the evening celebrating together under the night sky.

Even though the romantic moment was brief and interrupted, it left a lasting impression on me. As the night went on, I found myself glancing at Mirajane, our eyes meeting occasionally with a shared understanding. The beginnings of something special had taken root, and I couldn't wait to see where it would lead.

For now, I was content to enjoy the company of my newfound family, cherishing the memories we were creating together. And deep down, I knew that this was just the beginning of my journey with Fairy Tail and, perhaps, with Mirajane.