
My Hero Under The Tree

Rowan is a kind-hearted person who would do anything for his friends and family. He and his friends wish to become knights and serve their country, Remus. Although it does not go as they hoped for. This is his story and his life through his own eyes.

NexusAzara · Action
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32 Chs

The Cloud of Fear

A few days after we received our titles and became knights, we received a full suit of armor and a weapon of our choice. Kyle chose a short sword. I chose a normal long sword. Thomas chose a sword and shield. Kevin chose a mace. Joseph chose a spear. Hunter chose a battle axe. We received special training to get used to fighting with our weapons and armor. The six of us spent a lot of time together before getting stationed because we knew we wouldn't be together. Captain Haizer said a letter in the mail would arrive soon and it would tell us where we were going to be. It took three and a half days to reach me. Before opening it, I ran to Kyle's house. He suggested that we open them at the tree.

"I'm here, I'll just wait until you're ready." Kyle said

"You ready?" I asked

"Yeah." he said

I opened the letter and read:

Dear Sir Rowan Niron,

Congratulations. You have been promoted to first lieutenant. Your rank insignia is a rose. You will be stationed at Fort Zeke. Good luck and best wishes.

(Signed) Commander Xavier Krieger

"Fort Zeke? I haven't heard of that before." I said

"You're at Fort Zeke? That is near where the Battle of Grosvenor occurred. It is one mile North of Kelmarsh." Kyle said

"Near Kralovia?" I asked

"Yes." he said

"What was the Battle of Grosvenor?" I asked

"Gilgamesh Grosvenor was a friend of King Eric Estrin, grandfather of King Ewald Estrin. He became popular among the people and he wanted to dethrone King Eric. The battle lasted many days, but when Sir Oveis Hert arrived with one of the largest legions ever, Sir Grosvenor was overwhelmed and defeated. Fort Zeke is where Sir Grosvenor held up and fought. He was killed by Sir Hert." Kyle said

"Wow. You know a lot about history." I said

"My father and I share an interest in it." he said

"Is first lieutenant high?" I asked

"Yes, it is one promotion away from captain." he said

"What does your letter say?" I asked

He opened the letter and it read:

Dear Sir Kyle Landon,

Congratulations. You have been promoted to third captain. Your rank insignia is an eagle. You will be stationed at Fort Zeke. Good luck and best wishes.

(Signed) Commander Xavier Krieger

"No way!" I exclaimed

"This is amazing! Captain and stationed with you!" he said

"Third captain? I didn't know captains were ranked like that." I said

"They all have third, second, then first. Except Commanders. And Generals." he said

I hugged him as we cheered. We couldn't stop smiling for a while. After we calmed ourselves, we went back to the barracks and we waited for the others. They came over shortly. I was explaining what happened and showed them the letters.

"What did your letters say?" Kyle asked

"I'm stationed at Fort Valor. I'm a third lieutenant." Kevin said

"I'm the same as Kevin." Joseph said

"Thomas and I are stationed at Fort Cena." Hunter said

"What rank are you?" I asked

"I am first lieutenant and Thomas is second lieutenant." Hunter said

"It is nice that none of us will be alone. And that none of us are ranked lower than lieutenant. Although Fort Valor is on the West border near a village named Hurlon." Kyle said

"Yeah. We are stationed far from each other." Kevin said

"Fort Cena is close to Remus City." Thomas said

"We are spread out." I said

"Cena and Zeke are a few days away." Kyle said

"Valor is at most a week away from Cena." Thomas said

"Yeah. I've heard Hurlon is a beautiful village." Kyle said

"I wish I was at Fort Zeke. Commander Zeke Prakul was amazing. Even though he didn't fight in any wars, he was the most respected Commander. His brother, Eren Prakul, became the greatest General and was the most feared." Kevin said

The next day we had to pack and get ready for the journey to our new homes. Kyle and I said goodbye to everyone. Joseph and Kevin were the first to leave, since they were stationed far away. Thomas and Hunter didn't have to leave for another day or two, but they decided to leave with us. I said goodbye to Mom and Eve before leaving. There were many dirt paths that stretched all across Remus. The big main ones were mostly used for trading, transporting, and for military use. The four of us were led by two knights. One would continue to take Kyle and I. The other would take Joseph and Kevin to Remus City. We rode for a few days before we had to split apart. We promised that we would visit each other whenever we had the chance to.

Kyle and I continued to ride for a long time until we finally reached Fort Zeke. It was a huge fortification. We saw soldiers everywhere. The place was bustling with activity. We entered the gates and were welcomed by the commander. We were led into his office. It was a large room filled with books and maps. There were three desks. The commander sat down behind one of them and smiled at us. He was an older man. His hair was white and thinning, and his face was wrinkled. His name was Commander Xavier Krieger.

"What a pleasure to meet you Captain Landon and Lieutenant Niron." Commander Krieger said

"Likewise, sir." we said

"You two will be in a barrack with four other lieutenants and lower. Captain Landon, you will be in charge of all five of them. I will talk to you individually later, to discuss your duties as a captain and what I expect you to do." Krieger said

"Yes, sir." Kyle said

"Lieutenant Niron, I am impressed. If you have any questions, I will be happy to assist you." Krieger said

"I do have one." I said

"Yes?" Krieger asked

"What do we do, exactly?" I asked

"You are stationed at Fort Zeke, but this fort is a part of Kelmarsh. We knights protect this village and the people." Krieger said

"Okay, that makes sense." I said

"We are also part of a legion under Commander Eren III Prakul. You will be attached to my command when you join it. I can teach you the ways of war and how to fight." Krieger said

"Eren the third?" I asked

"Commander Eren III Prakul, normally called Commander Prakul, is the commander of Kelmarsh and the neighboring village, just South, called Gilden. We are part of a larger army under his command. I serve under him, and so does every soldier here." Krieger said

"Forgive me, but what is it that you command?" I asked

"Rowan!?" Kyle said, in a strict tone.

"No no. It's fine. You see, I am going to retire at the end of the year. I promoted Eren III last year so he could replace me, but when the higher ups saw what he was capable of, he was named Commander of the Southeast legion." Krieger explained

"I see." I said

"I am still here, because he is only nineteen." Krieger said

"What?!?" I said in surprise.

"He doesn't understand this part yet." Krieger said, moving his hands around, implying the meetings and paperwork.

"Will we meet him?" Kyle asked

"You will, Captain. All captains are called to a monthly meeting at Fort Gilden." Krieger said

"The Fort is named after the town?" I asked

"No, the town is named after the fort." Krieger said

"History is strange." I said

"Indeed it is. Sadly, that is all the time I have. Please follow the knights outside, they will lead you to your new bunks and that is where you will meet your new four mates." Krieger said, waving his hand.