
my hero training

my name is scarlet kamiyona I have a twin sister named raven we live in a world full of super powers my power is called mother nature and my sisters power is fire guard she can control any type of fire or explosion I can basically do anything mother nature can do except cause eruptions but I can heal people to but me and my sister are transferring to japans top hero school U.A I'm so excited me and my sister both got in on recomendations we will be second year because we are tranferring from our school so I will get to be in the same class as the infamous class 1A

Scarjo_Unicorn · Anime & Comics
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after the incendent

after me and Raven had cussed out the vice principal we weren't even allowed to get our stuff because we were banned from the school property.

" we can't go back there and get her stuff now after what we did oh my God Scarlet we cussed out the vice principal" Raven explained

" well he deserved it but now we're going to Japan I can't wait to enroll in UA the top hero School in Japan and I can't wait to meet the

infamous class when 1A" Scarlet yelled. 3 hours later they boarded a plane headed to Japan once they got off the plane they called their moms after they call their moms they hop into a taxi and headed to UA . Once they got to UA they had to go to the main building to see principal nezu but on their way there they ran into some of the infamous students of class 1A katsuki Bakugo and tenya iida,but they did not know who we where yet.

" look what we have,here new students the can't be that powerful by the look of them "laughed the boy with blond hair!

" hi I am tenya iida nice to meet you sorry for bakugo's rude greeting" Iida apologized

"ahhhahahahaha nice to meet you tenya my name is scarlet and that's raven,"she says as she points at raven.

"what you laughing at extra,"bakugo growled!

"ohh you didn't let me Finish...we are raven and scarlet kameyana,also known as the god twins!"scarlet laughed as she used her powers to capture bakugo with vines .