
My Hero: The Vixen

Death by a hundred cuts, by a hundred animals. Waking up in another world, Hush decides to be a protector. Using the powers of the ones that killed him in the first place. -------------------------------------------------------------- MHA x Vixen (DC) AN: This is just for fun, and my first time writing a fanfic, especially an MHA one. So reviews, comments, and suggestions are gladly accepted.

PaperGod · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Just Getting Started

Walking pass the crowd, I ignored the mass of people still surrounding the already over battle site. Blending seemlessly into place, I combed back my bright pink hair.

Dyed it a couple of months ago, and to tell you the truth, it was the best decision ever. My parents weren't all that thrilled, but they soon came around. I mean, the pink hair really does go well with me.

But forget about that, since today is a momentous ocassion. You might even call it the beginning of the universe. Making my way to an abandoned alley way, I climbed up the fire escape and into the roof of a building. Scanning the view around me, I sighed triumphantly as the moment has finally arrived.

I raised my hand in front of me, and tapped into the red. The feeling of power that I've grown used to, coursed through me once again. From my palm, mist of white swirled around like a serpent.

As it danced around my palm, I willed it to transform. With a screech, the cloud of dust dispersed and revealed a white, ghostly raven. The raven spread its wings and flapped its feathers.

I looked at it and with a nod, the raven flapped and flew away. The raven disappeared amongst the buildings and seeing it gone, I rested in the shade and closed my eyes.

White mist enveloped my closed eye-lids and the darkness was now filled with light. From my sight, I could see the point of view of the raven as it flew across the city.

The bird made a stop as it stared at a certain green-haired boy. I smiled at his sight.

"Just wait Midoriya, today is the time you inherit one for all!"

It has been 15 years since I died, and 10 years since my last big escapade—when I almost died—and now I feel better than ever. Five years ago, I graduated from my training with highest marks. I mean, I did defeat my coach.

However, that came at a price. I massaged my chest as my hand felt the slash running down. For the final task, we were supposed to fight him, weapons and quirks allowed. Though, I deeply underestimated him.

I still got shivers at how he appeared right in front of me and banged my head against the floor. Of course, I could just heal it, but then my win would be meaningless. My parents weren't all that happy with the final task, but just like the best parents they are, they came around to it.

Reverting back to the task at hand, after I accessed my Ashes, I used them to track Midoriya. After all the stuff I changed, I didn't want someone else getting one for all. And now, years of waiting have finally paid off.

The raven was now right atop Midoriya as he entered the oh so familiar under pass. Not wanting to be seen, I summoned the mist and made some gestures with my hands.

The raven at the underpass transformed into a chameleon and vanished. The chameleon climbed it's way on the wall and entered. At the middle of it, I saw Midoriya and my heart ached as I readied myself.

Just on cue, the manhole behind the boy squirmed and out came the sludge villain. Midoriya panicked as he tried to escape, but of course the villain captured him. The villain laughed as he inserted his sludge into Midoriya's mouth.

I watched as the green broccoli struggled for air, but realizing it will happen soon, I ordered the chameleon to brace itself. Seconds later, a massive gust of wind appeared and blew the villain into pieces.

I gasped at the power as I barely kept the Ashe from disappearing with the wind. The villain was captured and Midoriya was saved, but like in the anime Midoriya grabbed on to Allmight's pants and flew off.

I willed the Ashe and it reverted back into a raven. Quickly flapping its wings, the raven followed suite. I watched from the distance, Midoriya holding on for dear life and the bottle falling off Allmight's pants.

They landed at a rooftop and my legs squirmed. I grasped my palms and watched Allmight transform and Midoriya asked the million dollar question.

"Can you be a hero without a quirk?"

Of course you can, I mean there's Batman and Iron Man. But yet, I knew how it would go. I momentarily dropped at the sight of rejection, but deep down I knew how this would end. Just like in the story, Midoriya left the rooftop.

I now followed him and waited for the sludge villain to attack. After waiting, the sound of explosions caught my ear and I knew it started. Looking at where Midoriya was, my heart stopped in its tracks.

"What the...where is he!?" I yelled as I found out he was on a complete different block. I left my eyes off you and now you're rewriting your destiny!

"This can't do" I clicked my tongue as I descended my raven. Caught off guard, I grabbed his backpack and flew away. Knowing he has his limited edition Allmight card, he will never let this go.

Just as I thought, he followed. Willing the bird to lead him here, I examined the place of the attack. Now, the villain was close to suffocating Bakugou and Allmight was debating on whether to use his powers.

I looked on to the crowd and my eyes caught a familiar sight.

"Kaminari!?" My eyes widened as I saw the charger preparing himself to launch at the sludge.

"Oh no you can't!" I let out some mist and willed it to wrap around his leg. As he started to run, the mist transformed into a boa constrictor and he fell.

My heart was now racing as a familiar brocolli head made its way onto the corner. Finally, your here! I dropped the bag and flew away. Midoriya checked the contents and looked into the commotion.

Seeing Bakugou suffocating, Midoriya ran towards him. My mind cleared and sweat evaporated, Midoriya along with Allmight, saved Bakugou. Dropping to the ground, I sighed and finally watched the making of history.

The sun now set and the beautiful orange hue coated the sky. The wind blew softly and my eyes stared directly at the momentous ocassion. Allmight watched over the collapsed Izuku, tears in the brocolli boy's eyes.

Allmight has finally found his successor, and the story has now begun.

Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter. Not much I could put in this though... Not gonna lie, this is pretty much a filler. But don't worry as I will come back with a bang, literally! Next chapter will be of course the entrance exams! So stay tuned.

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