
USJ pt1

Getting off the bus to the USJ, The hero Thirteen stood in front of us. I had to say i'd never really seen much of this hero. Although I have heard of her quirk it made me want to ask if she could use it on me. Except that might be a terrible idea that might end with my death. She likely wouldn't agree for that very fact anyway.

Deku began his fanboy explanation of thirteen, "GUYS! It really is the space hero Thirteen! The chivalrous pro who's rescued thousands of people from disasters across the world!" Ochaco followed up Deku's fanboying with her own. "Thirteen is one of my favorite heroes! Gravity based quirks! Wooo!"

That actually made sense. I likely shouldn't stand near these two, I feel like I will be infected with the fan favourism. Thirteen caught everyone's attention, "Let's head inside I can't wait for today's lesson!"

While walking inside the person who ended up next to me this time was Erin. "WHOA! It so big! Is that a giant water slide! I wanna go down it!"

"That is part of the water based environments along with the shipwreck. There is also A Landslide, A Fire, A Windstorm, and more or less Et Cetera. It was I who created this training facility to train you the next generation of heroes to deal with different types of disasters. Otherwise know as the unforeseen simulation joint! or you can just call it the USJ."

A whisper spread across our class of "*Just like Universal Studios Japan.*" Mr.Aizawa came up to Thirteen and asked about Almight. he turned back to us, "Clock's ticking, we should get started."

"Excellent, before we begin, let me just say one thing. Maybe two things? Possibly three, no four, or uh five? Okay! Listen carefully I want to explain a bit of background, as it seems some of you know about my quirk. A powerful black-hole that can turn just about anything to dust." Before Deku opened his mouth Kacchan backhanded him. "*hey...*" "*Shut up and pay attention dweeb.*"

"My quirk has been used to save lives, but I could also easily use it to take lives away. Some of you may also have powers like mine. Quirks that can be dangerous..." She was looking at a few of the people in class specifically while saying that. "in our superhero society all quirks must be certified and stringently regulated, so most often over look how unsafe they can actually be. Do not lose focus that if you lose focus or make the wrong move, your powers can become immediately deadly. Even if you are tying to be virtuous like rescue someone. You must be-careful, thanks to Mr.Aizwa's fitness tests you have a solid idea of your Quirk's potential and because of Almight's combat training you have an idea of how dangerous they can be when used against other people. I want you to carry those lessons into this class, because today you are gonna learn how to use your quirk's to save people's lives!...Now with that warning out of the way let's break everyone up into groups of 4 to 5."

I gave a round of applause along with some other students, but...Something seemed to have broke the teachers plans. The Lights around the facility flickered the water streams sputtered and a giant portal opened in the center of the facility. "Everyone stay together! Thirteen protect the students!"

Several people came from the portal and Mr.Aizawa tensed up quickly. "Those are real villains, be on your guard!"

"Well, fuck." Erin nodded with my statement. The class followed with there own statements.

"Real villians, no way. How'd they get here?"

"Thirteen why aren't the alarms not going off?" " Good question. I'm...Not sure actually."

"Is the entire campus being attacked or just this site? If the alarms aren't going off, its a good guess that one of them has a quirk that is masking their presence here. The chose this place as an entry point at a time when a class was being taught."

"Which means they were informed about it...Just like us one day ahead of schedule right?"

"Thirteen protect the students and alert the main campus. Actually if they got the ability to block our sensors, they might be jamming our regular communications too. Kaminari try using your quirk to contact the school." "yes, sir!"

"How are you going to fight them Mr.Aizawa? Your fighting style is fit for 1 on 1 and stealth combat?" "You can't be a pro if your a one trick pony. Good luck Thirteen."

Mr.Aizawa jumped into action soon after. Except...Why would the villains just leave themselves to group up like that. What if the students just started blasting with large AOEs? I had a feeling that it wasn't right for Mr.Aizawa to leave so quickly.