
The Hero of Babble

The address I had gone to was just a blank building. It was similar to a abandon building, though looking a little harder there ere several cameras around the area. You would think it was for the stores and shops they were placed on, but they were all pointed to what seemed to be a run-down mattress store.

It was a little hard to notice the long cables entering the building. However the glossy cables that ran into the building had an insane amount of energy flowing through them. An amount that I could feel the electricity in them. I heard a scoff come from inside the building.

"Man you are no fun. Come on in."

A guy opened the door, the guy from the festival with the funnel cakes. I followed him in to the empty entrance. A bunch of whirring washing machines and dryers were covering the area. The guy, or well I guess Technobabble led me into a back room. Which was filled with more cables and now monitors.


"Oh right I guess its a little odd. I am the Hero of Babble! Like the tower of babble get it? Though my actual name is Technobabble since I mostly deal with machines." This guy was extremely odd, he moved wonkily and... his legs were fucking metal. His legs were literally gone.

"Notice the legs didja? Haha, you'll start putting everything together soon enough. First though I'll explain my quirk, what I do. Then what you will be doing get it?"

"Uhh, yeah okay." He pulled up a chair and gestured for me to sit, he sat in a rolling chair.

"Let's start with my quirk since its a little important to understand how I control all this. My quirk is called Babble. Pretty simple, but its usage is beyond fucked. One of those normally pretty shit quirks that only get better with skill. The short explanation is that I can understand and speak every language...ever."

I nodded, "So you can speak German?"

"I can speak ancient Egyptian man, but it doesn't stop at human language. There is a kid in your class that can speak to animals right? Don't answer that it was rhetorical, well I can also talk to animals. Though my communication does not command them like his can. I can ask a dog a question and it can answer me, but if I ask it to bite someone they won't. Unless they are a really mean dog I guess..."

How did that relate to..."I'M NOT DONE! Sorry, non-vocal languages also count. So I can...read minds? Its complicated look I know if you stop paying attention. I tend to just ignore it, but when you can read peoples every move and know what they are thinking you cut yourself from society..."

We sat in silence for a second before he started again. "Okay well when I discovered the range of my ability also included technology I decided to expand my horizons. To give you the short explanation of what that means, is that I never actually did an internship."

I guess I should nod, but he just continued. "You're starting to get a hold of this, that's good. Really good, I chose a good intern. Alright!"

"So back to the talking to machines?"

"Yeah basically, one I started talking to computers and shit I discovered I could freely command them. No free will, soooo. If I tell them to do something they literally just do it. hence all the this tech! and the name of course. Do you understand all that?"

I nodded, "Yeah I do, but I feel like this is gonna be a long internship."

Technobabble scratched his ear and looked a little disinterested then flashed back to what we were doing. "Right sorry got distracted, but you are probably right. So what I do! I track everything! More or less, basically this goes into why I chose you as an intern and more. Most heroes tend to use the system I built or more asked to function correctly... For response time when in their offices and agencies. You think heroes just wander around waiting for crime to happen! Hell no! To explain I basically run the system heroes use to call more appropriate heroes to areas. Though most chose not to use this because everyone wants to be the pros. Not to mention I get credit for dispatching them..."

Technobabble had his eyes close spinning in his chair talking casually, and I am starting to understand what Mr. Aizawa meant. He might be a menace, and I think this was only surface levels.

"So yeah it's pretty smart. Though hahhahahahAHHAHHAHHA!" He stopped spinning and grabbed his keyboard typing into it. Several camera angles popped up. My eyes narrowed when I realized what they all were. One of which was a camera watching a teenager my age in a orange jumpsuit. It was Gatsumi, but he had changed. His skin was altered and his once human limbs were made of lava.

"This is the kid who tried to kill ya right? I assume you want to kill him too though? Ah you shouldn't blame him really, he was paid to merc ya!" I glared at Technobabble.

"Whoa! Whoa!" Several gun like turrets appeared from the walls and I sat back down. "First things first kid. Thank you because we both would've died if you attacked me. My quirk can talk to machines, but they don't have a concept of friendly fire. Why do you think I got these sweet metal limbs!"

"So what's this about?"

"Huh? oh right. I am a neutral party who believes that the current society is highly flawed. Let's start with the rest of these cameras, Destiny."

The cameras flickered, the next was of a doctor in a lab. Another of Katie who was working in some kind of morgue. A camera of a empty bar. A camera of a skinny man on the phone. A set of camera angles of the HPSC headquarters. A few hero agencies and factories. The last was just a recording of a Man and All Might fighting. Within seconds the recording stopped as the camera was destroyed and looped itself.

I looked at Technobabble and he seem to understand. He spoke differently from previously. Closer to how he spoke at the festival, but there was an echo in his voice.

"Good boy! but there's more. Hey baby pull up Destiny Amishido's full medical report!" The computer worked and the monitors flickered.

The computer showed a file of my medical records. Most were recent, like the quirk test I had taken before entering UA. However a previous quirk test that I hadn't known about was pulled up. "What is this?"

"This? Are you referring to the quirk test you took as a 3 year old? The test that was heavily altered to this report?" His voice still echoed and it seemed to be a function of his quirk. A different report of the same quirk test appeared. I had known of this one, it was the one I could still find in my own papers stored away. I looked at Technobabble again starting to really get angry. He though stayed perfectly calm.

"So? Explain."

He smiled, "Sure..."