
Pots, Pans and metal fams...

Technobabble had called me and told me I should do some vigilante stuff so we could Pin Kate. I felt before I do that though I should tell Jess about how truly shitty her family was. I asked Technobabble to send me the video he had weaseled into getting of Kate. Now that just left Jess, and ultimately how she could fit into the future.

I was at Jess's front door. I had tried to get Jess to live with me and Rumi or something like that. Except Jess wanted to try becoming more independent. The problem I saw with that is Kate helped Jess get her current apartment. Which as Technobabble learned Kate had bugged Jess's home. So despite Jess's Mom being separated from Jess. Jess was still stuck.

I knocked on the door and Jess opened it. "Des! Hey, are you ready for this summer?"

"Yeah I am, but Jess. Wanna go out to eat, I'll get you something sweet."

Jess nodded and I grabbed her hand. From what info I had and what Technobabble was willing to tell me. Kate's role in the quirk stealing and kidnapping ring was that of informant. She was both a spy on I-Island as well as a thief for stealing useful technology. So she had access to a good some of stuff, but it wasn't on par with Technobabble. Who could literally just ask the computer for anything. Was it the computer or was it the internet itself?

I got back on track walking with Jess. Once we were far enough away from her home I pulled her to the side. "Okay Jess I gotta tell you some stuff."

Jess blinked and then nodded. "What kind of stuff?"

Thinking about where to start I guess it would have to be Kate. "Jess, how much do you trust your sister?"

"Mmm, less then before. Umm, Why do you ask is something wrong."

"Well, your sister bugged your home and also I have a video to show you."

I handed Jess my phone and she started watching the video. Jess's reaction was different from what I expected. She was changing slightly and I had a feeling of why. I just don't think it was entirely possible yet.

"She wants my quirk?"

I shrugged, "I assume because she can bend metal and your body is technically turns into metal? Point is she is involved in some weird shit. It gets crazier though."

"H-how? I mean I sorta understand that its possible to take quirks. So maybe your quirk is being brought up to be stolen?"

"Weirdly worded, but... Do you remember how our class tried to kill me?"

She nodded, "I still regret not telling anyone about that."

"It wouldn't have mattered. The hero I interned under had apparently been stalking this whole thing before I was even thought of. How I fit into this though and why it wouldn't have mattered is that the kids who participated in the event. Were basically paid to do it. Our teacher was paid off too and the police who were investigating weren't even police!"

"H-How? Wait, does that mean someone in our class did report it?"

"Number one I have no idea. Number two apparently yeah, which is a good thing because I only really attacked the ones directly involved. I would've felt a little bad about it."

Jess sat down on the concrete sidewalk. I would've thought she be angry or something. Well she did seem to have some cold hatred brewing. I sat down with her, "So I wanted to ask Jess, do you want to join in on this?"

Jess looked at me and I could see her features become a little runny. "I-My sister had always been self progressing. I figured that she was doing something for herself for helping myself. I think, I just expected it. I-If you find...If you get the chance I want to have a conversation with my sister."

"I can try and do that I guess."

Jess couldn't confront her mom, so I assume the cold hate that was brewing in Jess. Letting Jess confront her sister may help her in some way.

"So how would I help?"

Technobabble spoke through the earbuds I had on. "^Lovely convo you had there. The lass can help by playing the part of the sweet girl who wants to be more involved with her sister's life. I can get you two tickets to I-Island and have you visit Kate. Give the lass the address to my office and I'll give her a different rundown.^"

I sighed, "You aren't gonna spy on me right?"

"Why would I spy?"

"Not you Jess, uh, the person who got the video of Kate."

"Oh, I see you are wearing earbuds. That makes sense..." Jess had melted a little more and I could see her embarrassment. I rubbed her hair and gave her some head pats. "I'll give you his address, go during the day. He says he will give you a rundown. I assume give you some kind of lesson on acting."


"He says you will play the part of the sweet sister trying to learn more about her older sister. I guess it is to lure or trap Kate." Jess nodded.

"I like it, then, then! We will tie her up and uhhh... Interrogate her? I'll try and think on what to do after that."

"Jess I don't think we would do that right away."

"Oh, yeah I guess you are right. If Kate is part of a conspiracy we need to learn more about it without alerting those within it."

That was very smart, I didn't even think about that. Was I stupid? "That would be smart yeah."

Jess flinched slightly and spoke again in a very nervous tone. "How do you know that I am not part of this conspiracy?"

I looked at Jess and shrugged. I sort of scrolled through Jess's emotions and found the one I was looking for and amplified it. Jess melted instantly into a puddle. "Sorry didn't think that would happen. Uhhh, I was gonna amplify you feelings of love and say something witty. Except...Ergh, Let me just pick you up."

The metal slime girl said nothing to me and just stayed silent. it was clear she both embarrassed and angry at me. Originally it was just anger, but when I mentioned love she really just started exploding with anxiety. It was best just to, let her calm down I think.

"Stwupid Deth, yoush buy me Icth Cream."

"That I can do I guess..."