

I was ranked first, but in every single test. I WAS EITHER SECOND OR THIRD! "Urgh! This is so unfair."

Denki laughed, "Come on man it ain't that bad. You are first overall."

The electric mouse was right. Momo, who created things to beat her test, was ranked second overall. Which made sense, but somehow Shoto, who apparently was Endeavor's kid, was third. How the fuck was he third? He didn't use his quirk for half the tests!

If I was Katsuki I would be pissed. Which he was, especially after this big explosion at izuku. Who apparently didn't have a quirk? I turned to Tenya and Ochaco, "Are you two sure about Izuku's quirk? He just seems so off. I know he said he was a late bloomer before he ran off to meet his boyfriend, but he seriously never experimented with his quirk before enrollment?"

Tenya shrugged, "I thought he knew about the rescue points. Though he admits he didn't, so maybe he was stressing about his passing grade?"

I shook my head, "The kid kept up whatever bullshit exercise routine he had. His whole body is basically glass. If he has time to exercise that much, he should have the attitude to experiment his quirk. Even if it hurts him to that degree. I would have been just holding the energy across my body before releasing it and so on. However, clearly he didn't even do that."

Ochaco the sweet girl tried to defend him, "Maybe he had other things going on? I mean he seems really smart. After all, he analyzed everyone's quirks really well."

I rolled my eyes, "So he can analyze the quirks of others, but not his own? He's suspicious as hell."

I wouldn't voice my complete thoughts. Too many loose strings and I had too little information. However with everything I had so far. I had a feeling someone out there could transfer quirks or something. The stupid extra quirk test I had to do. The mention of multiple quirks, the weirdness with Gatsumi. That bastard's quirk was never that strong. I had a conspiracy going on, I just didn't know how deep it was.

I sighed, "It's whatever, it's his failings."

Mina interrupted, "Hey, I've been meaning to ask. How did you make the ball go farther after you threw it?"

Oh right, I see heat waves way easier than other people. So I guess it was almost like an invisible boost. "I shot it with a blast of heat. No fire or anything, just pure heat."

The frog girl jumped in, Heh. "I thought you had a physical enhancement quirk due to your grip strength."

"I uh, My quirk is difficult to explain. It has many, uh… I don't know how much I'm allowed to talk about it? I had to go through some extra quirk tests before I could enter UA. So I don't know if it's confidential or not."

They all looked at me strangely and I got up. "I'll uh, talk to guys later."

I left so awkwardly. That was awful, I didn't really want to talk about my quirk. So that was the best idea I had to avoid the topic. It was true, but… I was still very unsure. A quirk with sub-quirks? That seemed unfair, and I didn't want to stir the pot after my comments with Izuku.

I walked toward the business courses. I'll see how Jess did on her first day. Then I'll leave her be, I didn't want to baby her.

I stopped before I got to the business classes. I just remembered someone on Mr. Aizawa's list was missing. Surely, I could just ask about it right?

I turned around, and moved towards the principal's office.. Knocking on the door I waited a second. A voice called out, "Feel free to open the door!"

So I opened the door and was met by what I am pretty sure is the principal. "Hello?"

The white bear jumped up, "Hello! Am I a dog? A bear? Some sort of marsupial? Who knows, I'm the Principal! Nezu!"

I nodded, he was rather cute, but I knew he had to be using that to his advantage. I remember articles about the Principal. "Ah, yeah. I am here to ask about a missing student in our class. I don't know if the others noticed, but I'm sure there was 20 in the class right?"

He paused, "You are Tota Shizen correct?"

I nodded, and the principal motioned and whispered, "Come closer…"

So I did and he shouted, "Don't worry about it! They are a special student, they will be attending classes starting tomorrow."

That didn't help much, I figured that was the case, but I wanted the tea. The gossip about why, I know asking for that from the principal was slightly ridiculous, but might as well try. "Why though?"

The principal seemed to be calculating behind his very small eyes. It made it hard to figure him out. Eventually though he nodded, "Fair enough. You had to go through an extra quirk test did you not?"

I gave a nod, and he explained further. "That was because we were unsure whether you had multiple quirks. You see, it is suspected that a villianous group is out making such people. Its only a rumor, but when you entered the investigation! Now telling you this isn't free, I trust you will stick to silence?"

I paused. He already told me so a swear to silence didn't make much sense. However this just made me more confused on how the hell this tied in to the missing student. "Yeah, I'll keep quiet. I don't really gain anything for talking about it and it would just make others panic."

The principal nodded, "Mirko is rubbing off on you. She is a great secret keeper! Simply put, you, and the missing student are in a similar boat. We fear what an organization would do with your quirks. If one can make a person have multiple quirks it also suggests the mutation of them. Like mine! Do you follow along?"

So the other student had a powerful quirk? No, the way he phrased it. "They need additional testing with their quirk?"

The principal laughed, "You are so close. All the testing of their quirk has been done. Their quirk inherits perfectly among descendants. Meaning it goes through no mutation or changes if it is passed down. On top of that, it is always passed down at least once. The student's family is dealing with the problem of having two children with said quirk. Research was being done to see if the quirk mutated within time. It becomes a very high risk quirk in the wrong hands."

I thought for a second. "And I'm being told because my quirk could react to it."

The principal smiled and raised his head. "WHAT A BRIGHT STUDENT YOU ARE! Yes, the student will have special conditions when interacting with you. When the time comes you can decline such conditions. I won't explain this further as I had planned to talk to you about this together with said student!"

Ah, so I was gonna be told all this anyway. "Sorry then, and thank you for answering my question. Though I don't know if this can be considered an answer I wanted."

He jumped again, "No problem, now I have paperwork to do. As the said student is being held up for reasons beyond the one's I mentioned. If you wish to learn those, you must get them from the student themself!" 

I walked out of his office, feeling confused.