
Aria’s Training Outfit


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'…..' I sat silently in the large room with only my own thoughts as anxiety started to tear away at my heart.

'Why did he want to talk alone with her?' I had no idea what the bastard was planning but I knew it wasn't anything good.

"Oh?" I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I hadn't even noticed someone entering the room until their voice rang out.

'….' I flinched subconsciously as I turned my head until I let out a breath realizing that it wasn't Leon and Aria.

"Father" I smiled politely as I saw the blond haired man that had raised me walking toward the table.

"Good morning Xavier" My father looked surprisingly different from the last time I saw him.

"I didn't think anyone else was up" He smiled and seemed to have a spring in his step that he hadn't before.

'What's up with him?' I was confused since when last conversation took place he looked as if he hadn't spelt for days.

"Well I'm sorry to disappoint" I was slightly weirded out by his upbeat attitude.

"Of course you don't disappoint me my son!" My father patted my shoulder as he reached the table with a bright smile.

"What's wrong won't you?" I couldn't take it anymore and asked as I stared at his hand touching me.

"Well…." He raised his eyebrow before looking around for a second as if making sure there was no one present.

"I don't want to spoil anything but…" My father trailed off making me grow even more curious to his glee.

"I think your mother is~" He patted my shoulder more and yet his words trailed off as his eyes went wide.

'What now?' His weirdness made me uncomfortable as I followed his line of sight that led behind me.

'….W~what?' And the second I did I was greeted to a picture that left my entire body stiff and my heart racing.

Walking into the dinning room were Leon and Aria who had left just minutes ago. My shock wasn't toward the dark skinned bastard who had his usual smug grin plastered on his face, No it was toward the petite girl whose head he had his hand resting on. Aria's face was completely flushed all the way to her ears and she stared at the ground with an expression of shame as she walked.

The reason was obvious as my eyes slowly trailed downward where a lewd picture awaited. Aria's white sun dress had disappeared and instead turned into the same sticker outfit that the other girls wore, Her creamy body was basically fully exposed for all eyes to gaze upon including my father who was next to me.

'W~why is s~she….' I couldn't understand why she was wearing it but I had a hard time trying to focus.

Perhaps it was because Aria was so young and busty that she looked even lewder than the others in such an outfit. Her creamy thighs and wide hips were alluring but not as much as the smooth womanly mound just above a small sticker, And that wasn't even mentioning her plump bare ass that jiggled as she walked.

What truly looked lewd though were the huge bags of flesh that bounced on her chest bare. Her heavy breasts showed their elasticity but I couldn't help but gulp. The reason being was that the stickers that covered her nipples were much smaller than the other girls, Only the tips were covered while the large dark pink areoles were completely in the open.

'S~so lewd…' It was impossible not to feel lust at such a sight and I only woke up from my stupor when I heard heavy breathing.

'….' I glanced from the side of my eye and saw my father staring at Aria's lewd bare body with wide eyes.

"Huge…." He muttered underneath his breath making me frown feeling a sense of annoyance and discomfort.


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