
My Hero Career is Seemingly Quite Difficult

Renault found himself transmigrated into a world with superpowers known as "Quirks". After awakening his own quirk, Vector Manipulation, he thought he could live a peaceful and steady life even without becoming the strongest, and maybe he still can become a hero. However, he gradually realized that wanting to have a peaceful and steady life in this world was... quite difficult. Especially without graduating from school! So difficult! === MC is NOT Accelerator, let's just say that he's just a guy who transmigrated into a body with an Accelerator-like face and Vector Manipulation as QUIRK. Don't compare his quirk with the real Accelerator with esper power from the Magical Index verse. From what I know, this fanfic is MHA crossover with Kamen Rider and some characters from Magical Index, Macross, and Honkai Impact. It seems like MC knows other anime but nothing about MHA. I will consider this as AU, some things are not the same with canon. === This is not my story and it was written by a Chinese Author, I'm just translating it. Thank you very much for reading! Author: Second Battalion Commander Raw: https://www.trxs.cc/tongren/4024.html === Support and read advanced chapters at: patreon.com/VALRRR

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295 Chs

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*Ding~Dong* *Ding~Dong* *Ding~Dong*

"Umm..." Renault, who was still drowsy, seemed to hear the doorbell, which was urgent.

"Who could it be this early..." He rubbed his hair in annoyance and opened his eyes, then turned to look at the clock next to him.

It was only 8 AM.

8 AM!


Then, his phone rang.

Okay, it was Mikoto.

With a sigh, he sat up from the bed, picked up his phone, and answered, "Mikoto, what's the matter so early in the morning?"

"Of course there's something! Hurry up and come and open the door!"

"...Sigh, wait for me for a minute, I'll come down right away."

After hanging up the phone, he got out of bed, put on a pair of pants, and immediately went downstairs to the entrance, opening the door.

"Can't you let me sleep a little longer in the early morning?" With a head of messy hair, Renault looked at Mikoto, who was dressed coolly in front of him.

"After such a big thing happened, you still have the heart to sleep?"

As she spoke, she walked inside by herself.

After she arrived in the living room, he went to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, and took out a bottle of barley tea and two cups.

Pouring two cups, Renault took one cup and drank it down directly, then leaned against the sofa and asked, "Has it already spread online?"

"You already know?"

"I can guess. Those media people can turn a small matter into a big deal. Not to mention what happened yesterday." Renault shrugged, calmly turning on the TV.

Sure enough, the news on TV was playing the report of the U.A. training camp being attacked by villains last night and a student got kidnapped.

"The news spreads really fast. But Bakugo's photo really doesn't make him look like a good student."

"Senpai!" Mikoto poked his shoulder speechlessly and said discontentedly, "Your schoolmate was kidnapped! Aren't you worried?"

"This is part of the plan."


Renault's sudden sentence stunned Mikoto.

"Senpai, what did you say?"

"I said, this is part of the plan." As he spoke, Renault stood up, "I'll go wash up first. You woke me up from the bed and I haven't even brushed my teeth or washed my face yet. I'll be back in a while to talk to you."

After a quick wash-up, Renault poured a glass of milk and grabbed two slices of bread for breakfast. As he ate, he turned to her and said, "Do you really think we couldn't prevent the kidnapping last night?"

"What do you mean?"

"It was part of the plan," Renault explained after taking a sip of milk. "The villain's objective was to capture Bakugo. Once we knew this, I talked to him and we decided to let them catch him. Then we could follow them back to their lair and take them all out in one fell swoop."

"Is that true?" Mikoto asked skeptically.

"Of course it is. I personally placed a signal transmitter on Bakugo, and now I think Principal Nezu has located his position and is deploying a team. We're also trying to mislead the villains into thinking they're safe. The operation should take place tonight."

"But isn't this too risky? What if something goes wrong..." Mikoto voiced her concern, pointing out the potential danger to Bakugo.

Renault believed that Principal Nezu was aware of the risk, but with his exceptional intelligence, he had probably analyzed and concluded that Bakugo would be safe in the short term, which gave them the confidence to carry out the plan.

"Any action, even a seemingly foolproof plan, can still have unexpected occurrences. But this is a rare opportunity. If we don't seize it, who knows how many more times the League of Villains will harass us? It might not just be our class, but yours as well in the future."

As Renault spoke, he ruffled her hair. "Besides, I've been putting up with those guys for a while now. I defeated three of them last night."

She couldn't do anything but try to calm down and trust his judgment. She had rushed over to him after seeing the news of the U.A. attack that morning, worried about his safety, but instead received this unexpected news.

After receiving this confidential information, she became curious about what happened last night and pulled him aside to ask him about it.

He shared the details of the plan with her and did not hide anything except for the fact that he killed two villains. Subconsciously, he did not want her to be exposed to such things too early.

An hour later, he finished explaining the whole situation from last night.

She felt very excited but also showed a hint of concern on her face. "Has Ragdoll from the Pussycats also been taken? I hope she's okay."

"It's very likely that she was taken because of her Quirk. As for her life, it shouldn't be in danger for now, but it's hard to say," Renault sighed. "Being a Pro Hero is like this. It's not that we don't have enough strength, but the danger is always present. Like Kota's parents, both of them were excellent Pro Heroes, but in the end, they were killed by villains, leaving their son alone. What we can do is to improve ourselves and be stronger before becoming Pro Heroes, and protect ourselves and our companions as much as possible while fighting crime after becoming Pro Heroes."

Mikoto fell silent.

Although she knew that being a Pro Hero was dangerous, this was the first time she had heard about it firsthand and so closely. It was completely different from the news reports she had seen before.

Seeing her slowly lowering her head, Renault smiled and pinched her cheek, saying, "Okay, don't look so down. Don't forget that I'm here, and I will never let you be in danger."

Mikoto blushed and turned her head, saying, "Hmph! Don't treat me like a child. When I become a Pro Hero, I will definitely surpass you, Senpai!"

"I'm looking forward to it."

It was afternoon.

Mikoto had lunch at Renault's place before returning to her own home. After being alone, he went to the underground training facility and connected the signal receiver to Sento's computer.

"We've found the Nomu's signal point, surprisingly it's still near Tokyo, not too far away." Looking at the map, Sento raised an eyebrow and said to Renault, "Are you sure you want to go?"

"Of course, it was decided yesterday."

At this moment, Evolto, who had not approached, spoke up, "Since you've made the decision, let's begin. You'll need some trump cards if that's really Nomu's stronghold. After all, Nomu is created using All For One's ability."

"Trump cards... you say?"


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