
My Hero Career is Seemingly Quite Difficult

Renault found himself transmigrated into a world with superpowers known as "Quirks". After awakening his own quirk, Vector Manipulation, he thought he could live a peaceful and steady life even without becoming the strongest, and maybe he still can become a hero. However, he gradually realized that wanting to have a peaceful and steady life in this world was... quite difficult. Especially without graduating from school! So difficult! === MC is NOT Accelerator, let's just say that he's just a guy who transmigrated into a body with an Accelerator-like face and Vector Manipulation as QUIRK. Don't compare his quirk with the real Accelerator with esper power from the Magical Index verse. From what I know, this fanfic is MHA crossover with Kamen Rider and some characters from Magical Index, Macross, and Honkai Impact. It seems like MC knows other anime but nothing about MHA. I will consider this as AU, some things are not the same with canon. === This is not my story and it was written by a Chinese Author, I'm just translating it. Thank you very much for reading! Author: Second Battalion Commander Raw: https://www.trxs.cc/tongren/4024.html === Support and read advanced chapters at: patreon.com/VALRRR

VALRRR · Anime & Comics
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295 Chs



"Stop roaring, you're so noisy!" Disgusted, Renault glanced at the Nomu and immediately flew at it with a punch, knocking its jaw crooked.

"?!" Nomu was obviously stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted and extended two heavy hammers, smashing them toward Renault's head.

"You villain with strength at this level, a little manipulation is not something to be afraid of."

Facing the attack in front of him, Renault didn't even try to defend himself, just watched as the two metal hammers smashed into his head and Nomu was instantly thrown back with even greater force.


Under the reflection of this attack, the two arms that had emerged from Nomu's back bent and broke.

After observing this Nomu for a moment, Renault thought about whether or not he should catch it and hand it over to the police, along with the several other Nomu he had encountered before. Perhaps they could find something out by investigating them.

'I wonder if there is a Pro Hero's Quirk that can probe memories.'

As he dodged Nomu's attacks, he pondered this. But soon he shook his head. 'It might not be very useful. Even if there is a hero with this kind of Quirk, there are sure to be limitations to its use. And this kind of Nomu can no longer be considered human. Whether or not its memories can be fully extracted is also a problem.

'Forget it, let's just deal with it.' As he spoke mentally, Renault sidestepped an electric saw that was swung at him and then lifted his right hand, pressing it against Nomu's chest.


Instantly, the chest exploded and blood gushed out.

As if sensing the danger to its life, Nomu instinctively screamed and then its movements became frenzied. Just as Renault was about to launch an attack on Nomu and destroy it, its movements suddenly stopped.


As he watched Nomu drop its arms, its weapons retracting back into its body, and the wounds on its body slowly healing, slowly turning and walking into the forest, Renault couldn't help but furrow his brow.

What's going on?


Renault turned around as he heard Yaoyorozu's voice behind him, then asked, "How did you come here? The forest is very dangerous right now."

Running up to him, Yaoyorozu wiped the sweat off her forehead and said, "We were suddenly attacked by Nomu, so after sending Kendo and Tetsutetsu to a safe place, I rushed over here immediately. I'm worried that there might be more than one Nomu."

Seeing the worry in her eyes, he didn't say much and shook his head.

"Don't worry, there's only one Nomu, and their purpose this time is not solely focused on destruction. They probably sent Nomu to achieve some specific purpose. After all, Nomu is not like a pet dog that you can easily buy at a pet store casually."

Creating such a Nomu must have taken a lot of effort. With so many people sent out this time, they couldn't afford to send out an army of Nomu.

Shigaraki is a person who cares about his reputation, and he wouldn't put on a big show in a place where nobody knows.


Renault looked over at the Nomu slowly walking towards the depths of the forest.

"That thing suddenly stopped attacking and left. Even though it was just a little bit away from being killed by me, it chose not to attack me. It seems like it received orders to do so, and that's why it chose to abandon the enemy in front of it."

"Orders?" Yaoyorozu suddenly had a bright idea, and in front of him, she made a miniature signal transmitter again. "Renault-kun, here."

Seeing the thing in her hand, he also understood what she meant. He immediately took the signal transmitter and caught up with the Nomu. He broke the skin on the Nomu's back and placed the device inside.

The damaged skin quickly healed under the Nomu's powerful recovery ability, leaving no trace. And from the fact that the Nomu did not react even after being attacked, he confirmed that it must have received someone's orders. A monster that only follows orders, once it becomes human again, there is no hope for it.

Looking in the direction where the Nomu left, he decided to follow it directly. He estimated that the Nomu would head toward the direction where the villains would gather.

Yaoyorozu followed suit.

"Are we going to meet up with the other villains?"

"Yeah, we should see Midoriya and the others when we get there. If there is a fight, Yaoyorozu, don't be impulsive, okay?"

"But, will everyone be okay?"

"Don't worry, we've already dealt with two villains, and most of the people from Class A in the forest. Except for Midoriya, they are still capable of fighting. Also, don't forget that Todoroki's power alone is enough to take down a villain if he decides to unleash it without reservation."

She nodded silently and followed him without saying a word, but many doubts lingered in her mind. He had asked her to create a signal receiver and a signal transmitter, but he had not explained their specific use.

Moreover, she had just created another one earlier, but the one he had in his possession seemed to be missing, indicating that it had already been used. But where had it been used?

Was it used by him on other villains?

But those villains were unlike Nomu, who seemed unfazed by the fact that it had a signal transmitter on its body. It was not practical to implant a signal transmitter in them. Although she knew it was unlikely that he would do anything to harm them, she still began to consider her own approach.

While she was lost in thought, she slowly create another signal receiver, which looked exactly the same as the one she had given to him.

As they walked, Renault signaled for her to stop, as Nomu had come to a halt behind a large tree.

In the distance, the sounds of battle could be heard.

Midoriya, Todoroki, and Shoji were suppressing a man wearing a yellow outfit and a mask on the battlefield. In addition to him, there was Dabi, who Renault had seen before, a brown-haired girl with the ability to disguise, who had previously injured Pixie-Bob's duo, and a man in black spandex.

'Only Nomu? Does that mean the other two people besides Nomu have lost contact?' Dabi pondered when the other remaining two villains didn't appear; he then started moving.

The flames on his right hand burned tranquil blue, and he calmly said, "Mister, move aside."


The masked man being suppressed disappeared in a burst of light.

Immediately, the blue flames swept through where he had been, and although Midoriya, Shoji, and Todoroki managed to dodge in time, Midoriya and Shoji were still got hit and suffered considerable damage.

Seeing this, Yaoyorozu immediately started creating objects to try to rush out, but she was stopped by Renault in a blink of an eye.

"I told you not to be impulsive!" Holding onto her, Renault continued to observe the scene.

Bakugo was nowhere to be seen, it seems he had been captured.


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