
My Hero Career is Seemingly Quite Difficult

Renault found himself transmigrated into a world with superpowers known as "Quirks". After awakening his own quirk, Vector Manipulation, he thought he could live a peaceful and steady life even without becoming the strongest, and maybe he still can become a hero. However, he gradually realized that wanting to have a peaceful and steady life in this world was... quite difficult. Especially without graduating from school! So difficult! === MC is NOT Accelerator, let's just say that he's just a guy who transmigrated into a body with an Accelerator-like face and Vector Manipulation as QUIRK. Don't compare his quirk with the real Accelerator with esper power from the Magical Index verse. From what I know, this fanfic is MHA crossover with Kamen Rider and some characters from Magical Index, Macross, and Honkai Impact. It seems like MC knows other anime but nothing about MHA. I will consider this as AU, some things are not the same with canon. === This is not my story and it was written by a Chinese Author, I'm just translating it. Thank you very much for reading! Author: Second Battalion Commander Raw: https://www.trxs.cc/tongren/4024.html === Support and read advanced chapters at: patreon.com/VALRRR

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295 Chs

New Neighbor?

A few minutes later, the test was over. Due to the impressive performance of Midoriya Izuku, the instructor, Aizawa Shota, was pleasantly surprised and decided not to tease the students any longer. He smiled and said, "By the way, the last-place student dropping out was just a bluff. It was a reasonable deception to bring out your Quirks to the fullest extent."

After that, Renault saw Midoriya Izuku standing still, muttering incomprehensibly to himself as if he had become dumbfounded. Unable to watch any longer, Renault walked over and patted Midoriya Izuku's shoulder, saying, "Alright, don't look like that. You should take this opportunity to go to the infirmary and treat your fingers, and also think about how to control your Quirk as soon as possible."

"Renault..." Midoriya Izuku said tearfully, looking at Renault. "Thank you!"

Renault waved his hand casually, told Midoriya Izuku where the infirmary was, and then joined the rest of the class, returning to their classroom. The test was over, and there was still sometime before lunch. So Midoriya Izuku's trip to the infirmary wouldn't delay anything.

Naturally, they had lunch at the cafeteria at U.A. High. As they had learned before, the cafeteria was quite large and served almost every kind of food. Renault wasn't picky and ordered a pork cutlet rice bowl, a vegetable salad, and some yogurt, and ate together with the others.

During the meal, Renault got to know some of the other boys in the class and gained a general understanding of their personalities. Todoroki Shoto, one of the recommended students, wasn't cold-hearted as he thought, but he was just a man of few words. He would speak if someone talked to him, but he tended to be economical with his words.

Another boy who left a deep impression on Renault was the short-statured, purple-haired Mineta Minoru. Renault mainly remembered two things about him, his height and the purple ball-shaped objects related to the quirk on his head. The second thing that stood out about him, and the most important one, was that he was extremely perverted.

Yes, exactly. During the half-hour mealtime, except for the beginning and the last few minutes, this guy spent almost all of his time commenting on the bodies of the girls in the class.

To be honest, although Renault also likes pretty girls, he would never behave like this. Moreover, Renault has a feeling that if this guy keeps up this attitude, he will definitely face difficulties in the future, and it will happen more than once.

Compared to the slower pace of bonding among the boys, the girls quickly became close. The six girls soon became good friends.

Except for Mineta Minoru who kept chatting about girls, the other boys just nodded and agreed occasionally. Other than discussing the school and Quirks, they also talked about their hobbies. As for the girls, their topics were similar. Besides quirks and hobbies, they also talked about the boys in the class. After all, there were only six girls in the class, while the rest were boys. Among these topics, the most discussed were Renault and Todoroki Shoto, followed by Bakugo Katsuki and Midoriya Izuku.

After lunch, the afternoon classes began. Unlike the morning tests, the afternoon classes were more regular, with courses on hero history, social evolution, and normal academic subjects. After all, they were in high school, and Pro Heroes needed to have a certain amount of knowledge, right?

At 4 pm, the day's classes ended, and it was finally time to go home. On the way back, Renault noticed that he, Midoriya Izuku, and Kaminari Denki were taking the same bus route, with Midoriya Izuku and Kaminari Denki getting off a few stops before him.

However, today, Renault had to get off early because he had taken his motorcycle driver's license exam before the entrance exam, and he could now go pick it up.

"Ah! Motorcycles are really great things, but unfortunately, my parents don't agree," Kaminari Denki said enviously when he heard Renault's words.

"Well, it's just a means of transportation, not for luxury. I just happen to have one and don't want to waste it," Renault replied.

With that, Renault arrived at his stop and bid farewell to the two before getting off the bus.

Watching Renault leave, Kaminari Denki spoke to Midoriya Izuku who was sitting next to him, "I always thought Renault would be difficult to approach, like Todoroki or Bakugo, but it turns out he's very easy to get along with."

"Um," Midoriya Izuku nodded in agreement after listening, but in his heart, he was thinking about how to better control his own Quirk.

On the other side, after Renault picked up his driver's license, he took the back bus back. He got off the bus and made his way to the shopping street next to his house to buy dinner for today.

"Oh! Renault is back, how's studying in U.A.?" The butcher uncle saw Renault and greeted him happily.

"Good afternoon, Uncle Takeda. The school is doing great, I've met a lot of people. Hmm, the meat looks good today. Can I have two pieces of beef please?" Renault said.

"Okay! To celebrate your enrollment today, let's consider this a gift from me," the butcher uncle said as he put three large pieces of beef into the bag and handed it to Renault with a "Don't you dare try to pay me" expression.

Renault had no choice but to accept the bag and thank him, "Thank you very much."

"Hahaha, just study hard. When you become a Pro Hero in the future, I can brag to others, right? Oh, by the way, Renault, someone moved into the house next to yours today," the butcher uncle said.

"Huh? Did someone move into the house that has been vacant for half a year? Did they sell it?" Renault was stunned. The house had been unoccupied for a long time because the owner had gone abroad and had not chosen to sell it. He did not expect that someone would move in now.

"I heard from a friend that it was the previous owner's friend who bought the house here due to work and their child's education," said Renault, nodding understandingly. After bidding farewell to the uncle, he went to other shops.

A dozen minutes later, as expected, Renault had two free bags of fresh vegetables in his hands. They were from uncles and aunties whom he had known for many years, and their hospitality was hard to refuse. However, a few of them even tried to sell their daughters to him, which he couldn't stand.

As he arrived at his own grocery store, Renault was about to open the door when he thought of something and decided to walk forward a bit more. He turned left and came to the house he had heard about where someone had moved in.

Indeed, there were several empty boxes in the front yard.

"I just wonder what kind of person the new neighbor is...hmm?"

Suddenly, Renault seemed to hear some arguing, between a woman and several men.

"It seems like there's something going on...don't they know that I'm watching over this area?"

Shaking his head, Renault picked up his two bags and walked toward the source of the noise. However, before he even reached the alley, he saw a burst of bright light, accompanied by several men's screams.

"...So brutal? Interesting."

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