
My Hero Career is Seemingly Quite Difficult

Renault found himself transmigrated into a world with superpowers known as "Quirks". After awakening his own quirk, Vector Manipulation, he thought he could live a peaceful and steady life even without becoming the strongest, and maybe he still can become a hero. However, he gradually realized that wanting to have a peaceful and steady life in this world was... quite difficult. Especially without graduating from school! So difficult! === MC is NOT Accelerator, let's just say that he's just a guy who transmigrated into a body with an Accelerator-like face and Vector Manipulation as QUIRK. Don't compare his quirk with the real Accelerator with esper power from the Magical Index verse. From what I know, this fanfic is MHA crossover with Kamen Rider and some characters from Magical Index, Macross, and Honkai Impact. It seems like MC knows other anime but nothing about MHA. I will consider this as AU, some things are not the same with canon. === This is not my story and it was written by a Chinese Author, I'm just translating it. Thank you very much for reading! Author: Second Battalion Commander Raw: https://www.trxs.cc/tongren/4024.html === Support and read advanced chapters at: patreon.com/VALRRR

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295 Chs

I Have Other Plans


The sound of a small knife breaking echoed through the smoke, followed by a grunt from Aizawa as he fell to the ground again after being struck.

It was not an escape plan.

Although Aizawa already suspected that Yaoyorozu had not chosen to escape, but rather had planned something, it was unexpected that she would immediately restrict his own Quirk. And judging from the thickness of this smoke, it seemed to be a specially made concoction, which explained why it took so long to prepare.

In the smoke, Aizawa took off the restraint strap from his shoulder and unfolded it, cautiously surveying his surroundings. Suddenly, strange sounds came from all around, as if something was being thrown.

At this point, the monitors were also obscured by the smoke, but Yaoyorozu was seen taking out disc-shaped objects from her backpack and throwing them onto the walls of the streets on both sides, setting up positions that subtly surrounded Aizawa.

Meanwhile, Renault slowly withdrew from the range of the smoke, quietly waiting for it to dissipate. From now on, it was time for Yaoyorozu to shine.

Then Renault looked at his right hand, his face showing deep thought.

Before swinging the knife, Renault clearly knew that he was in a situation where his Quirk was suppressed, but the movements of his hand showed some changes. The swing of the knife was somewhat unreal yet real.

Although it was only a brief moment, Renault had still noticed that this feeling was not purely a skill.

"What could it be?"

But now was not the time for him to dwell on this issue, as the smoke was beginning to thin.

Aizawa was very puzzled. Why was there no movement from the two after the smoke dissipated? Did they escape? That shouldn't be possible.

After more than ten seconds, Aizawa finally understood.

On both sides of the walls, there were objects scattered all over, and in that instant when the smoke cleared; these things collectively lit up, and then thin threads shot out from them.

Aizawa immediately dodged, but he realized that these things were not aimed at him. More accurately, they were interconnected. Left and right, up and down, in an instant, he felt like a small bug as he entered the web of threads in the spider's den.

"Oh? Do you think you can capture me with such things?" Aizawa didn't feel worried about his situation at all.

Yaoyorozu, wearing a mask, confidently said, "Aizawa-sensei, I advise you to surrender. These things are not just for restraining you. Besides being made from materials I specifically crafted, they also have excellent conductive properties."

"Conductive?" Aizawa raised an eyebrow.


The machines on both sides made a buzzing sound, and Aizawa couldn't help but grin.

Although the electric current was faint and only made him feel slightly numb, Aizawa knew that this was just the beginning. With Yaoyorozu's knowledge and resourcefulness, she could easily set the power output of this equipment to a much higher level.

"Well played. Was I a sitting duck when Yaoyorozu appeared? Nicely done, you passed the exam," Aizawa said, allowing the two to proceed, but the process had to be followed.

After handcuffing Aizawa and bringing him to the finish line, Renault finally unlocked the handcuffs.

Aizawa flexed his wrist and looked at the equipment on Yaoyorozu's body. "Based on your appearance, I'm sure you have other preparations, right?"

"Yes." Yaoyorozu, who had already removed her mask, said, "In addition to the electric thread I used earlier, I have also prepared special fast-setting gel bombs. They have no lethal effect, but once they come into contact with the body, they will solidify within five seconds. I simulated the material based on Mineta's Quirk, and with your strength; you won't be able to break free. Besides, I still have three other backup plans; A, B, and C sets. Even if my first two plans fail, we can temporarily retreat and use the remaining three sets of plans. But those three plans are quite powerful."

Although Yaoyorozu did not explicitly state it, Aizawa could tell from looking at the launcher for firing those smoke grenades that the plans they were discussing were all exaggerated and extreme.

"The ultimate weapon, huh... But Yaoyorozu, do you have enough raw materials to make those things?"

"Raw materials?" Yaoyorozu hesitated for a moment, then puffed up her cheeks and said, "Even if you're a teacher, please don't say such things! Since I have a plan, I will ensure that the plan is implemented successfully!"

Raw materials, isn't that just her fat?

"Sorry." Aizawa also apologized immediately as he realized he had said something rude. He looked at the two people and said, "Your performance was very good, but Yaoyorozu, you still need to consider your plan for solo combat. Not every time will Renault be there to help you buy time. And if it wasn't for me as your opponent, Renault alone is enough to deal with other villains."

"Yes, I know," Yaoyorozu replied.

After bidding farewell to Aizawa, Renault and Yaoyorozu returned to the resting room.

Along the way, Renault quietly observed Yaoyorozu and noticed that her waist and arms seemed to have gotten slimmer compared to before. He wondered if the lost fat would replenish on its own or if she would need to consume food to replenish it.

Meanwhile, at Renault's home...

Sento sat on a chair, looking at Evolto who was leisurely sipping coffee across from him. Sento asked seriously, "Did you tamper with something?"

"No, no, no, you can't say it like that," Evolto replied. "I just shared some of my abilities with Renault, after all, he's my disciple, isn't he? Unlike you, I am an extraterrestrial lifeform, and I can provide him with special abilities. But don't worry, I only gave him a seed. Awakening still needs to come gradually."

"Are you sure you didn't do anything else?" Sento still had some doubts about Evolto's words.

"Is it necessary to doubt me like this?" Evolto chuckled. "Although I gained a new life, I am still bound by the restrictions of that System. Even if I want to do something to destroy the world, I will never harm Renault. That's my bottom line for staying alive. Besides, don't forget, in order to use our Rider System, he needs to be injected with Nebula Gas to adapt. My actions helped him bypass that step."

Evolto picked up the freshly brewed coffee and took a sip, then said with a faint smile, "All For One, without some backup plans, you might not win."

He pushed another cup of coffee toward Sento.


Although Sento still had some doubts, he had no other choice at this moment but to rely on Renault to be more vigilant. He picked up the cup and took a sip.

"Blugh! It tastes awful!"


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