
My Hero Career is Seemingly Quite Difficult

Renault found himself transmigrated into a world with superpowers known as "Quirks". After awakening his own quirk, Vector Manipulation, he thought he could live a peaceful and steady life even without becoming the strongest, and maybe he still can become a hero. However, he gradually realized that wanting to have a peaceful and steady life in this world was... quite difficult. Especially without graduating from school! So difficult! === MC is NOT Accelerator, let's just say that he's just a guy who transmigrated into a body with an Accelerator-like face and Vector Manipulation as QUIRK. Don't compare his quirk with the real Accelerator with esper power from the Magical Index verse. From what I know, this fanfic is MHA crossover with Kamen Rider and some characters from Magical Index, Macross, and Honkai Impact. It seems like MC knows other anime but nothing about MHA. I will consider this as AU, some things are not the same with canon. === This is not my story and it was written by a Chinese Author, I'm just translating it. Thank you very much for reading! Author: Second Battalion Commander Raw: https://www.trxs.cc/tongren/4024.html === Support and read advanced chapters at: patreon.com/VALRRR

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295 Chs

Forest Training Camp Start!

The happy time always passes quickly.

At 5 PM, Aizawa arrived at the swimming pool and announced the end of everyone's swimming time. They changed into their regular clothes and left the school together.

When they arrived at the school gate, Kaminari said with some reluctance, "I feel like we didn't play enough. How about we find a place to eat together tonight?"

"But where can we eat with so many people?"

"What should we eat?"

Kaminari's suggestion was unanimously agreed upon by everyone, and they began discussing where to go.

"Let's go eat barbecue! I know a place with a big enough space for all of us!" Ashido raised her hand and said, always enthusiastic about such large gatherings.

"Then let's go?"


Renault looked at Mikoto, the little girl had no objections and immediately sent a message to her mother with her phone.

Todoroki looked around and found that it seemed impossible to refuse, so he agreed. Bakugo surprisingly did not refuse this time, it seemed he really wanted to eat.

So, the large group from Class A headed to the barbecue restaurant. They ate until after 7 PM before going their separate ways.

Pushing the motorcycles, Renault and Mikoto did not rush back, preparing to walk a little on the way. They had eaten too much.

While walking and looking up at the early summer night sky, she said, "Senpai, even though the people in your class are all different, and there are some that seem quite annoying; you all are actually quite united, aren't you?"

"You can see that?" He looked at her unexpectedly and said, "Actually, everyone still competes with each other internally. After all, getting into U.A. and entering the hero department, everyone wants to become a Pro Hero, to be the best one. But that's just internally, at other times, especially when we're united against external threats, like in a competition or facing villains, we are united. Well, that's what I think."

"You think so?"

"Well, because some people might want to steal the spotlight."

The person being referred to is naturally a certain temperamental explosive brother and events like this have occurred more than once.

After walking for a while, they checked the time and then the two of them got on a motorcycle and sped back home.

Over the next few days, Renault finally settled down and trained at home peacefully. Mikoto would occasionally come over and train with him as well.

As for U.A.'s recommendation entrance exam, Mikoto hasn't told her mother yet. She plans to surprise her when the news arrives.


A few days passed by and finally, Monday arrived.

At 8 AM, Renault didn't ride his motorcycle. He took a bus to U.A. with a suitcase and ran into several schoolmates on the way.

"We're finally starting the training camp today. I wonder what kind of training we'll have," Renault said, pulling his suitcase.

"There should be a lot of targeted training," Midoriya walked beside Renault and thought out loud. "But what about the forest? Some of our Quirks won't be able to be used in certain areas, so won't that affect the effectiveness of the training?"

"Considering U.A.'s financial resources, the location for the training camp shouldn't be a problem," Kaminari smiled and said. "I'm actually looking forward to seeing the girls in bikinis. I didn't get a chance to see them at the pool the other day. What a shame."

Renault and Midoriya rolled their eyes at the same time. They knew that the girls in their class had great figures, but Kaminari's straightforwardness was a bit too much.

However, both of them knew the girls in their class understood that they needed to be on guard against the boys in the class, so they didn't need to worry too much about it.

They didn't go to the classroom but instead gathered directly on the square on the east side of the teaching building.

After everyone arrived, Aizawa looked at Class A and said, "Although the first semester has ended, as U.A. students aspiring to become Pro Heroes, you won't have much time to rest. Through this training camp, aim to go beyond your limits. The goal is, Plus Ultra."


Then, everyone prepared to board the bus to head to the destination of the training camp.

However, at that moment, a voice that made people immediately develop a bad impression interrupted, "What? What? Someone from Class A needs to make up a test? Does that mean someone failed the final exam? That's really strange, too strange! Isn't Class A supposed to be much better than Class B? Ahahaha..."


The next second, Monoma Neito from Class B, who was still mocking and making fun of Class A, was knocked down by a punch from the Class B class president, Kendo Itsuka.

Holding Monoma by the collar, Kendo apologized to the students from Class A, "I'm sorry about that."

Then, she dragged him onto the bus.

Yes, dragged...

"That Class B guy still hasn't changed a bit." Renault shook his head and headed towards the bus.

However, there was only one person in Class B who liked to make fun of others. The other members of Class B were easy to get along with, and would usually greet you with a smile when you met them.

As for the one individual who was a bit of a troublemaker, there was a "big sister" figure keeping him in check, so it wasn't worth getting too upset over.

On the bus, even though Iida, as the class president, had said that everyone should sit in their designated order, but no one cared. This was a rare off-school training camp, who would listen to that? Everyone found seats according to their own preferences.

Renault sat next to Todoroki and not because of any particular reason. It was just that he felt it would be quieter that way. Todoroki felt the same way, especially since everyone was already so excited before getting on the bus.

Looking at their schoolmates excitedly chatting away, Todoroki lowered his voice and said, "This is obviously a training camp that's not going to be easy. Why are they all so happy?"

"They're probably just excited at the moment. After all, the school hasn't given them any 'terrifying' news, and even Aizawa-sensei seems to be acting like his usual self, so they're probably not taking it seriously." Leaning back in his seat, Renault took out his MP3 player and put on his earphones. "I'm guessing things will get even crazier once we start departing, so I think I'll rest for a bit first, just in case anything unexpected happens."

"I was thinking the same thing." Todoroki also took out an MP3 player and put on his earphones, then closed his eyes.

Soon, the bus started moving.

The atmosphere on the bus was like that of a group going on a field trip, and only Renault and Todoroki were like a secluded paradise, without any movement or noise.

Aizawa glanced at the joyful students, pursed his lips slightly, and then turned his head to sit back in his seat.

This was just a momentary burst of excitement.


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