
My Hero Career is Seemingly Quite Difficult

Renault found himself transmigrated into a world with superpowers known as "Quirks". After awakening his own quirk, Vector Manipulation, he thought he could live a peaceful and steady life even without becoming the strongest, and maybe he still can become a hero. However, he gradually realized that wanting to have a peaceful and steady life in this world was... quite difficult. Especially without graduating from school! So difficult! === MC is NOT Accelerator, let's just say that he's just a guy who transmigrated into a body with an Accelerator-like face and Vector Manipulation as QUIRK. Don't compare his quirk with the real Accelerator with esper power from the Magical Index verse. From what I know, this fanfic is MHA crossover with Kamen Rider and some characters from Magical Index, Macross, and Honkai Impact. It seems like MC knows other anime but nothing about MHA. I will consider this as AU, some things are not the same with canon. === This is not my story and it was written by a Chinese Author, I'm just translating it. Thank you very much for reading! Author: Second Battalion Commander Raw: https://www.trxs.cc/tongren/4024.html === Support and read advanced chapters at: patreon.com/VALRRR

VALRRR · Anime & Comics
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295 Chs


Everyone sat in their own seats, passing the exam papers back one by one.

Renault remained calm as always, and he never panicked during exams.

The first subject for this exam was the Japanese language, and when Renault received the exam paper, he quickly scanned the questions and felt even more relaxed. There is simply nothing beyond what the class learned. There are only about two to three challenging questions.

With that in mind, Renault picked up his pen and began to answer the questions.

The exam lasted for one and a half hours.

After the exam papers were distributed and the exam began, Aizawa sat in his seat and dozed off. Although he was the observer; he knew that his students might have various minor problems, but they would not cheat during exams. Of course, if there were any cheaters, he would discover them since he was not really asleep. And once someone was caught cheating, he would not hesitate to expel them from school.

After an hour, Renault quickly filled out the exam paper with confidence, checking it over from beginning to end before putting down his pen. He leaned back in his chair, closed his eyes, and rested for a bit since he still had a math exam to take in the morning.

Renault's actions caught the attention of the drowsy Aizawa a few minutes later.

However, since Aizawa knew Renault's ability, he didn't interfere and let him be. Renault had already finished writing, didn't cheat, and didn't cause any trouble. What was there to worry about?

Half an hour later, the bell rang, and Aizawa stood up from his seat and said, "Time's up. Stop writing, and the first person in each row, please come up and collect the exam papers."

After all the exam papers were collected, Aizawa let everyone rest for fifteen minutes to prepare for the next exam and then left the classroom to pick up the math exam papers.

Soon, several people who had previously attended Yaoyorozu's study session approached.

"Yaomomo and Renault-kun! Thank you so much. It's the first time I've had so much confidence in my Japanese exam!" Ashido said first.

Ojiro also smiled and said, "I did well on the Japanese exam too. Thank you very much."

"Although I'm not good at Japanese, I feel like it went pretty well this time. It seems like studying is useful after all! Why don't we do this often?" Kaminari smiled and said, not knowing if he really wanted to study or just wanted to have Yaoyorozu's black tea and lunch.

Upon hearing his words, Renault cast a helpless glance at him and said, "If you really have this kind of attitude and don't study properly on a daily basis, you won't be included if there are study sessions in the future."

"Yes!" Yaoyorozu also chimed in, "Renault-kun is right. This time, there were indeed a lot of things happening during the semester, plus we didn't want anyone to miss the Forest Camp during summer break. But if Kaminari-kun's attitude towards studying isn't proper and serious, then I will have to deal with it seriously. After all, I am the class vice president!"

"I know, I know. I do have some awareness in this regard. Don't make me out to be so terrible," Kaminari replied.

Jiro rolled her eyes and said, "You're always thinking about becoming a popular guy. Don't ever try to make yourself look good, it's useless."

"What's wrong with wanting to be popular?" Kaminari retorted.

"It's not wrong, but I just want to tell you not to dream too much. It's not realistic," Jiro replied.

Well, the two of them started bickering again. However, no one seemed to want to compare answers after the exam. They probably didn't want to affect the upcoming exams.

Soon, the break was over and Aizawa returned to the classroom to start the second round of math exams. Of course, it was quite easy. Renault even finished an hour ahead of time and didn't need to check his answers.

Although Quirks were prevalent in society, there wasn't much difference in basic education, making it easy for Renault.

And so, the entire day passed in exams.


Friday morning arrived.

"Alright, time's up. Please turn in your papers," Aizawa announced, bringing an end to the final exam's written component.

"Finally, it's over!"

"At least I filled in all the blanks!"

"Yeah, now all that's left is the practical exam tomorrow."

Taking a break, Renault drank some water and looked over at Yaoyorozu, only to suddenly realize that there was no change in her expression, and she seemed quite relaxed.

"It seems like you're not worried about tomorrow's practical exam anymore?"

The practical exam was not scheduled for a regular study day, but rather for the upcoming Saturday, with results being announced on Monday, followed by summer vacation.

"Tomorrow? It's not like I'm not worried," Yaoyorozu turned her head to smile and said, "I'm still a little worried, but thanks to you, I have some new ideas. Maybe tomorrow will be an opportunity to show them off. I hope it won't surprise you too much."

"Hmm? Then I'll look forward to it."

Before school was dismissed in the afternoon, Aizawa briefly spoke to the class and announced the end of the day.

However, due to tomorrow's practical exam, students could apply to use the school's training grounds for the remaining time in the afternoon. As a result, many students chose to stay and prepare instead of going home. However, Renault was not among them; he chose to go home and had his own training methods.

Returning home and coming to the training grounds, Renault said to Sento, "Let's try something new today. Always sparring with you gets boring."

"So you're already tired of me? That's really a pity," Sento exclaimed, walking to the side of the court and saying, "So, does random opponent selection okay?"

"Sure, bring it on."

Soon, on the opposite side of Renault, electromagnetic waves began to appear, and various blurry figures kept flashing.

After more than ten seconds, a voice reverberated in the training ground.







With a 'Henshin' sound effect, a mysterious and evil Rider appeared in front of Renault, with a red and gold color scheme, and star symbols on the shoulders, arms, chest, and belt.

Sento's expression changed when he saw the randomly selected opponent. "Tsk, I can't believe it's this guy. What bad luck."

Renault was also surprised to see the Rider in front of him. 'Evolto... the villain boss from Build, a formidable existence who destroyed Mars.'

Luckily, this was just a virtual AI for a battle simulation. Otherwise, Renault would have been in trouble.

"Well then, let's see what you've got," Renault said with a pleased tone, waving his hand towards Evolto.

"Oh? You're quite bold, young man. I admire that," Evolto said to Renault.


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