
My Hero Academy: The Childhood Friend(oc x Bakugo x Todoroki x Izuku)

Ella was always the Childhood friend of Midoriya and Bakugo. She was the Tomboy that didn't quite fit in with the girls, lonely and ostracized she met Midoriya and thus sprouted a love for Hero's but she held a secret. so when Midoriya was labeled quirk less she found herself labeling herself one too, hiding the quirk that once lead the world to destruction. As if that was the least of her problems ranging from the son of endeavor who scrutinized her every move to Bakugos random over protectiveness of her. "You have an amazing quirk, and you can make a great hero with it". And maybe it was true. Maybe she could change the way people perceived her quirk.

RedBedSheets · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 5

I was heaving, dots clouding my vision.

"Stop this!", Almight cried as he ran at me. I lifted a reluctant arm fast, clenching my body with any strength I had left.

He stopped, only a few metres in front of me. Although I knew he would stop before impact if I didn't stop time, it was still horrifying seeing something that fast come at you.

I stared at his frozen figure, the problem was Almight didn't know time stopped for him he's still running at me. Neither did Izuku who, whilst carrying large chunks of garbage, kept a blind eye on us.

I moved sluggishly out of the way, my head spinning. Sure I could stop time but it took a while and there was a limit. For now I could only manage 3 hours within a day and Almight was testing it, the limit.

I relaxed allowing more blood to flow throughout my body and then time started.

Almight ran forward as I collapsed.

"Hmm?", he stopped, it was always like that. My ability was tricky like that, it could make you rack your brain for answers, make you think you were halucinating. He spotted me in my usual space, moaning on the floor.

"That's enough Almight. My brain will bleed out if you do anymore", I glanced at Izuku who still determinedly moved junk.

"Well... it is your first day.. so eh- just go home kid", he finally took in my ragged breathing and appearance. Body shaking with over exhaustion.

"Ok..", I exhaled relieved, I looked at the curly head boy who still moved the junk with no intention of giving up.

"How long does he usually stay here?", I knew it was a long time since he was never at home. I didn't get to hear the answer as my phone started ringing.

I hastily pulled out my phone, my mother's profile shone brightly in contrast of the almost set sun.

"Hello, mo-", I got cutt of by her angry voice.

"Do you know what time it is, young lady?!", she whisper-screamed through the phone. My heart beat escalated.

"Did something happen?", she usually doesn't mind if I'm not home for a long while.

"We have guests for dinner, come quick!", and then the line went dead. I sighed, she's always one to keep appearances.

"Izuku!", I called at him as he attempted to push a giant fridge that only occupied one of its two doors. He turned to me.

"See you tommorrow!", I belted out, waving at Almight too. I didn't want to leave. Going home to guests meant putting on a image. One where I get along with my family...


I opened the front door, pulling out my extra keys as quietly as possible. And then proceeded to rush up the stairs, only to have my plans ruined by Bakugo who opened the bathroom door just before I reached for the handle having not expecting it, I was startled.

"Baku-?", my voice was cutt off as he pulled me into the bathroom rather forcefully, locking the door behind us.

"Why did you lock the door?", I couldn't help the shiver of fear that ran up my spine recalling our earlier encounter. Was he angry? Was he going to hurt me? It was as if we were children again..

"Listen", his voice wasn't angry or annoyed like I expected. It was hesitant and unsure, "I'm sorry about our last meeting, I wasn't feeling well- i wasn't myself", he let go of my arm, hand behind his neck, that stretched awkwardly.

"I..", obviously not knowing what to say I stood stunned. Bakugo apologized .. who would have guessed. Then.. I guess it's my turn too. Over the past few months I could only think of one reason why Bakugo acted that way.

"I'm sorry too, Bakugo, I was insensitive. I asked about Izuku forgetting you were a person too", I looked up trying to be genuine but when my eyes met his, both our faces flushed looking away. This was unusual enough.

"Let's forget what happened as kids and start a new life as friends", I said with probably every cell of courage backing me up, because never would have the child me thought that I'd try to make amends to things I didn't break, most of all my relationship with Bakugo.

Bakugo laughed, everything I felt until now fell. It was the same condescending laugh from last time.

"Friends?", he laughed more and then slammed his hand next to my head harshly, "like I'd be friends with a worthless shit like you", he whispered harshly in my face his eyes blazing and I couldn't help but shut mine. Why..? Why am I so stupid to think he'd actually change.

I felt a source of heat move closer to my face but before I could see what it was it was gone.

He had pulled back, turning towards the bathroom door.

"I just wanted to make it clear that i was not myself last time don't go acting like we're friends all of a sudden", and that was it, he left.

I exhaled shakily, my body relaxing in a similar way.

What the hell just happened.