
My Hero Academia : The Symbol of Power

Bakugo is a reincarnate? Not exactly..someone's soul and Bakugo's fused and give life to something new...someone new... His quirk got an upgrade? Because of his unusual soul..he gets some new powers.. Read to find out more and watch him try to become the no.1 hero and becoming the Symbol of Power... Will he be sucessful? Or will he fall short and die early.. ______________________________________________ +Image nor MHA is mine +It gets better as the chapters go and you can see my improvements.

Emmanuel_Capricorn · Anime & Comics
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73 Chs

Chapter : 51 First Event

(3rs POV)

He stood there, nervousness and anxiety void in his face. He took out a piece of paper from his pocket.

He unfolded the paper and read what was inside it. It said 'Just come up with something. All the best future me....-Past you'

He was pissed at his past self but his face showed nothing. That was what he wrote last night after not being able to think up a speech.

He brought his mouth closer to the mic, "I want every student here to know this. This is your time to shine." said Bakugo.

He was just making things up at this point but he was not nervous.

His confident voice resounded the place. "This is a chance you should not let go. Work hard, be focused and surpass your limits."

A smirk graced his face, which was also presented in the big screen. "If you do that, you will surely accomplish the highest possible. The peak!!"

His smirk grew arrogant as he spoke his final words. "So I wish everyone luck taking the second place. Thank you."

The audience was stunned at his last words. The first part seemed good but they questioned if they heard the last part wrong.

He got away from the microphone and slowly walk down the platform.

The stunned audience and students erupted, some in excitement, anger and shock.

"He got me good on the first half." Momo chuckled as she gaze at Bakugo.


"Now without delay, Let us start the first event!!" said Midnight, pointing at the big screen.

"The first event will be...." words appeared on the big screen for all to see.

"Obstacle race!!" The audience erupted in excitement.

"Its an event we always held first every year. What good is a hero if he/she can't reach a destination quick enough? He could be the strongest but it did not matter if he/she doesn't make it in time!!"

"Let the countdown begin!!" The big screen showed a 30 second countdown.

A side of the stadium opened up and Midnight said "The race track will be around the whole stadium, around 4 km. Everything is allowed as long as you don't go off course."

Most of the student got closer to exit of the stadium readying themselves to go out and start the race right after the countdown.

*20, 19, 18, 17-*

"Bakugo, can you give me a hand in the starting line." Ochako came and asked Bakugo with pleading eyes.

Her big brown hazel eyes were undeniable. It would be a sin to turn her down.

"No." Bakugo rejected, becoming the greatest sinner.

Ochako's body shook and her lovely face inclined in a downcast.

Seeing that pulled Bakugo's heart strings,

"Fine, but only this time." he said, and he was forgiven for his earlier sin.

Bakugo was always like this. Pleading and begging him never worked but he always change his decision when he sees a sad face on someone, especially someone close to him or girls.

He felt no oblication to help anyone but in the end, he could not bear to see someone downcast just because of a small request he could do with no problem.

'Bakugo is soft hearted that way.' Ochako thought to herself with a smile.

"Thank you!!" Ochako said with a smile. Most of the students already went ahead for the exit.

"10!!! 9!!!! 8!!!..."

The countdown reached 10 and the audience count along with it.

"Just a sec." said Ochako as she slowly float towards Bakugo.

She swerved around infront, she was a little above Bakugo's height. Bakugo had to look around 60° up to see her.

He looked up, Ochako's round bubly ass was right infront of him. It was like a divine peach which came down from the heaven.

"Grab my foot. And push me when the countdown is finished." said Ochako.

Bakugo grab her feet and she nodded in satisfaction when she felt his hands.

Bakugo could not tear his eyes away from the eye candy. Who could blame him, it was of the highest quality. He was sure that the sight could make any gay man straight, like a hardened dick.

"3!! 2!! 1!!"


'Fuck it.' Bakugo pulled her towards him and his hands instantly found the bubbly butt. His fingers sink into it, deforming its round shape.

Ochako was confused when she felt Baugo pull her closer and her body trembled and her face flushed crimson when she felt his rough hands grope her rear.

*Boom* Bakugo's elbow exploded and thrust at her rear.

"Wah!!" She squealed but she had no time to say anything as she felt herself blast in the air. Flying past all the other competitors and even the ice that Todoroki made to block the others.


Bakugo brough his hand closer to him and made a groping gesture. The shadow of the felling still remained in his palm.

"Why did you do that?" A soft but clear voice came from his side and he only saw floating clothes.

It was Tooru and she had a cute displeased expression on her face but Bakugo could not see it.

"I had to do that. If I had thrust her from her feet, the force applied would make her spin in the air or worse, the foce might even hurt her feet. Making her unable to continue the race."

"The force might make her spin in the air and she would go off course. Not only that she will also get nausea if that happens." said Bakugo, justifying his action.

Tooru could not find anything to refute him. The whole thing sounds reasonable.

In the end she just shook her head with a tired smile and said "Thats a really good excuse."

"I know."

"Whatever, I am going." Her clothes disappeared. Looking like she was starting the race

Bakugo stared at the empty space blankly before he said "I thought you were leaving."

"I am!!" Tooru said with a blush and she really started the race this time.

Bakugo's eyes shone and he made sure that she left.

Making sure she did, he turned to the only person still in the stadium. He got close to her and asked "Are you not leaving?"

"Just a few more sec." Momo replied and few objects drop out from her toned belly.

She was wearing a sport bra that held her giant melons tightly. Bakugo made sure to not stare at her cleavage.

"Done!!" she said and she assembled some parts in a pair sneakers.

She put on the modified sneakers and she hop a few times. Her movements were light as if a spring was under her feet.

Which was true. The sneakers she wore was made for the sole reason of enhancing the sprinting speed of someone.

"Feels like cheating." he commented.

"And you feel like a hack." She shrugged. She guessed the reason he have not started the race is because he was going to fly over everyone else.

She also made some ropes and wore it around her shoulder. She made a pair of black goggles, a wood staff and a few flashbang.

"Well, I'm leaving." She said as she swing her newly made staff in practice.

Then she finally started the race as well. She was like a gazel, each of her step was light but it propelled her to absurd distance.

She covered around 10 steps in a single step.



Everyone had left except him and he looked around the stadium. The audience were confused as to why he had not left but thier attention had already shifted to the big screen where the race was playing.

"Its my turn I guess."

He got in a running position and closed his eyes. The air around him wrapped and twisted before a small shockwave erupted out of him.

Huge amount of flames that covered a quarter of the huge stadium came out of his feet. The flames were scorching but the force it gave out was weak.

The audience stare in awe and they could feel the temperature.

Bakugo focused and compressed the flames at the soles of his feet.

The huge flame compressed to a small blaze that produced absurd force at the soles of his feet, like the end of a rocket.

This was something he learned during the past weeks.

*Boom!!* The sound barrrier shattered and the ground was razed because of the shockwave and heat.

He blasted out, flying away like a human-rocket.

He swerved to the side to make sure that he did not fly in a straight line. He also used his right arm to make sure he did not get off course.

Then he broke the sound barrier for a second time.

He passed through the whole obstacle race in a few second. He passed the other students in an instant.

He was already at the finishing lime when the student heard the sound of his flight.

He landed in the stadium, he slide for few meters and when he finally stopped, the audience exploded in shock and amazement.

"Bakugo have finished the race!!!" Present Mic announced.

6 seconds, thats how long it took for him to finish this 4 km race. He could even be faster if he were to fly in a straight line.

Bakugo looked around and he saw his face in the big screen, it held a satisfied, cocky smile.

And weirdly enough, the crowd absolutely loved it.


(3rd POV)


The sound marked the start of the race.

Todoroki was the first to lead. Not because he was the fastest, but because he froze the ground so nobody else can move.


Midoriya's body started glowing and was followed by streaks of green lightning. It gathered strenght with each crackle.

"One for All, Full cowling 8%." he said and the lighting really came to life.

His step could not be stopped by the ice and he breaks free instantly. He sprint out, trying to take over Todoroki.

He was followed by Ida and others, they were mostly from Class 1, A.

Todoroki made blocks of ice whenever he could to slow down the others. But Ochako unexpectedly flew past him.

His ice became meaningless against her flight and Ochako rolled to cushion her fall on the ground. With tiny blush, she ran in the lead.

Todoroki stop his action and only focused on overtaking Ochako. A few seconds later, he overtook her as she was just running normally.

He froze the ground under her but Ochako avoided it by jumping and floating past the frozen ground and continue running when she reaches normal ground.

"Tsk." Todoroki click his tongue and made a huge wall of ice infront of her. That stopped her but he had no time to celebrate because Midoriya and Ida came from his side while he was distracted, both running at absurd speed.

They continued running until they saw huge robots blocking the path. Midoriya and Ida slowed down but Todoroki rushed towards it.

He froze the robot instantly and moved past them without any problem.

When the others tried to move past it though, the frozen robots cracked and fall right at the them.

"Damn you Todoroki!!" He heard a scream but he did not pay any heed.

"Sorry." he muttered only for him to hear.




Momo soon catched up with the others and passed by them easily. Anyone trying to disrupt her was met with her staff. She also used the ropes to trip other students and even used her flashbang when she sees a fast opponent.

The others cursed and yell about how she cheated but she ignored it.

Life was not fair and she found no reason to play it fair. She took down the ones who were fast before they really gain distance, taking them down like this could push up her rankings at the end.




Tooru did not have any boost in her physical body but what she did have, was stealth. And it was really all she need to become one of the top 10 in the race.

The race was not a normal, there were no rules so everyone was trying to slow down the other.

Everyone's speed is significantly lower compared to their speed if they run the track alone.

But she was free from all that. Forget about disturbing her, no one even noticed her.

She run at a decent speed, undisturbed.

For her, slow and steady wins the race. And her quirk made sure that she stays steady without any interferes.




Ochako cursed as she stopped in front of the ice wall. She quickly moved around it and began picking up speed.

Her quirk did not enhance her body so she had to get creative.

She thought her first act will give her an edge but she was not so sure anymore as she noticed quite a bunch passing her.

She could only hope there are obstacles she could easily do with her quirk. Giving her a better fighting chance against speeding type quirks.

She continued and she soon came across a bunch of giant robots. They were quite slow so it was not too difficult to dodge past them but most students did not have the courage.

The size of the robot was intimating enough to make them have second thoughts. But Ochako was different, she had faced real villains, real dangers, real helplessness, so the robots infront of her was not enough to inflict fear.

Without hesitation, she rushed at them. A giant robot brought its arms down, it was slower than Ochako initially thought and the attack was very predictable.

She dodged it but the ground the robot hit was crushed, the force was enough to leave some coward students shake in fear.

But Ochako had a crazy idea when she saw the slow yet strong attack of the robot.

Instead of running past the robots, she stayed with them.

Two robots attack her but she just dodge them. After a few attacks, one of the robot swing its arm just the way Ochako wanted.

The direction and the angle was just perfect for her.

She then float in her place and braced for the attack to hit her.

The huge arm of the robot hit her side and Ochako felt pain on the side of her body.

But the attack did not do any real damage as most of the force was used to push her forward.

She then quickly blitz past the others and only did she land when she was about to go off course.

She was in the 4th place, she felt nausea but she bear with it and continued the race.




Just then, everyone saw something flew past them from above. They thought it was just their eyes playing tricks at them.

But a proof that it was not just an illusion came after some time, in the form of a large explosion in the atmosphere.



Shockwave spread in the area and students fall down because of it.

Only after a few seconds did the world announce that something flew past them.

Sound itself was not able flollow it, for it was too fast.




Other students were confused and scared but Class A students knew exactly who it was.

They all quickened their pace after that. Especially the leading three.

All Class 1, A had the same thoughts..



'I need to catch up!!'


Author : Add this book to your collection so you can be instantly notified when I realease a new chapter

Yes, I have to, with great reluctance, put a hiatus to the story..

I will return in less than a month, probably.

This story will not be dropped, I have so much more story left to tell and I already have a cool ending in mind...

Thank you for everyone's support, especially from the p@treon..

Thanks for reading this far and don't drop any stones..

That's all..until we meet again, Love ya..




I hate real life and it's problems.