
My Hero Academia : The Symbol of Power

Bakugo is a reincarnate? Not exactly..someone's soul and Bakugo's fused and give life to something new...someone new... His quirk got an upgrade? Because of his unusual soul..he gets some new powers.. Read to find out more and watch him try to become the no.1 hero and becoming the Symbol of Power... Will he be sucessful? Or will he fall short and die early.. ______________________________________________ +Image nor MHA is mine +It gets better as the chapters go and you can see my improvements.

Emmanuel_Capricorn · Anime & Comics
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73 Chs

Chapter : 30 Keikaku Intensifies

(3rd POV)

Todoroki and Tooru had been playing cat and mouse all the while, even though Todoroki could see Tooru's footprint in the water occasionally, that did not help much...

Tooru could just stand somewhere dry or hang herself from somewhere, giving her time before Todoroki eventually lose her position again..

It was like trying to catch a mosquito, its not fast and you could follow its movement but no matter how much you focus, it will suddenly dissappear and appear again somewhere else, breaking your momentum to catch it..

"Enough." Todoroki voice was followed by a cold wind as ice was generated and block a path for Tooru..

They have heard all the sound of the battle and they also felt how the building shook uncontrollably often times..The fight between Midoriya and Bakugo seem to intense..

Todoroki needed to head towards the battle and help Midoriya soon..

"No more running around." Todoroki said as he blocked all the escapes route for Tooru, cornering her in a corner..

He looked at the footprint and saw it unmoving, 'Maybe she is still trying to trick me into believeing that she is not there' he thought..

But he could clearly see her footprint in the small puddle of water.."I can see you fotmark, its no use." he said but he got no answer, she was also still not moving..

He tried to take out the capture tape that they were given when the test begin but he found it missing..

'Did she steal it..was that her plan?' Todoroki concluded, it could not just fall out of his belt..

"Stealing away my capture tape? Do you think that you would be safe because of that" No reply as usual and still not moving..

"Its meaningless"..he felt the whole buliding shook and he nearly lost balance because of the tremor, he looked back for a moment and he heard the screm of Midoriya


"I have no time for this." He looked towards Tooru again and he made a strong ice wall infront of her..making it so that she had nowhere to escape..

Its a cage made of ice..He was sure that Tooru was inside it and she could not break the ice as she is still a normal human, just with invisibility

Making sure the ice was sturdy enough he turned around and run off to the battle..

As he dissappeared, he failed to see the floating ice spike just outside of the ice cage he made..and the splashing of water indicate that someone was running...

Tooru was still outside the cage and she still held on the piece of ice spike Bakugo gave her at the beginning...

What will happen next?



Midoriya propelled himself off the wall and shot towards me..pulling his arm back and gathering all his strength..

The punch came but he switch off his quirk when he was about to hit me..like a feint..

One for All was no more and the attack lose most its strength..but the momentum still remains..

'Intresting...' it was something he came up with just now..

The punch was harder than a normal punch but it was nowhere near his other punches..

I step back slightly and avoid the punch..His arm flew past me and I grab the collor of his costume...yanking him away.

He crashed to the ground and stayed there..not even standing back up..he looks tired and weak..

"Running out of fumes already?" I asked but he did not give an answer..only quick and strong breath..


But then my sense go haywire as I heard a chilling sound from behind..

The moisture in the air froze..the air became biting cold and it bacame winter in the building..

I looked back and saw, white blue....My body got covered in my power to protect me from the incomming blizzard...


Insane amount of ice was formed and swallowed me in their depths..trying to drown me in its chilling cold..

But with my power in my body..It was not cold enough to actually hurt me..

The ice began growing, it became thicker and stronger..I could just explode right now and knock out the one who cause this but...

'I wanna play more' He thought he got me..lets see his reaction when I come out unscratch..

Will be intresting to see his face when I just shrug off his strongest suprise attack..

Hehehehe...I am enjoying this way too much


[Under the building/Basement]

"This is insane.." one of the students voice out..but no one seem to hear him as they are too engrossed to the ongoing fight..

The screen showed Midoriya and Bakugo exchanging blows, destroying their surrounding..

"Bakugo, Todoroki and Midoriya...they are three strongest combatant this year." All Might said as he saw the fight..

"They are just too strong..I don't know who would win." Kirishima said..

Then he look at Todoroki and Tooru chasing each other..

"With the ways that things are going, its hard to tell..in the fight between Midoriya and Bakugo. Bakugo have a higher chance of winning...In the chase between Hagakure and Todoroki, the later also seem to have higher chance of winning.." Momo said as she got into a thinking pose..

"What makes you think Bakugo has a higher chance of winning?" Asui asked with her tongue a little out..and putting her finger on her chin.

"Bakugo and Midoriya may seem to be matching but its actually not.." Momo began giving her thoughts..

"First of, If you remember in the test, Midoriya quirk damaged his body whenever he used it" The others nodded and some made sounds of realisation..

"Midoriya is like a beserker..he is bursting with power right now but he will not be able fight anymore after a while. On the other hand Bakugo will not run out of stamina that easily."

"And in the short exchange between Todoroki and Bakugo..Bakugo seems to be dominating but thats because it was close range and tight space..Todoroki misjudge his opponent power and rushed in, and that was a huge mistake on his part." The others nodded..

"Midoriya is like a beserker, Todoroki like an attack mage and we could not forget about Hagakure..Her quirk is very good at sneaking and that could turn the tide of the battle in an instant. she is the assassin or thief.."

"While Bakugo is like..." She looked at Bakugo who is grinning ear to ear as the fight raged on..

"The Demon lord" she finished..a little unsure at the last part..

"So Manly!!" Kirishima exclaimed with raised hand..

Then the whole building shook violently. The glasspanes shatter and break into tiny pieces. The whole building roared in pain and tremor spread even in the basement.

"Should the battle be allowed to continue!!" Ida asked All Might as the chaos subsided..

"The battle could proceed. To be a hero, you need to push each other and give your all!!. As Aizawa said, you all need to give plus ultra..I will stop the fight if I find any danger." All Might said with a wide smile..

'The students might not be able to see it but I can see it as clear as day' All Might looked at the screen showing Bakugo..

'How he time his attack so that Midoriya would barely dodge it. How he would let himself be caught off guard when he obviously saw the attack comming. Fighting in such a way for Midoriya to read him when his real fighting style is based on pure instinct and cannot be read.' All Might's smile grew wider as he thought about all this..

'He is just training/playing with Modoriya. And from the look in Midoriya's eye which burned with fighting spirit, it seems to be working well..I have never seen him this pumped up.'

"Seems I owe young Bakugo my graditude"


(3rd POV)

A giant iceberg was formed in the side of the building. Its gigantic side was almost half as big as the whole building.

Crisp sounds of cold could be heard but everything else became quiet..

"Haaa..I may have overdone it" Todoroki let out a cold cloud of breath as half of his body was covered in ice....

"Todoroki.." Midoriya said from the side and Todoroki went towards his injured teamate..

" I have dealt with Hagakure. You don't have to worry." He told the boy as he quickly check the injury..It was not as severe as Todoroki first thought..

Bruised and purple finger and a broken arm..His feet and forhead was also injuried from what Todoroki could see

The injury was by no means simple, Midoriya was fucked up badly but.. considering the fight, he expected Midoriya to be more dead than alive...

'They would stop the battle if he is that injuired so it made sense' Todoroki thought to himself before pulling Midoriya up..

"It seems that we won." Todoroki said, his voice was flat but a little joy could be found if you listened carefully...

Midoriya then looked at the giant ice and saw something yellow glowing, then it becomes brighter and brighter "I wouldn't be so sure.." he said with shaky voice..

The glow became brighter and brighter untill a blinding light flashed, followed by an explosion..


Midoriya and Todoroki block their eyes and when they open up again they saw a shadowy figure standing in front..The evaporated smoke filled the the area..

The smoke cleared as Bakugo stood there, his whole body was free from any injury. No bruise and not even a drop of blood..

"You have to try harder, half ass bastard." Bakugo said with a wide grin on his face at seeing Todoroki's shocked face..'Pikachu?'

"Thats not possible." Todoroki stated...his face full of shock. He believed that even his father would have some trouble with a surprise attack like that.

"You think your half ass attack would be enough to stop me? Bitch even your full power attack will not faze me!!" Bakugo yelled..

"Let me tell you something, all the others are giving their best, even Midoriya is pushing himself beyond his limit..And you think you can be a hero when you only use half your power..." Bakugo laughed a very fake laugh even for fake laugh standard..

"Wake up to reality!! You are not strong enough to be that ARROGANT!!? Only I am!!" Bakugo exclaimed..

"I don't know exactly what happened with you and your father but learn a thing or two from Midoriya, he never had daddy issues" Bakugo said as Midoriya let out a confused noise..

"Just give up, you have no chance of winning.." Bakugo told them coldly but Midoriya step forward..his body gathered strength for a final struggle as he looked at Bakugo with determined eyes..

"NO!! we will win this..we just have to hold you back long enough for the time to end." Midoriya said as he got ready to fight..

Todoroki also got out of his trance and get in a position to fight..the ground under his foot froze..

"Hahaha!! Are you sure about that?" the moment Bakugo said that, explosion was heard above them..the sound came from the floor where the Bomb was located..

Both Todoroki and Midoriya were confused..

"You two were already under my genjutsu.." Bakugo had a ominous grin on his face..

*Pooot!!!*"Bakugo's team had secured the Bomb!! THE HERO TEAM WINS!!"

Both Todoroki and Midoriya had shocked look on thier faces..

"All according to my keikaku"




And the keikaku intensifies...
